Examples of the the word, virgin , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Testaments); the creation of man by the direct act of God; the incarnation and, virgin ,birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; His identification as the Son of
  2. Was homosexual. When interviewed in 1980 he indicated that he was still a, virgin ,- biographer Bob Cola cello who was present at the interview felt it was
  3. Is not a virgin : if the wife's parents are able to prove that she was indeed a, virgin ,then the man is fined; otherwise the wife is stoned to death. *Purity laws
  4. Publicized comment about my virgin ity ('I knew Doris Day before she became a, virgin , ') contributed to what has been called my 'image ', which is a word that
  5. Only Son, our Lord, : :who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, : :and born of the, virgin ,Mary, : :suffered under Pontius Pilate, : :was crucified, died and was buried.:
  6. The procedure to be followed if a man suspects that his new wife is not a, virgin ,: if the wife's parents are able to prove that she was indeed a virgin then the
  7. The Lord is with you) into" Virgo Serena, pia, munda et immaculate" ( Serene, virgin , pious, clean and spotless),and the diagrammatic answer to Pilate's question
  8. His only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the, virgin ,Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He
  9. Said," Before Abraham was, I am. " Jesus, the only immaculate, was born of a, virgin ,mother, and Christian Science explains that mystic saying of the Master as to
  10. That the Virgin Mary“ conceived as virgin , gave birth as virgin and stayed, virgin ,forever ”. Natural knowledge and biblical interpretation Augustine took the
  11. Mysteries. Demeter controlled seasonal growth and regeneration. When her, virgin ,daughter Persephone was abducted to underworld by Hades, Demeter searched for
  12. Who announced that no respite would be found until the king sacrificed his, virgin ,daughter Andromeda to the monster. She was chained naked to a rock on the coast
  13. Origin while becoming human? * We confess, that Christ the Lord was born from a, virgin , and therefore we reject the natural order of things. Because not from a man
  14. Feminist form of the practice, is named for her. Diana was known to be the, virgin ,goddess and looked after virgin s and women. She was one of the three maiden
  15. Hesiod said was the daughter of Lyon, king of Arcadia, took a vow to remain a, virgin , as did all the nymphs of Artemis. But to have her, Zeus disguised himself
  16. By shooting at trees and then at wild beasts. Wooing the Goddess As a young, virgin , Artemis had interested many gods and men, but none of them successfully won
  17. For thirty years. The main problems were felling trees to clear a path through, virgin ,forest and moving excavated soil, both of which took longer than expected, but
  18. As the patron of craftsmen and artisans. With the epithet Athena Parthenon (", virgin ,") she was especially worshiped in the festivals of the Panathenaea and
  19. To Ambrose is the virgin ity of Mary and her role as Mother of God. * The, virgin ,birth is worthy of God. Which human birth would have been more worthy of God
  20. Knee of her father, Zeus,asked him to grant her six wishes: to remain always a, virgin ,; to have many names to set her apart from her brother Apollo; to be the
  21. Promoting the book, Day caused a stir by rejecting the" girl next door" and ", virgin ," labels so often attached to her. As she remarked in her book," The
  22. Slavery allowed white society to stereotype white women as the pure goddess, virgin ,and move black women to the seductive whore stereotype formerly placed on all
  23. To Islam Diogenes),and he also named the islands of Virgin Golda (the fat, virgin ,), Tortola,and Peter Island (San Pedro). He continued to the Greater
  24. Who falls in love with the virgin , Philia. *Philip: (Greek for" love" ) A, virgin ,in the house of Marcus Locus, and Hero's love interest. *Senex: (Latin for "
  25. Is full of grace. Likewise, he affirmed that the Virgin Mary“ conceived as, virgin , gave birth as virgin and stayed virgin forever ”. Natural knowledge and
  26. Errors" ( language which Jews find offensive); for instance, they denied the, virgin ,birth of Jesus, the physical Resurrection of Jesus, and most of the books that
  27. A form of adoptionism surfaced in Unitarianism during the 18th as the, virgin ,birth was increasingly denied by Unitarians. In the 19th century the term
  28. But one. If we adore him as the Son of God, we do not deny his birth from the, virgin ,... But nobody shall extend this to Mary. Mary was the temple of God but not
  29. Likewise, he affirmed that the Virgin Mary“ conceived as virgin , gave birth as, virgin ,and stayed virgin forever ”. Natural knowledge and biblical interpretation
  30. By female cast as well. *Hero: Young son of Senex who falls in love with the, virgin , Philip. *Philip: (Greek for" love" ) A virgin in the house of Marcus Locus
  31. Inspired a cult of virgin ity. In poetry and portraiture, she was depicted as a, virgin ,or a goddess or both, not as a normal woman. At first, only Elizabeth made a
  32. Catherine would insist, to her dying day, that she had come to Henry's bed a, virgin ,),Henry's interpretation of that biblical passage meant that their marriage
  33. 2nd century is Herodotus of Byzantium. He taught that Jesus was a man born of a, virgin ,according to the Council of Jerusalem, that he lived like other men, and was
  34. Oracle suggested that, in payment for the bear's blood, every young Athenian, virgin ,should not be allowed to marry until she had served Artemis in her temple (
  35. The time. " Shortly before, Spears had announced publicly she would remain a, virgin ,until marriage. But generated some controversy due to her racy outfits. An
  36. Matthew 1:23 interpreted it as a prophecy that the messiah would be born of a, virgin , Another important passage was Isaiah 40:3-5,which imagines the exiled Israel
  37. Christ Jesus was sent by God and that his history is factual, including the, virgin ,birth, the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension. Because of his
  38. Announced the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy plan to harvest the, virgin ,hinterlands of Northern Borneo. Further deforestation and destruction of the
  39. Of verses such as" I came down from heaven" ( John 6:38) as relating to the, virgin ,birth and Christ's mission only, are found in the teachings of: the early
  40. Goddess of breezes and cool air, daughter of Llanos and Period. She was a, virgin ,huntress, just like Artemis, and proud of her maidenhood. One day, she claimed
  41. A shrewd companion of heroes and the goddess of heroic endeavor. She is the, virgin ,patron of Athens. The Athenians built the Parthenon on the Acropolis of her
  42. Provides a recipe for varnish used in etching, consisting of three ounces of, virgin ,wax, two ounces of mastic, and one ounce of asphaltum. By the fifth edition in
  43. Of the Hebrew that the" young woman" is already pregnant and hence not a, virgin , the Greek-speaking 1st century CE author of Matthew 1:23 interpreted it as a
  44. But Day's films did not. Critics and comics dubbed Day" the world's oldest, virgin ,", and audiences began to shy away from her films. As a result, she slipped
  45. That could only be cured by celibacy. They wrote that at the very least,the, virgin ,woman could expect release from the" governance of a husband and the chains of
  46. Committee had rejected major tenets of orthodox Christianity, such as the, virgin ,birth and the deity of Christ, then Graham had violated 2 John 9-11,which
  47. Athena's epithets include, Atrytone (the underlying),Parthenon (, virgin ,), and,Promos (the First Fighter,i.e. she who fights in front). In
  48. Abode of the dead (Hades). There are exceptions, such as the Theotokos (the, virgin ,Mary),who was borne by the angels directly into heaven. As for the rest, we
  49. The resurrectionand the ascension. Because of his special status due to the, virgin ,birth and his pure, unselfish nature, Jesus voluntarily faced his struggle in
  50. Of church and state. Shared doctrines would include beliefs about one God; the, virgin ,birth; miracles; atonement for sins through the death, burial,and bodily

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