Examples of the the word, explicit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( explicit ), is the 4064 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Equally useful, in the case of certain enumerable infinite sets: They can give, explicit ,instructions for determining the nth member of the set, for arbitrary finite n.
  2. Of memory clearly indicates that the ancient Romans were aware of how to use, explicit ,spatial and architectural metaphors as a mnemonic technique for organizing
  3. It to the display (on a single line, separated by spaces) without needing any, explicit ,instruction to do that. (Note that "? " Also has a monodic equivalent called "
  4. Way, to be replaced by a" Union of Egoists" but was not more, explicit ,than that in his book The Ego and Its Own published in 1844. Later, in the
  5. Of Christ is carnal or is necessarily localized in the bread and wine. Despite, explicit ,criticism in the Thirty-Nine Articles, many High Church or Anglo-Catholic
  6. Required to be totally explicit . That is, one must be able to construct, in an, explicit ,and canonical manner, anything that is proven to exist. This foundation rejects
  7. S first-ever petition to criticize and oust the parliamentary leader. The, explicit ,grounds related to Powell's alleged responsibility for poor AD ratings in
  8. Of Newton's laws of motion from a text in which this was never made, explicit , Turing's hopes and ambitions at school were raised by the close friendship he
  9. Could broadly be defined as recreational purposes, but also receives frequent, explicit ,mention as an essential component of his writing toolkit, such as in his "
  10. When there is no natural choice of elements from each set. If we cannot make, explicit ,choices, how do we know that our set exists? For example, suppose that X is the
  11. U has no effect on the state of a distinct variable V. To make this assumption, explicit , one could add the constraint that *if U and V are distinct variables, the
  12. Mentions Bodhidharma in relation to this text. Jingjue's account also makes, explicit ,mention of" sitting meditation ", or taken: For all those who sat in
  13. Rather than with the nine explicit details in the graph. Graph 1 details some, explicit ,relationships between the objects of the diagram. For example the arrow between
  14. Jan Buckley in the seventh part of the comics' series Jaunts: Labyrinth, with, explicit , reference in the plot to Korzybski's" the map is not the territory ". Some of
  15. Represent the phonemes of Arabic, generally making the phonetics more, explicit ,than the original word in the Arabic script. These systems are heavily reliant
  16. The Life of Ivan Denisovich. It was published in edited form in 1962,with the, explicit ,approval of Nikita Khrushchev, who defended it at the presidium of the
  17. Has begun to question such an acceptance. The new era features more sexually, explicit ,and violent films. Nigerian viewers, for example, commented that older films of
  18. Equivalent to the respective Brainfuck commands +,-, <,>, Böhm provided an, explicit ,program for each of the basic functions that together serve to compute any
  19. Of implied relationships as implicit in the picture rather than with the nine, explicit ,details in the graph. Graph 1 details some explicit relationships between the
  20. Is finite, so eventually our choice procedure comes to an end. The result is an, explicit ,choice function: a function that takes the first box to the first element we
  21. In some instructions, but other instructions use register numbers for, explicit ,operand specification. History of the computer accumulator Historical
  22. Point at others to mean themselves, indicating that even something as seemingly, explicit ,as pointing is processed as an arbitrary sign in ASL. Lima and Bellini devised
  23. Is the customary" Hello world" program written in AWK: BEGIN Note that an, explicit ,exit statement is not needed here; since the only pattern is BEGIN, no
  24. Then the Alemannic, but that they gave themselves the name of Sue vi. First, explicit ,mention The Alemannic were first mentioned by Cassius Did describing the
  25. The names of Dismay and Gets and details about the Three Wise Men. The first, explicit ,mention of the perpetual virginity of Mary is found in the pseudepigraphical
  26. Of the Divine Office by expanded choirs of men and boys. This resulted from an, explicit ,addition by Elizabeth herself to the injunctions accompanying the 1559 Book of
  27. Admin creates. It is not transitive and is one way only.; Cross-link trust: An, explicit ,trust between domains in different trees or in the same tree when a
  28. When the city was liberated in 1944. In some places, Camus makes the allegory, explicit , as when he refers to the plague in terms that describe an enemy in war:" the
  29. And allow a mark or word to be made by each supported candidate. A more, explicit ,structured ballot can list the candidates and give two choices by each. (
  30. World events. Paul Krugman's opinion is that because Austrians do not use ", explicit ,models" they are unaware of holes in their own thinking. Ca plan also argues
  31. Been around since at least the early 1980s. Several groups had formed for the, explicit ,purpose of driving non-Muslims out of every Muslim land, at the same time, and
  32. Sun Dagger site on Bajada Butte in Chico Canyon, New Mexico, stands out for its, explicit ,light markings that record took out all the key events of both the solar and
  33. Would not be detectable until run-time in some other languages or would require, explicit ,checks to be added to the source code. For example, the syntax requires
  34. Whole line ($0) matches. FILENAME contains the current filename. Awk has no, explicit ,concatenation operator; two adjacent strings concatenate them. $0 expands to
  35. Symbols rather than words and applying functions to entire arrays without using, explicit ,loops. * It is solution focused, emphasizing the expression of algorithms
  36. Has seemed to be the resulting problem of the Summat," counted there were 4814, explicit , quotations and 1372 implicit quotations from Augustine, more than one quarter
  37. Prefixes for binary multiples). The only significant change is the addition of, explicit ,definitions for some quantities. Specific units of IEC 60027-2 A.2 and ISO/IEC
  38. Its laws or behave differently, but not to pay monetary damages except by an, explicit ,statutory waiver. In some cases, the law permits plaintiffs who successfully
  39. To extend a helix. The helix in art At least three artists have made, explicit ,reference to the helix in their work, Julie New doll in painting and Julian
  40. Or the currency symbols may be omitted depending on context. *In order to make, explicit ,the amount in words on a check, Americans write three and (using this solidus
  41. The view of Article VI that it contains all things necessary to salvation in an, explicit ,sense. Worship in churches influenced by these principles tends to be
  42. Rewritten to admit multiple coexisting instances of the ADT, by adding an, explicit ,instance parameter (like S in the previous example) to every operation that
  43. His Introduction to Semantics (1942,Harvard University Press) writes: If …, explicit ,reference is made to the speaker, or,to put it in more general terms, to the
  44. And then Jews: All these remarks must necessarily be contrasted with Crowley's, explicit ,philosophical instructions in his last book Magic Without Tears. Chapter 73
  45. Asymptotes Asymptotes of many elementary functions can be found without the, explicit ,use of limits (although the derivations of such methods typically use limits)
  46. From Pascal and other languages. It has strong built-in language support for, explicit ,concurrency, offering tasks, synchronous message passing (via guarded task
  47. 1898),was published in Amsterdam in 1898 and dealt specifically with sexually, explicit ,subject. However, most of the hundred copies printed for the initial
  48. Theory). In constructivism, all existence proofs are required to be totally, explicit , That is, one must be able to construct, in an explicit and canonical manner
  49. Memoirs lacks the confession and Hitler's tearful reaction, and contains an, explicit ,denial that any confession or emotional exchange took place, as had been
  50. Connectionless data: Permits service data to be sent without establishing an, explicit ,L2CAP channel. It is intended for use by applications that require low latency

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