Examples of the the word, subcommittee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subcommittee ), is the 5225 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chief counsel and 27-year-old Robert F. Kennedy as an assistant counsel to the, subcommittee , This subcommittee would be the scene of some of McCarthy's most publicized
  2. Relationship with the South Korean government. Among its other conclusions,the, subcommittee ,'s report stated:" Among the goals of the Moon Organization is the
  3. Publicized exploits. When the records of the closed executive sessions of the, subcommittee ,under McCarthy's chairmanship were made public in 2003–4,Senators Susan
  4. Operational airframes. However, in testimony before a House of Representatives, subcommittee ,on air and land forces, General Arthur Fichte, USAF,the Commander of Air
  5. In South Korea and then in the United States. In 1978,the Fraser Committee a, subcommittee ,of the United States Congress which was investigating the political influence
  6. National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard for Common Lisp, created by, subcommittee ,X3J13,chartered to begin with Common Lisp: The Language as a base document and
  7. The U. S. fleet comprises 11 super carriers. The House Armed Services Sea power, subcommittee ,on 24 July 2007,recommended seven or maybe eight new carriers (one every four
  8. Papers, that everything was personal papers of Hoover. The staff of the, subcommittee ,did not believe her, but she told the committee" I have no reason to lie. "
  9. COBOL" was made at a meeting of the committee held on 18 September 1959. The, subcommittee ,completed the specifications for COBOL in December 1959. The first compilers
  10. With the first meeting of the American Standards Association's (ASA) X3.2, subcommittee , The first edition of the standard was published during 1963,a major revision
  11. On a 26½-week fetus with Down Syndrome in testimony before a Judiciary, subcommittee ,of the US House of Representatives, where she stated" the baby’s little
  12. Atmosphere carbon monoxide packaging as a color additive, but the bill died in, subcommittee , The process is banned in many other countries, including Canada, Japan
  13. Offered by a former employee of LGT Group. However, the United States Senate's, subcommittee ,on tax haven banks said that the LGT bank, which is owned by the royal family
  14. S findings on Sun Mung Moon, the Unification Church, and what the, subcommittee ,termed" the Moon Organization. " The Fraser committee found that the CIA
  15. From the Army within 90 days. McCarthy subpoenaed Parts to appear before his, subcommittee ,on January 30, 1954. Parts refused to answer McCarthy's questions, citing his
  16. Internationale Du Sport Automobile (FISA),at the time an autonomous, subcommittee ,of the FIA, and FOCAL (the Formula One Constructors' Association). The
  17. To McCarthy's charges, the Tidings Committee hearings were called. This was a, subcommittee ,of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations set up in February
  18. Maryland Stadium Authority, stated in sworn testimony before the U. S. Senate, subcommittee ,responsible for the Fan Freedom and Community Protection Act:" It was the
  19. To legislate uniformity across all of professional sports. The House Judiciary, subcommittee ,met in July 1957. The chairman of the subcommittee , Representative Emanuel
  20. 24, 2008,Lucas testified before the United States House of Representatives, subcommittee ,on Telecommunications and the Internet as the head of his Foundation to
  21. 2700 technical committees, subcommittee s and working groups. Each committee and, subcommittee ,is headed by a Secretariat from one of the member organizations. Financing ISO
  22. A published work. Technical Reports are issued when" a technical committee or, subcommittee ,has collected data of a different kind from that which is normally published as
  23. S Clipper encryption restrictions. * In 1999,as chair of the Senate's, subcommittee ,on patents, he played a pivotal role in extending patents for several drugs
  24. Investigations by the House Un-American Activities Committee and a special, subcommittee ,of the House Armed Services Committee revealed severe cases of ignorance in
  25. Had hoped to use the hearings to discredit him. The Democratic chairman of the, subcommittee , Senator Millard Tidings, was reported to have said," Let me have him McCarthy
  26. National past that we can neither afford to forget nor permit to reoccur. The, subcommittee ,first investigated allegations of Communist influence in the Voice of America (
  27. In intimate conversation with Communist leader Earl Russell Broader. A Senate, subcommittee ,later investigated this election and referred to it as" a despicable
  28. Educators. Eighty-one pages (pages 311 to 392) of the report presented the, subcommittee ,'s findings on Sun Mung Moon, the Unification Church, and what the
  29. The discharge that Parts had refused to answer questions before the McCarthy, subcommittee , McCarthy compared Zwicker's intelligence to that of a" five-year-old child
  30. Tel Aviv, a subcommittee was formed to propose changes to the regulations. The, subcommittee ,recommended that the automatic award of titles be abolished, criticized the
  31. 27-year-old Robert F. Kennedy as an assistant counsel to the subcommittee . This, subcommittee ,would be the scene of some of McCarthy's most publicized exploits. When the
  32. The X3 committee, by its X3.2 (later X3L2) subcommittee , and later by that, subcommittee ,'s X3.2.4 working group. The ASA became the United States of America Standards
  33. To prevent global warming. But that is how my question to a witness during my, subcommittee ,hearing on May 25th is being reported. I simply asked the witness, Dr. Todd
  34. Of the Armed Forces who answered their country's call. " A Veterans Affairs, subcommittee ,later changed the statement to read:" Let all know that the United States of
  35. Brown Matthews (generally known as J. B. Matthews) as staff director of the, subcommittee , One of the nation's foremost anti-communists, Matthews had formerly been
  36. Or USA SI and ultimately the American National Standards Institute. The X3.2, subcommittee , designed ASCII based on earlier teleprinter encoding systems. Like other
  37. And immediately after World War I. In Great Britain, the Whitley Commission,a, subcommittee ,of the Reconstruction Commission, recommended in its July 1918 Final Report
  38. Law, for which McCarthy had voted. McCarthy summoned General Wicker to his, subcommittee ,on February 18. Wicker, on advice from Army counsel, refused to answer some of
  39. Reports on their performance every four years and comments on them. Its, subcommittee ,may visit and inspect countries which have opted into the Optional Protocol.
  40. Standards Association, called the X3 committee, by its X3.2 (later X3L2), subcommittee , and later by that subcommittee 's X3.2.4 working group. The ASA became the
  41. To players without sufficient merit ". At the 1964 Congress in Tel Aviv,a, subcommittee ,was formed to propose changes to the regulations. The subcommittee recommended
  42. Missile is accomplished. *1976 – In testimony before a United States Senate, subcommittee , Lockheed Corporation president Carl Ketchikan admits that the company had paid
  43. Sports. The House Judiciary subcommittee met in July 1957. The chairman of the, subcommittee , Representative Emanuel Seller of New York, argued that the NFL draft was
  44. Refused to do this. But as the controversy mounted, and the majority of his own, subcommittee ,joined the call for Matthews' ouster, McCarthy finally yielded and accepted
  45. Of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan and also advised a United States Senate, subcommittee ,on car safety. Nader has served on the faculty at the American University
  46. That nation's dismal human rights record and opposition to democracy. His, subcommittee ,assignments are East Asia and Pacific, and Middle East and South Asia.
  47. And Howard Baker. Kemp's official role was as the chairman of the platform, subcommittee ,on foreign policy. However, the three platform planks that he proposed involved
  48. In the makeup of the Qualification Committee. Several delegates supported the, subcommittee ,recommendations, including GM Miguel Waldorf who felt that existing regulations
  49. The Westand newly released transcripts of closed hearings before McCarthy's, subcommittee , asserting that these have vindicated McCarthy by showing that many of his
  50. The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and the mandate of this, subcommittee ,was sufficiently flexible to allow McCarthy to use it for his own

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