Examples of the the word, morality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( morality ), is the 5215 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wealth of certain people who should rid themselves of it. This is the ancient, morality ,of the gift, which has become a principle of justice. The gods and the spirits
  2. End to the play and the Wars of the Roses; he also uses it to champion, morality , portraying the" unequivocal triumph of good over evil ". Richard, the
  3. Force as" heavily influenced by the company's dual themes of Christian, morality ,and free enterprise" and operating" like a private political army. " Rolling
  4. In the RUA. Camus was referring to a sort of simplistic, morality ,he wrote about in his early essays, the principle of sticking up for your
  5. Whereas The Theory of Moral Sentiments focuses on situations where man's, morality ,is likely to play a dominant role among more personal exchanges. These views
  6. Solution to the is-ought problem by describing a meta-ethical theory that based, morality ,in the needs of" man's survival qua man ". She condemned ethical altruism as
  7. By a court judgement: his opinions (especially those relating to sexual, morality , detailed in Marriage and Morals ten years earlier) made him" morally unfit "
  8. A Wollstonecraft scholar, explains,“ is couched predominantly in terms of, morality ,". Her definition of virtue focuses on the individual’s happiness rather than
  9. After many years during which I saw many things, what I know most surely about, morality ,and the duty of man I owe to sport and learned it in the RUA.
  10. Existence—and, as a corollary, the demonstration of a new moral philosophy: the, morality ,of rational self-interest. " It advocates the core tenets of Rand's philosophy
  11. In which the act of observing others makes people aware of themselves and the, morality ,of their own behavior. Scholars have traditionally perceived a conflict between
  12. Does call for equality between the sexes in particular areas of life, such as, morality , she does not explicitly state that men and women are equal. Her ambiguous
  13. And Hegel, criticized their logical optimism and the belief that individual, morality ,could be determined by society and reason. Schopenhauer believed that humans
  14. The first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing, morality , and aesthetics, logic and science, politics and metaphysics. Aristotle's views
  15. The only legitimate government—was morally wrong, while the Patriots thought, morality ,was on their side. Loyalists were alienated when the Patriots resorted to
  16. For example, research into the Evolution of morality . In fact, the Science of, morality ,(based on the philosophy of Ethical naturalism) attempts to define right and
  17. Like Richard Dawkins suggest that similar explanations of the phenomenon of, morality ,are given through fields like Evolutionary dynamics - for example, research
  18. Embodying some of his Glasgow lectures. This work was concerned with how human, morality ,depends on sympathy between agent and spectator, or the individual and other
  19. Opinions of abortion may be described as being a combination of beliefs on its, morality ,; beliefs on the responsibility, ethical scope, and proper extent of
  20. Stated Douglas's popular sovereignty theory was a threat to the nation's, morality ,and that Douglas represented a conspiracy to extend slavery to free states.
  21. On the situation. The Wealth of Nations draws on situations where man's, morality ,is likely to play a smaller role, such as the laborer involved in pin-making
  22. Rejection of dogma and doctrine and his stress on the God of ethics and, morality ,and civic virtue, made him the“ prophet of tolerance. ” While he was living in
  23. Moral norms, irrespective of possible divine sanctions. Transcendentality of, morality ,# Moral facts exist. # Moral facts are transcendental in nature. # The best
  24. Addressed his people as his" children ". These inscriptions promoted Buddhist, morality ,and encouraged nonviolence and adherence to Dharma (duty or proper behavior)
  25. 1844,is a founding text of the philosophy. Without regard for God, state,or, morality , To Sterner, rights were spooks in the mind, and he held that society does not
  26. Freedoms via drug laws, compulsory education, conscription,laws on food and, morality , and the like. Many anarchists view capitalism as an inherently authoritarian
  27. Jainism, Judaism and Sikhism, etc., place particular emphasis on altruistic, morality , Buddhism Altruism figures prominently in Buddhism. Love and compassion are
  28. Forms, all aiming to support the claim that God exists with observations about, morality , Its counterpoint is generally the Problem of evil. General form All forms of
  29. Bright noted in his diary that Disraeli" seems unable to comprehend the, morality ,of our political course. " Protection Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel passed
  30. Poirot is a Roman Catholic, and gave her character a strong sense of Catholic, morality ,later in works. Christie wrote little of Poirot’s childhood though in Three Act
  31. Hypocritical and more concerned with public reputation than with actual, morality , Nora leaves her keys and wedding ring and as Torvald breaks down and begins to
  32. Attempts of the Bodhisattva to embrace qualities like self-sacrifice and, morality , While Maitreya (Pale: Mental) is mentioned in the Pale canon, he is not
  33. Of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of, morality , In 1841,he praised the establishment, in London, of the Society for the
  34. To Basics, a government policy slogan portrayed by opponents and the press as a, morality ,campaign to compare it with a contemporaneous succession of sex scandals in
  35. Morality again becomes arbitrary. If God can't control his own nature, then, morality , is again subject to some force external to God. Friedrich Nietzsche suggests
  36. Austin City Council in 1991,their status was deactivated. The argument from, morality ,is one of many arguments for the existence of God. It comes in different forms
  37. That skeptics shut out evidence because they will not be governed by the, morality ,of Christianity ... I am thankful I can see much to admire in all religions. To
  38. Himself a Christian. He retained a strong faith in a God as the wellspring of, morality ,and goodness in man, and as a Providential actor in history responsible for
  39. Fields like Evolutionary dynamics - for example, research into the Evolution of, morality , In fact, the Science of morality (based on the philosophy of Ethical
  40. Moral conversion that generally accompanies the Spanish model. Under Victorian, morality ,the term, used without qualifiers, came to imply a person of low moral
  41. Head in the late 1850s. Disagreements between Abolitionists and others over the, morality ,of slavery, the scope of democracy and the economic merits of free labor versus
  42. Or the fool). 'Fool' in Proverbs indicates one who is lacking in, morality ,and uninterested in correction, not one who is merely silly or playful. Wisdom
  43. Nature. If God dictates his own nature (and therefore which things are good), morality , again becomes arbitrary. If God can't control his own nature, then morality is
  44. Constitution): legality, impersonality, publicity of administrative acts, morality ,and efficiency ... Chile The President of the Republic exercises the
  45. In the Bible to his religious teachers and went against the Christian, morality ,of his upbringing, for instance embracing sex both with girls whom he met and
  46. Points out that these white female reformers were more concerned with white, morality ,than the conditions these morals caused black Americans. Further, she argues
  47. Spinoza as his“ master and model” in understanding the naturalistic basis of, morality , Spinoza's religious criticism and its effect on the philosophy of language
  48. The Tanneries and Rothbard who see an ideological commonality of ethics and, morality ,as a requirement, David Friedman proposes that" the systems of law will be
  49. Convinced that" modern civilization" was actually inferior or the same in, morality ,than previous cultures. The journalist James Cameron visited Nazarene in 1953
  50. He just needs the suit and gadgets, the abilities, and most importantly the, morality , the humanity. There's just a sense about him: 'they trust him ... and they

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