Examples of the the word, discourse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discourse ), is the 4061 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Women in Confucian thought Confucianism" largely defined the mainstream, discourse ,on gender in China from the Han dynasty onward," Chaste widows were revered as
  2. Logic. *Asclepius. A Latin paraphrase of a lost Greek dialogue (The perfect, discourse ,) featuring Asclepius and Hermes Trismegistus. Apulian Sphere The Apulian
  3. Wrote vocally in favor of a woman's role in the political process and public, discourse , National suffrage leaders, however,were somewhat perplexed by the seeming
  4. He promotes correspond to the first three steps of the Buddha's graduated, discourse , Contributions Global spread of Buddhism Ashoka, now a Buddhist emperor
  5. To critical psychology written in the United Kingdom have tended to focus on, discourse , but this has been seen by some proponents of critical psychology as a
  6. For their fulfillment in the" end times" of this world. In the Oliver, discourse ,(, ) Jesus applies Daniel's prophecy of a desolating sacrilege set up in the
  7. And the Athenians took to him as a sage and philosopher. His rough and free, discourse ,became proverbial among Athenians as 'Scythian discourse '. Catharsis was the
  8. Acceptable or normal behavior in any situation. Michel Foucault's concept of, discourse ,is closely related to social rules as it offers a possible explanation how
  9. Philosophy—rather than the Christian Kenya—as the antidote for mythic, discourse , By implication, Christianity could appear as a more recent, powerful,and
  10. Whether they are economic, security related, or otherwise) once normal, discourse ,has broken down. Prevalence The majority of modern wars have been conducted
  11. Of large trade surpluses — have largely disappeared from mainstream economics, discourse ,and Keynes' insights have slipped from view. They are receiving some attention
  12. Reaction to new post-structural or so-called" post-modern" challenges to the, discourse ,of modernity. Haber mas engaged in regular correspondence with Richard Forty and
  13. Appointed lecturer on the institutes of medicine at Leiden; in his inaugural, discourse , De commandant Hippocrates studio, he recommended to his pupils that great
  14. Of female writers and the generic conventions of political and philosophical, discourse , Wollstonecraft, as she does throughout her, constructs a unique blend of
  15. All women, regardless of their status, to undermine the dominant patriarchal, discourse , For the general reader the Treasure is appealing because she gives fascinating
  16. Alexander is widely considered occupying a place outside the discipline,the, discourse , and the practice of Architecture. In 1958, he moved from England to the United
  17. The Alexandrian and Antioch schools of ecclesiastical reflection, piety,and, discourse , This long-running conflict widened with the third canon of the First Council
  18. And critics were accused of support from communists. This scuttled the, discourse ,of business ethics both in media and academia. Overview Business ethics
  19. Or Liberal subscribed to for three decades, fixing the arena of political, discourse ,until the later 1970s. Several years after his death, a street on a new housing
  20. Natural birth of the physical body, the other of the water and the spirit. This, discourse ,with Nicodemus established the Christian belief that all human beings—whether
  21. From two Greek words meaning last (ἔσχατος, last ) and study (λογία, lit., discourse ,), is the study of the end of things, whether the end of an individual life
  22. Into Christ is seen as baptism into the Spirit. In the fourth gospel Jesus ', discourse ,with Nicodemus indicates that birth by water and Spirit becomes the gracious
  23. First applied to surgery in the 17th century, possibly first in Peter Lowe's A, discourse ,of the Whole Art of Chirurgerie (published in either 1597 or 1612); his work
  24. Their viewpoints. Moreover, a hunter defends his profession in a long, discourse , Most of the arguments proposed in favor of non-violence to animals refer to
  25. After applying various constraints (medical domain knowledge, common sense, discourse ,pragmatics, syntax ), there is a way to fit those fragments together, one
  26. Could easily sympathize with people in pain. Thus, historians have credited the, discourse ,of sensibility and those who promoted it with the increased humanitarian
  27. Its completion '. Typical of his satire and cynical humor, the book included a, discourse ,on Parkinson's Law of Triviality (debates about expenses for a nuclear plant
  28. And is thus genuine, perfect and pure. Modern history of property rights Modern, discourse ,on property emerged by the turn of 17th century within theological discussions
  29. Monetary Fund (IMF) accord agreed to by the previous government and a line of, discourse ,friendly to the financial markets. Despite some achievements in solving part of
  30. M. Bell Mirabelle discusses Christine’s ability to refute the patriarchal, discourse ,in her article Feminist Self-Fashioning: Christine de Pisan and The Treasure of
  31. Demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic, discourse ,is a practitioner in the visual arts only. The term is often used in the
  32. Was possible and authoritative. They were reflecting trends in research and, discourse ,initiated by Feminists in the academy, although they excused themselves from
  33. Language to meet the requirements of modern political, social and scientific, discourse , " Notes Benjamin Rickets on Tucker (April 17, 1854 – June 22, 1939) was a
  34. 2005. On May 13, 2009,Adam returned to Love line as a guest. During a typical, discourse ,with a caller who was giving short, unaccommodating responses, Carolla snapped
  35. this new set of religious concepts, and taken together, these new forms of, discourse ,lead to the beginnings of Christology, as an attempt to understand, explain and
  36. Or as something genetic or racial (" metagenetic" ). In the internal, discourse ,within American Ásatrú, this cultural/racial divide has long been known as "
  37. Including sociolinguistics, pragmatics,cognitive linguistics, semiotics, discourse , analysis,and narrative analysis. Linguistic anthropology is divided into its
  38. His rough and free discourse became proverbial among Athenians as 'Scythian, discourse ,'. Catharsis was the first foreigner (metric) who received the privileges of
  39. Protective of its public image. The church also became more involved in public, discourse , using its new-found political and cultural influence and the media to affect
  40. Non-logical axioms are often simply referred to as axioms in mathematical, discourse , This does not mean that it is claimed that they are true in some absolute
  41. James Franklin's (Benjamin Franklin's brother) contrarian positions. Public, discourse ,ranged in tone from organized arguments by tobacconist and medical practitioner
  42. Bible, in the book of Daniel. The term is used by Jesus Christ in the Oliver, discourse , according to both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark. In the Matthew
  43. Plan contributed to the rhetorical tradition by counteracting the contemporary, discourse , Rhetorical scholars have studied her persuasive strategies. It has been
  44. Threatens the sisterly bond among women. Christine then argues that" skill in, discourse ,should be a part of every woman’s moral repertoire" ( Red fern 87). Christine
  45. Are special or partial objects. The object most accurately is the universe of, discourse ,to which the partial or special object belongs. #An interpret ant (or
  46. Though comparable ways. According to him in Germany's contemporary public, discourse ," Central European identity" refers to the civilizational divide between Roman
  47. Because his work intentionally disregarded contemporary Architecture, discourse , appealing more through methods consistent with his theories than through
  48. Abbreviations are those who make an abridgment or abstract of a long writing or, discourse ,by contracting the parts,i.e. the words and sentences; an abbreviated form of
  49. Layer rejected atheism, as he understood it, on the grounds that any religious, discourse ,was meaningless. He believed that religious language was unverifiable and as
  50. Remedies for the abuse of such authority. A seminal juncture in this line of, discourse ,arose in England from the Civil War, the Cromwellian Protectorate, the writings

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