Examples of the the word, grind , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grind ), is the 5221 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Free of, or had a conflict of interest, or had any financial motive, or axe to, grind , in posting about any product or issue. This is seen much less now, and the
  2. From the very soil he painted. A varnish oil medium was used as vehicle to, grind ,his powered pigments into paint and then used to help apply thin layers of
  3. Are antedated forgeries written by later hands with a political axe to, grind , Most other specialists in the field reject this view. At the other end of the
  4. By topic Arts and sciences Food and drink * Constantine I assigns convicts to, grind ,Rome's flour in a move to hold back the rising price of food in an empire
  5. To the male's aggressiveness. Hippopotamus teeth sharpen themselves as they, grind ,together. Hippos measure long, including a tail of about in length and average
  6. Has been enslaved to the word; the most ideal of the Muses has been made to, grind ,the colors for indecent paintings ... (Wagner) makes sensuality itself the
  7. Rock. Since then, Japanese noise rock group Boredom have borrowed elements of, grind , and toured with Brutal Truth in 1993. Naked City, led by avant-garde jazz
  8. Of to mull is smeared onto salt plates and measured. The second method is to, grind ,a quantity of the sample with a specially purified salt (usually potassium
  9. And, in some species, containing stones that the animal swallows to help, grind ,up food. Marching band is a physical activity in which a group
  10. From Japan's protectionist trade policies, and trade negotiations with Japan, grind ,to a halt. Increasing tensions with Japan cause Congress to pass the Trade
  11. Obstructions that may exist or be formed on rails, boxes,and other types of, grind , Catching on a rail can, more than likely, result in a potentially serious
  12. Blake wanted to stir people from their intellectual slumbers, and the daily, grind ,of their toil, to see that they were captivated in the grip of a culture which
  13. The Loaf),and death metal. The Locust were sometimes described as" hipster, grind ," because of their fan base and fashion choices. Silent Green, Cephalic
  14. Their existence in the area include pits in rock formations, which they used to, grind ,acorns, and a shell mound, now mostly leveled and covered up, along the
  15. That if he had as noble a lineage and as an honorable a seat as Fear, he would, grind ,down Loki, and make all of his limbs lame. Loki refers to Bigger in terms of a
  16. A radio),but still has a non-functional fuel gauge - causing it to ultimately, grind ,to halt (fortunately at the correct church!) The Spider was designed by
  17. It dents or perhaps bends, rather than breaking; it is also easier to sand, grind , or cut annealed metal. Quenching is the process of cooling a high-carbon steel
  18. Some strains of metal core. Some musicians have also produced hybrids between, grind ,and electronic music. Powerviolence is a raw and dissonant
  19. North America: Indigenous Peoples of the Americas begin using stone to, grind ,food and to hunt American Bison and smaller animals. *North America: Deciduous
  20. Then processed by a tool called grind to produce the distributed database. Both, grind ,and the lexicographer files are freely available in a separate distribution
  21. Were harvested, women prepared the produce for eating. They used the maul to, grind ,the corn into mash. It was cooked and eaten that way or baked as corn bread.
  22. Incisors are able to crop grass close to the ground, and its molars chop and, grind ,the grass. Since the two sides of the lower jaw are not joined together, the
  23. To aid in digestion: The rocks are washed around in the stomach, helping to, grind ,up plant matter. Fossil gastroliths have been found associated with sauropods.
  24. Mummies possessed healing properties. As a result, it became common practice to, grind ,Egyptian mummies into a powder to be sold and used as medicine. When actual
  25. The cheek teeth of deer have crescent ridges of enamel, which enable them to, grind ,a wide variety of vegetation. The dental formula for deer is: Nearly all deer
  26. As regulation of body temperature and digestion. Animals use their teeth to, grind ,food down into smaller particles, increasing the surface area available for
  27. Tools are more common now: a microplate or fine grater can be used to, grind ,small amounts; a coffee grind er is useful for larger amounts. A frequently used
  28. Artillery regiments than infantry regiments. The Red Army was determined to, grind ,down the advancing Panzer formations with artillery and anti-tank obstacles in
  29. Dwellers of the Southwest deserts hunted small animals and gathered acorns to, grind ,into flour with which they baked wafer-thin bread on top of heated stones. Some
  30. Has historically originated with" thinkers with a social or political ax to, grind ," rather than with the natural philosophers themselves. (see naturalism)
  31. On their country's domestic life and let the propaganda war with the Yugoslavs, grind ,on. Albania and China Albania played a role in the Sino-Soviet conflict far
  32. Swords; a straight, linearly-sloped point has the advantage of being easy to, grind , but it bears only a superficial similarity to traditional Japanese Kiyosaki.
  33. Indonesia); however, these tend to have shorter, thicker blades with a primary, grind , and are more effective on woody vegetation. The Nepalese Kurt is a curved
  34. The term maelstrom originates from the combination of Dutch words male (to, grind ,) and storm (stream); it was introduced into the English language by Poe in
  35. Just like any other machine. If these moving parts are not lubricated, they, grind , together and ruin the fine tolerances required for the proper acoustic
  36. With different profiles, different blade thicknesses, and varying amounts of, grind , Takanashi were not simply scaled-down into; they were often forged in
  37. Castings are sometimes used as an organic fertilizer. Because the earthworms, grind ,and uniformly mix minerals in simple forms, plants need only minimal effort to
  38. Is contacting the edge,it's called a slide; when it's the truck, it is a, grind , Grinding and sliding skateboards started with sliding the board on parking
  39. Equations. * Mortar and pestle, a vessel and implement used to crush or, grind ,materials. * Mortarboard, a flattened type of headwear normally worn as part of
  40. On exhibit ". The Single-O and the Museum Show are usually operated as ", grind ,shows," meaning that patrons may enter at any time, viewing the various
  41. Cutting surface of the knife extending from the point to the heel; (5),the, grind , the cross-section shape of the blade; (6) the spine - the thickest section
  42. The only course of action for one in this position is to dig up the mirror and, grind ,it to dust. This dust must be sprinkled around the same gravestone on which the
  43. Spice can much shorter. Ground spices are better stored away from light. To, grind ,a whole spice, the classic tool is mortar and pestle. Less labor-intensive
  44. Single piece of flat steel plate of uniform thickness (and thus lack a primary, grind ,), and a simple grip of two plates of wood or plastic bolted or riveted
  45. Have teeth along their upper jaw called the maxillary teeth, which are used to, grind ,food before swallowing. These teeth are very weak, and cannot be used to catch
  46. Is maintained in lexicographer files, which are then processed by a tool called, grind ,to produce the distributed database. Both grind and the lexicographer files are
  47. Descend, the authors find that the same or precession process was believed to, grind ,out different world ages, from dark age to golden age and back again over the
  48. Conservative) occur where plates slide or, perhaps more accurately, grind ,past each other along transform faults. The relative motion of the two plates
  49. Symbionts. History * 1632–1723: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek teaches himself to, grind ,lenses, builds a microscope and draws protozoa, such as Varicella from rain
  50. Of art in their own right as they are viewed today. On his palette he would, grind ,out a color collection of neutral grays, umbers, ochre and earthen greens that

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