Examples of the the word, sexuality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sexuality ), is the 5223 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Misunderstandings may arise from general lack of knowledge concerning, sexuality ,and sexual practices as well as misconceptions on how one's personal life and
  2. Bar sine; and lost another child when Roxana miscarried at Babylon. Alexander's, sexuality ,has been the subject of speculation and controversy. Nowhere in the ancient
  3. By the notion of hidden fantastical worlds coexisting with our own, the role of, sexuality ,in the supernatural and the construction of coherent, complex and detailed
  4. His writings it is apparently a misunderstanding. Augustine teaches that human, sexuality ,has been wounded, together with the whole of human nature, and requires
  5. A remedium concupiscence - remedy of concupiscence. The redemption of human, sexuality ,will be, however,fully accomplished only in the resurrection of the body. The
  6. Believe that the book of Leviticus contains prohibitions against male-male, sexuality , Some Biblical scholars interpret Genesis 19:5 as indicating that homosexual
  7. Car-crash, the portents of a nightmare marriage between technology, and our own, sexuality , … Is there some deviant logic unfolding here, more powerful than that provided
  8. X5,X6 and various Mini models. Bisexual may refer to: *Bi sexuality , in human, sexuality , describes a man or woman that is sexually or romantically attracted to persons
  9. The BDSM Rights Flag intended to represent the belief that people whose, sexuality ,or relationship preferences include Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and
  10. Adapted Camilla for his 1932 film Vamp yr but deleted any references to lesbian, sexuality , The credits of the original film say that the film is based on In A Glass
  11. Latches of quarter-lights. To Vaughan, these wounds formed the key to a new, sexuality , born from a perverse technology. The images of these wounds hung in the
  12. Referred to the shoot as" a disturbing mix of childhood innocence and adult, sexuality ," and called to" God-loving Americans to boycott stores selling Britney's
  13. A youth from the carnival attempts to seduce Louise, as she discovers her own, sexuality , but he decides she is more girl than woman, and he leaves her. After Julie
  14. To people of the same sex to practice chastity, because it teaches that, sexuality ,should only be practiced within marriage, which it regards as permanent
  15. Wired's defense stands up – much of the new material relates to Manning's, sexuality ,and other personal matters. " Film and television Lamp was removed from a
  16. Films. As with its American counterpart, some manga has been criticized for its, sexuality ,and violence, although in the absence of official or even industry restrictions
  17. That 76 % of American parents want their children to receive comprehensive, sexuality ,education including condom use. Infertility treatment Common procedures in
  18. In 1989. Barn brook and the BNP claimed that the film was artistic and about ", sexuality , not homo sexuality ". The BNP was criticized over a web article titled," Liars
  19. For condylomota, a sexually transmitted disease. The question of how Warhol's, sexuality ,influenced his work and shaped his relationship to the art world is a major
  20. Shaded rooms and provide room service of human" snacks" ( with blood type and, sexuality ,) for their vampire clientele. Clitoridectomy is the surgical removal of the
  21. A social straitjacket – particularly with regard to his allegedly" ambiguous, sexuality , " Parliament Disraeli had been considering a political career as early as 1830
  22. A legion of female and lesbian vampires. Though Le Fans portrays his vampire's, sexuality ,with the circumspection that one would expect for his time, it is evident that
  23. Botanical libraries in Sweden. In 1729,Linnaeus wrote a thesis, on plant, sexuality , This attracted the attention of Redneck; in May 1730,he selected Linnaeus to
  24. During the eighteenth century to the unrestrained and vicious exercise of her, sexuality , " Republicanism Claudia Johnson, a prominent Wollstonecraft scholar, has
  25. An attractive married woman in her late twenties. The film's open portrayal of, sexuality ,and frequent rude humor, as well as the politically and socially relevant
  26. In the everyday life of women ". Wollstonecraft was so determined to wipe, sexuality ,from her picture of the ideal woman that she ended up foregrounding it by
  27. Draw from gay underground culture and/or openly explore the complexity of, sexuality ,and desire. Many of his films premiered in gay porn theaters. The first works
  28. Only in satisfying their lusts. Because the Rights of Woman eliminates, sexuality ,from a woman's life, Kaplan contends, it “ expresses a violent antagonism to
  29. Or insertion of large objects in a presentation of clinical aspects of anal, sexuality , delivered at the 1998 joint conference of the Society for the Scientific Study
  30. Exposure of the female breasts. Many cultures associate breasts primarily with, sexuality ,and tend to regard bare breasts in terms of modesty and decency. Other cultures
  31. Crushed body of the sport scar had turned her into a being of free and perverse, sexuality , releasing within its dying chromium and leaking engine-parts, all the deviant
  32. Rand expressed opinions on a wide range of topics, including literature, music, sexuality , even facial hair, and some of her followers mimicked all her preferences
  33. Some authors perceive Augustine's doctrine as directed against human, sexuality ,and attribute his insistence on continence and devotion to God as coming from
  34. Gay men and women to serve in the armed services provided they kept their, sexuality ,a secret, and forbade the military from inquiring about an individual's sexual
  35. Cora Kaplan argues that the" negative and prescriptive assault on female, sexuality ," is a" leitmotif" of the Rights of Woman. For example, Wollstonecraft
  36. Friendship cannot subsist in the same bosom ". If women are not interested in, sexuality , they cannot be dominated by men. Wollstonecraft worries that women are
  37. Some of these functions relate to arousal or to social interactions such as, sexuality , aggression, or maternal behaviors; but many of them relate to homeostasis.
  38. As well. He did, however,also clarify that the vatican's principles on, sexuality ,and preservatives had not been changed. Scientific and environmental More
  39. Key treatment issues include residential care, job training and placement, sexuality , social skills, and estate planning. Prognosis There is no known cure. Most
  40. Foucault moved issues of power and hegemony into the spotlight. Gender and, sexuality ,became popular topics, as did the relationship between history and anthropology
  41. And camp culture, and continue to feature prominently in scholarship about, sexuality ,and art. Blue Movie – a film in which Warhol superstar Viva makes love and
  42. Not try and compete with other soaps. Todd Scrimshaw began to question his, sexuality ,in 2003,becoming Corrie's first regular homosexual character, after years of
  43. Plants according to Tournefort's system. Linnaeus was also taught about, sexuality ,of plants, according to Sébastien Gallant. He was registered as, the Latin
  44. The crashes of celebrities, and experience what the narrator calls" a new, sexuality , born from a perverse technology ". Vaughan’s ultimate fantasy is to die in a
  45. Inclusion of information about condoms in sex education, saying " comprehensive, sexuality ,education programs ... discuss the appropriate use of condoms ", and " promote
  46. Like her peer Christina Aguilera, Britney equates maturity with transparent, sexuality ,and the pounding sounds of nightclubs ... Where Christina comes across like a
  47. Zine Collection has over 2,000 items, including zines about race, gender, sexuality , childbirth, motherhood,politics, and relationships. Barnard attempts to
  48. World during the 20th century compelled the church to examine issues of gender, sexuality ,and marriage. These changes led to Lambert Conference resolutions countenancing
  49. Chastity, seeing contraception as contrary to God's will and design of human, sexuality , Many Anglican communities allow for artificial contraception, seeing the
  50. Essay, he referred to NAM BLA" as a forum for reform of those laws on youthful, sexuality ,which members deem oppressive, a discussion society not a sex club. " Ginsberg

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