Examples of the the word, uncomfortable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( uncomfortable ), is the 5217 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of animation, the thought of casting voice actors to play his characters was, uncomfortable , He was also unsure whether he wanted to work with an animation team, as he had
  2. S going to happen next that's making ... some European Jewish communities, uncomfortable , " Germany The Interior Minister of Germany, Wolfgang Scramble, points out the
  3. Discomfort when alcohol is ingested: an extremely fast-acting and long-lasting, uncomfortable ,hangover. This discourages an alcoholic from drinking in significant amounts
  4. Sap the powers of the strongest men in the long run. A destroyer is always more, uncomfortable ,than the others, and rain, snow,and sea-water combine to make them damp; in
  5. Few people sit in the middle seat on these trains because they feel crowded and, uncomfortable , It is said one industrial designer for one of New York City's commuter
  6. She could be attracted erotically to some women, the sexual act itself made her, uncomfortable , What is irrefutable is her sexual attraction to men. Nin's first unexpurgated
  7. The F-16. Originally the side-stick controller was non-moving, but this proved, uncomfortable ,and difficult for pilots to adjust to, sometimes resulting in a tendency to "
  8. Designed the aisle seat with a halfback and no upholstery, so it will be very, uncomfortable ,to sit there. They'll move in and take the center seat! " (This seating
  9. Several allies, she is essentially a loner, although this is something which is, uncomfortable ,for her to think about. Other characters Supporting characters *Charlie
  10. Get him to master a Southern accent. However, despite rumors about Gable being, uncomfortable ,with Zukor on the set, nothing in the internal memos of David O. Selznick
  11. The original Game Boy Advance, which had been criticized for being somewhat, uncomfortable ,to use, especially due to an overly dark screen. Around the same time as the
  12. Rapidly upon being cut, and spruce needles are often sharp, making decorating, uncomfortable , Virginia Pine is still available on some tree farms in the southeastern United
  13. If students believe that concepts are being forced upon them, they might become, uncomfortable ,and fearful. A barrier is created by a tone of threat in the classroom.
  14. Is still an active aspect of many church's activities, many religious Jews are, uncomfortable ,with discussing Jesus and treat him as a non-person. In answering the question
  15. Military action, and the lack of equipment and other deprivations made it, uncomfortable , Orwell, with his Cadet Corps and police training was quickly made a corporal.
  16. Causes frequent transit problems among city roads. They may also be somewhat, uncomfortable , since they try to fit as much people as possible inside them. As a standard, a
  17. A dinner with Christie and her husband, Max Mallow an, which became increasingly, uncomfortable ,as the night wore on, and where" The anti-Jewish flavor of the talk was not
  18. The drivers or teams. Earnhardt had refused to wear the device, arguing it was, uncomfortable ,and ineffective. He was not using a HANS device on the day he died of a Basilar
  19. More flexible foam rubber material than the suit from Batman. DeVito was, uncomfortable ,with his costume, but this made it easy for him to get into character. J. P.
  20. Yeoman farmers. Some elements of Piggery opposed this new thinking, and were, uncomfortable ,with the commercial nature of classical liberalism. These elements became
  21. Act One Hart portrayed Kaufman as a morose and intimidating figure, uncomfortable ,with any expressions of affection between human beings—in life or on the page.
  22. That," He looks as if he'd been weaned on a pickle. " Coolidge often seemed, uncomfortable ,among fashionable Washington society; when asked why he continued to attend so
  23. Giugliano. Its angular lines were unique, but raised handlebars made for an, uncomfortable ,seating position at high speeds and also caused steering issues. 1980s Ducati
  24. Costs said he had no hard feelings about the subject, but that he was, uncomfortable ,with it. HBO Sports In 2001,Costs was hired by HBO to host a 12-week series
  25. Whether Hume was a deist, an atheist, or something else. Hume himself was, uncomfortable ,with the terms deist and atheist, and Hume scholar Paul Russell has argued that
  26. God then transferred him to a smaller, female fish, in which the prophet was, uncomfortable , so that he prayed. Jonah's prayer Some biblical scholars believe Jonah's
  27. Order to cushion the body and prevent chafing. It was very insulator and thus, uncomfortable , but its protection was vital for the soldier. Although they are thought to
  28. Because their coarse, hairy vines and broad, stiff leaves are difficult or, uncomfortable ,for animals such as deer and raccoons to walk through, crows to land on, etc.
