Examples of the the word, notification , in a Sentence Context

The word ( notification ), is the 4056 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. side effect of discarding packets with bad headers on the spot. In this case no, notification ,is required to be sent to either end node, although a facility exists in the
  2. The Soviet-era" Protista" regulations. Although the rules were touted as a, notification ,device rather than a control system, their implementation has produced many of
  3. Wishes to marry a second, third,or fourth wife. In Morocco, it is the written, notification ,of the first wife and not necessarily the consent that is needed. Polygamy by
  4. The families of the Chinese who were killed received no compensation, or even, notification ,of loss of life. Many of the men who survived did not have enough money to
  5. Establishment of many non-Dutch-speaking religious churches. In 1603,the first, notification ,was made of Jewish religious service. In 1639,the first synagogue was
  6. System is therefore based on regulatory procedures for frequency coordination, notification ,and registration. ITU-R has a permanent secretariat, the Radio communication
  7. Traffic. Intrusive replication is frequent and automatic as a result of change, notification , which triggers peers to begin a pull replication cycle. Inters ite replication
  8. Taken by the Prosecutor under the conditions laid down in the Statute. The same, notification ,is required before the confirmation hearing in the Pre-Trial Chamber to allow
  9. Replication intervals are typically less frequent and do not use change, notification ,by default, although this is configurable and can be made identical to
  10. International incident, as its implementation actually preceded any public, notification ,of such a law, resulting in the prolonged imprisonment of a large group of
  11. Important messages that need to be retained (e.g. invoices; government, notification ,such as tax or immigration) can be kept relatively easily and securely. The
  12. Many unofficial clients to stop working. These users received an official, notification ,from" ICQ System ". *On December 9,2008,another change to the ICQ servers
  13. S interest. Thus, the copyright holder cannot use a non-binding disclaimer, or, notification , to revoke the right of fair use on works. However, binding agreements such as
  14. Earthquake warning systems have been developed that can provide regional, notification ,of an earthquake in progress, but before the ground surface has begun to move
  15. Design principles, feedback and visibility (or affordance). Feedback, notification ,is required to indicate whether the gesture has been entered correctly by
  16. Of the message by attempting a reception, or is alerted to it via some, notification ,mechanism. Asynchronous IPC requires that the kernel maintains buffers and
  17. However there can be no concealment of the marriage as it is regarded as public, notification ,due to the requirement of witnesses. In Shia Islam, marriage may take place
  18. 1993. Kyrgyzstan's withdrawal from the ruble zone was done with little prior, notification ,and initially caused tensions in the region. Both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
  19. These mechanical clocks were intended for two main purposes: for signalling and, notification ,(e.g. the timing of services and public events),and for modeling the solar
  20. In 2008 a private server by the name of ChaosCrusade was served with a DMCA, notification , Founder Electronics infringement lawsuit On August 14, 2007,Beijing
  21. With the C. D. F. had caused havoc to his mental and physical health. " In the, notification , Joseph Cardinal Rat zinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) stated," It is
  22. Spokesperson and lobbyist, contended that" current technology makes real-time, notification ,of overdrafts cost-prohibitive. " The article contended that" financial
  23. Are short or empty instant messages, emails,voice mails, or missed-call, notification ,to indicate availability. In various network multiplayer games, a video game
  24. Platform, arming subscribers with powerful search tools and collaboration, notification , and change-management functionality. *ANSI, in partnership with Citation
  25. Participation and Reparation Section, has many obligations with regard to, notification ,of the proceedings to the victims to keep them fully informed of progress. Thus
  26. For instance if a whale drifted ashore. The large amount of meat required, notification ,of many people, so that it would not decay. They might also have used smoke
  27. A ban of the use of whips in the field, a ban on the flogging of women, notification ,that slaves were to be allowed religious instruction, a requirement that slaves
  28. That they were making a claim for the property by attempting to meet the public, notification ,requirements by publishing their claim in the Waco Farm and Labor Journal that
  29. To break easily into two pieces. This allows half the tag to be collected for, notification ,while the other half remains with the body when battle conditions do not allow
  30. Produce a working model of the solar system. Simple clocks intended mainly for, notification ,were installed in towers, and did not always require faces or hands. They would
  31. Deployed in commercial products have found it necessary to add an asynchronous, notification ,mechanism to better support asynchronous communication. This signal-like
  32. Adds ease to reviewing code. The pastes can be password protected. And use RSS, notification ,to get aware of new posts. KDE Bug Tracking System provides anyone, who report
  33. During game play. An exchange takes place over the substitution line. A prior, notification ,of the referees is not necessary. Some national bodies as the Deutsche
  34. Although Sensing does approach this to some extent in providing voice, notification , The other principle is visibility of gestures, providing the user some means
  35. Prohibit waste exports to any location except Antarctica but merely required a, notification ,and consent system known as" prior informed consent" or PIC. Further, many
  36. Elderly patients. Regulation of living organisms With acceptance of premarket, notification ,510 (k) k033391 in January 2004,the FDA granted Dr. Ronald Sherman
  37. Later asserted that it had been considering a similar system of early Internet, notification , and was surprised to find that Yale had used no password besides the Social
  38. Withdrawal notice was required, and some questioned whether North Korea's, notification ,met the" extraordinary events" and" supreme interests" requirements of the
  39. IMAP to implement push e-mail by sending the entire message instead of just a, notification , However, push IMAP has not been generally accepted and current IETF work has
  40. January 9,1861. Davis had expected this but waited until he received official, notification ,; then on January 21,the day Davis called" the saddest day of my life ", he
  41. Today at Alcoa. Some bodies had apparently thawed years earlier without, notification , Nelson was sued, and negative publicity slowed cryonics growth for years
  42. Caused considerable backlash, as O'Brien had not been given any choice or prior, notification ,of the move. Furthermore, his contract guaranteed him a minimum of three years
  43. Mori, mutiny punishable by death, grieving relatives of dead soldiers and death, notification ,are embedded in many cultures. Recently in the western world, with the supposed
  44. Class III devices generally require premarket approval (PMA) or premarket, notification ,(510k),a scientific review to ensure the device's safety and effectiveness
  45. Been fitted with anti-aircraft guns it was not marked as a hospital ship, no, notification , of it operating in a hospital capacity had been given and, as it was
  46. Congestion Notification (ECN): Defined in RFC 3168 and allows end-to-end, notification ,of network congestion without dropping packets. ECN is an optional feature that
  47. The laying of mines in the waters of another State without any warning or, notification ,is not only an unlawful act but also a breach of the principles of humanitarian
  48. To older news articles. * Submit News—Allow visitors to submit news. Email, notification ,is sent, but the submission is stored in the administrator control panel.
  49. Mark-and-sweep garbage collection does not handle as gracefully * icons in the, notification ,area that have to be hidden * synchronization primitives like monitors
  50. Ten days was accepted by a very large majority. The principle of disease, notification ,was unanimously adopted. Each government had to notify to other governments on

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