Examples of the the word, ballot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ballot ), is the 4053 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Elected to a 5-year term by the Assembly of the Republic of Albania by secret, ballot , requiring a 50%+1 majority of the votes of all deputies. The next election
  2. A candidate is left unmarked and allow the voter a second chance to confirm the, ballot ,markings are correct. The" single bubble" format is incapable of producing
  3. By large margins. In 1960,the Democrats won with John F. Kennedy on the, ballot , but the Democratic electors from Alabama gave 6 of their 11 electoral votes as
  4. S vote (338,261) on the Democratic and Working Families Party lines of the, ballot , Sen. McCain won 10.8 % (41,683) on the Republican, Independence and
  5. Be rejected in counting). Fraudulently adding votes to an approval voting, ballot ,will not invalidate the ballot , ( that is, it will not make it appear
  6. a million. This industrial action was blocked by a court injunction deeming the, ballot ,illegal. A second ballot was held in February 2010. Ongoing negotiations failed
  7. This election had instigated an elimination ballot (similar to a preferential, ballot ,), where voters could select second and third choices. The intent of the ballot
  8. The names of supported candidates are written in by hand. A more structured, ballot ,will list all the candidates and allow a mark or word to be made by each
  9. Mark or word to be made by each supported candidate. A more explicit structured, ballot ,can list the candidates and give two choices by each. (Candidate list ballot s
  10. Separates two groups of candidates, or a single-pair of ranks (e.g. if a, ballot ,indicates that A & C are approved and B & D are not, the ballot can be
  11. The most popular votes (but not a majority, and four states had no popular, ballot ,). The electoral votes were split four ways, with Jackson having a plurality.
  12. Leaguers. Since there was no formal rule preventing a writer from casting a, ballot ,for an active player, the scribes did not always comply with the informal
  13. The membership, being the most favored of 56 alternative names on the postal, ballot ,paper. At the October 1980 election, the Democrats polled 9.25 per cent of the
  14. That Hawks was 'a certain election winner ', Hayden called a leadership, ballot ,for 16 July 1982. Although Hayden defeated the ambitious Hawks, his five vote
  15. She confirmed her bid to be the Speaker. She made it through to the second, ballot ,but came last and was eliminated. Widdecombe retired from politics at the 2010
  16. To be elected by BBW AA members with 10 years' membership or more. From a final, ballot ,typically including 25–40 candidates, each writer may vote for up to 10 players
  17. Can be of at least four semi-distinct forms. The simplest form is a blank, ballot ,where the names of supported candidates are written in by hand. A more
  18. Same (whether yes or no) have no effect on the outcome of the election. Each, ballot ,can therefore be viewed as a small" delta" which separates two groups of
  19. Were established, with final recourse to a party ombudsman and membership, ballot , Policies determined by the unique participatory method promoted environmental
  20. Such as electoral preselection and leadership) are decided by direct postal, ballot ,of the membership. Although policies are theoretically set similarly
  21. Or serious to mandate a 25-years-to-life sentence. In the last week before the, ballot , Schwarzenegger launched an intensive campaign against Proposition 66. He
  22. And Argentina known as" Maletinazo ". *2010 – California's Proposition 8,the, ballot ,initiative prohibiting same-sex marriage passed by the state's voters in 2008
  23. Dies before his fifth year of retirement, then that player may be placed on the, ballot ,at the first election at least six months after his death. Roberto Clemente's
  24. These voters to give intermediate approval ratings, but at the cost of added, ballot ,complexity and longer ballot counts. Multiple winners Approval voting can be
  25. Democratic primary for Grad dick and as a result they removed Grad dick from the, ballot , The Democratic Party then placed Baxley's name on the ballot as the
  26. Lower house, has 36 members elected by the eligible voting populace in secret, ballot ,to represent geographically defined constituencies. Elections must be called at
  27. To reform and simplify the machinery of government. He introduced the secret, ballot ,; advised the creation of the Supreme Court of Canada; the establishment of the
  28. By a margin of 85 % After two previous failures, voters in the city passed a, ballot ,measure in 2000 authorizing a bond measure for construction of a new library to
  29. In 2008,though Democrats overwhelmingly voted (64 %) against the California, ballot ,proposition banning gay marriage, blacks overwhelmingly approved (70 % in
  30. Action was blocked by a court injunction deeming the ballot illegal. A second, ballot ,was held in February 2010. Ongoing negotiations failed to stop strike action in
  31. On electoral reform prior to this election had instigated an elimination, ballot ,(similar to a preferential ballot ),where voters could select second and
  32. From the ballot . The Democratic Party then placed Baxley's name on the, ballot ,as the Democratic candidate instead of Grad dick. The voters of the state
  33. Realities was a special election he called in November 2005,in which four, ballot ,measures he sponsored were defeated. Schwarzenegger accepted personal
  34. Of Regents in 1945 and was renamed Arizona State College. A 1958 statewide, ballot ,measure gave the university its present name. ASU offers programs in the
  35. John Cherry (QLD). Following the loss, the customary post-election leadership, ballot ,installed Lynn Allison as leader and Andrew Bartlett as her deputy. From 1 July
  36. Was elected Governor of California under the second question on the, ballot ,with 48.6 % of the vote to choose a successor to Davis. Schwarzenegger defeated
  37. Fraudulently adding votes to an approval voting ballot will not invalidate the, ballot , (that is, it will not make it appear inconsistent),thereby making secure "
  38. Began to attempt by intimidation what they were not allowed to attempt by the, ballot ,or by any ordered course of public action. " Historians believe the quote
  39. Court. This ultimately would lead to a collapse of support for Democrats at the, ballot ,box in the next three or four election cycles and ultimately losing the last of
  40. Many reasons were cited in the staff report including a developer-initiated, ballot ,measure that was defeated in February 2010 by a margin of 85 % After two
  41. Lincoln's friends promised and manipulated and won the nomination on the third, ballot , beating candidates such as William H. Seward and Salmon P. Chase. A former
  42. U. S. city to use instant-runoff voting for a mayoral race. Adopted through a, ballot ,initiative sponsored by the local Human Rights Party, which feared a
  43. Its league awards. One writer in each city with a team filled out a ten-place, ballot , with ten points for the recipient of a first-place vote, nine for a
  44. e.g. if a ballot indicates that A & C are approved and B & D are not,the, ballot ,can be considered to convey the ranking A C>B D). Uses Approval voting has
  45. A staff member. With National Executive blessing, the party room pre-empted the, ballot ,by replacing the leader with deputy John Coulter. In the process, severe
  46. A second challenge, on 20 December 1991,Keating defeated Hawks in a party-room, ballot , 56 votes to 51. Hawks resigned from Parliament on 20 February 1992,sparking
  47. Ballot),where voters could select second and third choices. The intent of the, ballot , as campaigned for by Liberals and Conservatives, was that their supporters
  48. Approval ratings, but at the cost of added ballot complexity and longer, ballot ,counts. Multiple winners Approval voting can be extended to multiple winner
  49. The streets. During the election, whites are turned away while blacks stuff the, ballot ,boxes. Lynch is elected Lieutenant Governor. The newly elected mostly black
  50. Programs of internal improvements and the protective tariff. On the third, ballot ,Pennsylvania put him over the top. Pennsylvania iron interests were reassured

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