  29. Or temporary psychosis. Most users find such high doses to be extremely, uncomfortable ,and are unwilling to repeat them. Flanging (speeding up or slowing down) of
  30. Covering it, the rupture itself is not painful, but the drawing up may be, uncomfortable , Magnesium sulfate paste is considered a" home remedy" and is not necessarily
  31. Into the first" Night Waltz ". The other characters enter waltzing, each, uncomfortable , with their particular partner. After they drift back off, the aging and severe
  32. Genesis would seem to require); It appears that both Phil and Augustine felt, uncomfortable ,with the idea of a seven-day creation because it detracted from the notion of
  33. Physically ill and many of her relatives had died. Agrippina had a hasty, uncomfortable ,relationship with Tiberius and possibly with Tiberius’ mother Livia. She
  34. U. S. passenger airliner, accommodating about 12 passengers in a rather, uncomfortable ,fashion. Several variants were also used by the U. S. Army. Ford has been
  35. This period, relative humidity is high, making Fortaleza climate extremely, uncomfortable ,during several periods of the day. Fortaleza's climate is usually very dry like
  36. Yet the public reaction at the sight of breastfeeding can make the situation, uncomfortable ,for those involved. Body image Many women regard breasts as an important female
  37. As" flying bishops" to visit parishes throughout the province who are, uncomfortable ,with the ministrations of their local bishop who has participated in the
  38. Eye is forced to go on to the next sentence. It can also make the reader feel, uncomfortable ,or the poem feel like“ flow-of-thought” with a sensation of urgency or
  39. Tells his new findings to Sandy and the two briefly kiss, though she feels, uncomfortable ,about going any further. Jeffrey immediately visits Dorothy again and the two
  40. Average, humidity is high, and the weather tends to be oppressively, uncomfortable , In the southern lowlands, temperatures average about higher throughout the
  41. Of romantic elements would be required as well—a task that he found himself, uncomfortable ,with. Mrs. Gary then made an offer to take care of the love interest and the
  42. Dubbing can also induce censorship issues, especially if a film's topic is, uncomfortable ,for the country where it is going to be released. For instance, in the '50s and
  43. She runs to open the window, which bothers Gregor. Realizing that his sister is, uncomfortable ,in his presence, Gregor figures out a way to cover himself with a sheet to keep
  44. Some consider etiquette a simple negative ethics, i. e., where can one evade an, uncomfortable ,truth without doing wrong? One notable advocate of this view is Judith Martin (
  45. Legal. In February 2005,U. S. officials claim the CIA was growing, uncomfortable ,keeping Abu Zubaydah in indefinite custody. Less than 18 months later Abu
  46. Two world wars and incredible political upheavals in France, were deeply, uncomfortable ,with the notion that multiple ruptures and discontinuities created history.
  47. Who headed mathematics at Berlin until his death in 1891,became increasingly, uncomfortable ,with the prospect of having Cantor as a colleague, perceiving him as a "
  48. Paradoxes of Translation. Public image Hofstadter has said that he feels ", uncomfortable ,with the nerd culture that centers on computers ". He admits that" a large
  49. That Might Hurt ", Sigplan Notices Volume 17 No. 5,Dijkstra gives a list of, uncomfortable ," truths ", including his opinion of several programming languages of the time.
  50. More to" hardware" );:" bad quarter-hour ": a short unpleasant or, uncomfortable ,moment; mélange: a mixture; melee: a confused fight; a struggling crowd; ménage

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