Examples of the the word, payable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( payable ), is the 5216 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Notary public, a justice of the peace or a solicitor. There is usually a £5 fee, payable ,to the person that witnesses the statuary declaration. Electronic process The
  2. A small entrance fee, currently (July 2007) £5.00,with an additional charge, payable ,by those using light aircraft. Anyone arriving at Lundy by non-scheduled
  3. Dollar terms) in cash and three $25,000 ($ in current dollar terms) notes, payable ,every year at 6 percent interest. Rupert and Huston also loaned Free
  4. Insurance,2009 Minimums and maxima shown are per week. No contributions are, payable ,if the person is not in receipt of earnings. Income earned by a student on
  5. Of excessive relief, in effect a form of" succession duty" or" death duty ", payable ,by an heir. *Clauses 4 to 5 refer to the duties of warship, specifically
  6. In 2006 the Norðoyatunnilin between Destroy and Borrow was finished. A toll (, payable ,at petrol stations) of 170 DKK is charged to drive through these two tunnels
  7. Men to marry, the rabbis, in effect, delayed the time that the amount would be, payable , when they would be more likely to have the sum. It may also be noted that both
  8. To" discriminate as between states "; in other words, any such fees should be, payable ,by all accredited diplomats equally. This may allow the diplomatic corps to
  9. Form 123 – must reach Companies House within 15 days of being passed. No fee is, payable ,to Companies House. A company can decrease its authorized share capital by
  10. Second or third place (In events with five to seven runners, no dividends are, payable ,on third place. (" NTD" or No Third Dividend) and in events with 4 or fewer
  11. To the bride's family for the right to marry the daughter, or dower, which was, payable ,to the bride. This required the groom to work for the bride's family for a set
  12. Tax – that produced £60,000; he created a new set of import and export duties, payable ,directly to the crown. John found that these measures enabled to him to raise
  13. In cash. The BOC would make initial payment of $60 million, with the rest, payable ,over 13 years at 6 % interest. The announcement of the sale was also poorly
  14. Without acknowledging any wrongdoing, Aon agreed to a $190 million settlement, payable ,over 30 months. UK regulatory breach In January 2009 Aon was fined £5.25
  15. Reached 21,192 RUR (or $750 USD),while tax on the income of individuals is, payable ,at the rate of 13 % on most incomes. Approximately 13.7 % of Russians lived
  16. Licensing agencies such as ASCAP and BMI. For example, the industry-wide fees, payable ,in 2004 to ASCAP was $176 million. Commercial stations often get their CDs free
  17. In advance of publication. An advance must be earned out before royalties are, payable , And advance may be paid in two lump sums: the first payment on contract
  18. Blood money to be paid for the death of a person caused by another. The amount, payable ,for a Christian or Jew is half that for a male Muslim; but all others are
  19. In Exodus (30: 11-16),Jewish law imposed a poll tax of half-shekel, payable ,by every man above the age of twenty (" rich shall not give more, and the poor
  20. 4 Durhams. The next, middle group (was alpha) must pay twenty-four Durhams, payable ,per month at the rate of 2 Durhams. The employed poor are obligated to pay
  21. No capital gains tax, wealth tax, sales tax or value added tax. Import duty is, payable ,on most items at 12 % The main tax for companies is Corporation Tax, and Social
  22. Pesos (since April 2005 at the exchange rate of $1.08) with a 10 % tax, payable ,to the state on the exchange of US dollars cash — though not on other forms of
  23. The jurisdiction of himself and his manorial court. These obligations could be, payable ,in several ways, in labor (the French term corvée is conventionally applied)
  24. 2 pages 23 KB) on the Fees Regulations describe them as setting out" the fees, payable ,in connection with the services and facilities provided by the DTI in respect
  25. In 2003. The tax break is scheduled to return for assessment year 2006, payable , in 2007. As of September 2010,the state's unemployment rate is 8.2 %.
  26. Off most of the £509 million owed to international banks. The annual interest, payable ,on the bonds – which mature on 1 February 2017 – is approximately £45 million
  27. This amount was a replacement of the biblical dower or bride price, which was, payable ,at the time of the marriage by the groom to the father of the bride. This
  28. Are obligated to pay) each year forty-eight Durhams (of a specified weight), payable , per month at the rate of 4 Durhams. The next, middle group (was alpha) must
  29. The well was drilled in water 451 m deep and a flow test showed that a, payable ,oil column of 53 m was capable of producing over. In February 2011 Rockhopper
  30. A skyscraper may be built when a full color suite is owned, doubling the rent, payable ,for all districts of that color. Even better is the“ Monopoly Tower ”. The
  31. On private land and many car parks. Vehicle Excise Duty, a road use tax, is, payable , on some vehicles used on the public road. Another legal view is that while a
  32. In the case of legacies when the funds or assets out of which they are, payable ,are not sufficient to pay them in full, the legacies abate in proportion
  33. And bets placed for online bookmakers),capped at £425,000 with a minimum, payable ,of £85,000. Import duties are levied on goods imported into
  34. Magna Carta. As time went on, and the value of the estates increased, the rent, payable ,to the Lord became so small in proportion as to be almost nominal, being
  35. Single parents, mortgage relief etc. (Below) Stamp duty is only, payable ,on real estate and capital transactions at the following rates: On purchase of
  36. Willing to bear the burden thereof if by my means the same might be stalled, payable ,at some convenient days. Because Oxford's lands were security for his unpaid
  37. On Form 122,must reach Companies House within one month. No fee is, payable ,to Companies House. Share types A company may have as many types of
  38. 1979,Rosenthal's liability insurer settled with Day for about $6 million, payable ,in 23 annual installments. Rosenthal continued to file an appeal in the 2nd
  39. Purpose of benefiting from the scheme. Withholding tax In addition, no tax is, payable ,on dividends between Gibraltar companies enjoying special concessions
  40. Respectively, and Class 3 and Class 4 misdemeanors being non-jail offenses, payable ,by fines. As first-time cannabis possession is an unclassified misdemeanor in
  41. The retail price of each book sold. Some contracts specify a scale of royalties, payable ,(for example, where royalties start at 10 % for the first 10,000 sales, but
  42. Planned between 2005 and 2007. However, Monaco has high social insurance taxes, payable ,by both employer and employee. The employer's contribution is between 28%–40 %
  43. Countries to renewal fees to keep the patent in force. These fees are generally, payable ,on a yearly basis, although the US is a notable exception. Some countries or
  44. By their GP may incur a fee of €100. In some circumstances this fee is not, payable ,or may be waived. Anyone holding a European Health Insurance Card is entitled
  45. Of the poor and the funding of Jihad. Later, the Kara emerged as a tax, payable ,on land by a farmer regardless of his religion. In addition, various tolls and
  46. By union rules, this resulted in the two men splitting the music royalties, payable ,whenever an episode of Star Trek aired, which otherwise would have gone to
  47. John Evil Masculine and Houdini, in 1964,Randi put up $1,000 of his own money, payable ,to anyone who could provide objective proof of the paranormal. Since then, the
  48. Rate of income tax of 20 %. A tax cap is in force; the maximum amount of tax, payable ,by an individual is £115,000 or £230,000 for couples if they choose to have
  49. Taxes charged to foreign investors. There are no estate or death duties, payable ,on the Cayman Islands real estate or other assets held in the Cayman Islands.
  50. Accounts. Separate account records are maintained for petty cash, accounts, payable , and receivable, and other relevant transactions such as inventory and travel

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