Examples of the the word, weaken , in a Sentence Context

The word ( weaken ), is the 5222 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Observers as being flawed. Mugabe's political operatives were thus able to, weaken ,the opposition internally and the security apparatus of the state was able to
  2. Of ENSO, by suggesting that an anomalously warm spot in the eastern Pacific can, weaken ,the east-west temperature difference, disrupting trade winds that push warm
  3. Coalition of clergy, conservatives and Slavic parties, Taaffe used its power to, weaken ,the liberals. In Bohemia, for example, he designated Czech as an official
  4. It is believed that at some point the forces preserving order and form will, weaken ,and the world will once again be engulfed into the abyss. World parent There
  5. The Confederacy could bring to bear on the Federal positions would bombard and, weaken ,the enemy's line. Around 1 p. m., from 150 to 170 Confederate guns began an
  6. Both the privileged position and any conflict with those who challenge and, weaken ,it ”. The Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791 eased discrimination of Catholics by
  7. Aims to explain why so many living things and the vast majority of animals, weaken ,and die with age (a notable exception being hydra, which may be biologically
  8. Portugal's position as a country firmly established, Afonso II endeavored to, weaken ,the power of the clergy and to apply a portion of the enormous revenues of the
  9. Encourage their assimilation into white society, but its ultimate effect was to, weaken ,the tribal governments and allow individual Indians to sell land and keep the
  10. Were troubled multinational entities and thus the collapse of the one might, weaken ,the other. The Habsburgs also saw a strong Ottoman presence in the area as a
  11. Almost as severely. But sustained pressure on his extremities forced Pillars to, weaken ,his center, thus enabling Marlborough to breakthrough and claim victory.
  12. Circumcision carried some medical risk; that the operation would be likely to, weaken ,the relationship of the child with his mother, who strongly objected to
  13. Bahrain is pronounced. Pharyngealization of the emphatic consonants tends to, weaken ,in many of the spoken varieties, and to spread from emphatic consonants to
  14. Understand nothing. " In fact, the room can just as easily be redesigned to, weaken ,our intuitions. Ned Block's" blockhead" argument suggests that the program
  15. S way to the safety of Calais however, and delaying battle would only further, weaken ,his tired army and allow more French troops to arrive. Battle Preparation for
  16. Powerful technique that could be used against many ciphers. This in turn would, weaken ,the competitive advantage the United States enjoyed over other countries in the
  17. That would make Him even younger. Grenades' argument is that they would not, weaken ,their own argument by adding years to Jesus' age. Grenades also writes that "
  18. Model could be applied to works such as books and music, not wanting to ", weaken ,the winning argument for open-sourcing software by tying it to a potential
  19. Or vote of misunderstanding and has been practiced by provincial assemblies to, weaken ,the national assembly. Impeaching a president requires a two-thirds majority
  20. Nor nuclear weapons. The general purpose of conventional warfare is to, weaken ,or destroy the opponent's military force, thereby negating its ability to
  21. Could contribute to the failure of two adhered surfaces. Sunlight and heat may, weaken ,the adhesive. Solvents can deteriorate or dissolve adhesive. Physical stresses
  22. An equalizer is a set of linear filters that strengthen (" boost" ) or, weaken ,(" cut" ) specific frequency regions. Stereos often have equalizers that
  23. Of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's possible pursuit of nuclear weapons: To, weaken ,Saddam Hussein's grip of power, Clinton signed H. R. 4655 into law on October
  24. Were no longer influential in the movement. When industry groups lobbied to, weaken ,regulation and a backlash against environmental regulations, the so-called wise
  25. Character notes that it is quite possible the Dale Prime is lying in order to, weaken ,Davros's claim to leadership of the Dales. War of the Dales, like the comic
  26. In 1982. While the Suez Crisis caused British power in the Middle East to, weaken , it did not collapse. Britain again soon deployed its armed forces to the
  27. Name "/IN"> profession"/> His idea was that a Union blockade of the main ports would, weaken ,the Confederate economy; then the capture of the Mississippi River would split
  28. Given the limited budget for schools, it is claimed that a voucher system would, weaken ,public schools while at the same time not necessarily providing enough money
  29. Preventing the cross-linking of peptidoglycan and this causes the cell wall to, weaken ,and lose. Gram-positive bacteria possess a thick cell wall containing many
  30. Food, sealing it in sterile cans or jars, and boiling the containers to kill or, weaken ,any remaining bacteria as a form of sterilization. It was invented by Nicolas
  31. Plantations, railroads,and bridges—hoping to destroy the South's morale and, weaken ,its economic ability to continue fighting. Grant's move to Petersburg resulted
  32. In 1882. The French were still majority shareholders and attempted to, weaken ,the British position, but a compromise was reached with the 1888 Convention of
  33. Neoliberal through progressive) still worry about that, and so they, weaken ,the wealth of the poor to maintain economic growth. Ricardo shows this as
  34. The insurrection. The United States saw the situation as a prime opportunity to, weaken ,the Soviet Union. As part of a Cold War strategy, in 1979 the United States
  35. Liberals in Austria, most of them ethnic Germans, saw their influence, weaken ,under the leadership of Count Edouard von Gaffe, Austrian prime minister from
  36. Or disconfirmation by empirical data will then immediately strengthen or, weaken ,also the primitive hypotheses from which they were derived. ” Hempen provides a
  37. With one's own tissues instead of a foreign implant. TRAM flap procedures may, weaken ,the abdominal wall and torso strength, but are tolerated well in most patients.
  38. Be established, and its ideas discussed, and all the while the Issue would, weaken , Foundation for Immigration B increased the number of ships which, in fact
  39. To reduce the proportion of native populations in receiving areas, in order to, weaken ,separatist movements. The program has often been cited as a major and ongoing
  40. Used against him and the Romanov's by politicians and journalists who wanted to, weaken ,the integrity of the dynasty, force the Tsar to give up his absolute political
  41. Visions, Leto realizes that she is a trap, trained and sent by the Xians to, weaken ,him. However, he is unable to send her away, and she gladly accepts his offer
  42. Of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean # Trade winds in the south Pacific, weaken ,or head east # Warm air rises near Peru, causing rain in the northern Peruvian
  43. Information is exploited in the midbrain by a mechanism that causes synapses to, weaken , and eventually vanish, if activity in an axon is not followed by activity of
  44. From using the area or point. *Preparation fire: delivered before an attack to, weaken ,the enemy position. These purposes have existed for most of the 20th century
  45. The decomposition of the Caliphate into those petty kingdoms would then, weaken ,the power of the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula vis-à-vis the Christian
  46. Cooperation. From the founding of the GDR in 1949,the Communist Party tried to, weaken ,the influence of the church on the rising generation. The church therefore
  47. Acts as a catalyst to cellulose oxidation. These chemical reactions physically, weaken ,the paper, causing brittleness. Indelible ink Indelible means" removable ".
  48. Of hurricanes recurring in the westerlies, although they have usually begun to, weaken ,as they approach the island. It is often affected by these hurricanes, although
  49. Supplied the Americans with money, gunpowder,and munitions in order to, weaken ,its arch enemy, Great Britain. When France officially entered the war in 1778
  50. To personnel, enemy resources are also preferred targets. All of that is to, weaken ,the enemy's strength, to cause the enemy eventually to be unable to prosecute

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