Examples of the the word, funeral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( funeral ), is the 5226 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Years her senior. In 1995,when Gonzales died in Las Vegas, Andre paid for the, funeral , Andre's other sister, Tami,like their mother, Betty,is a breast cancer
  2. Achilles' tent to plead with Achilles to permit him to perform for Hector his, funeral ,rites. The final passage in the Iliad is Hector's funeral , after which the
  3. Snake-skin in his bed, near his pillow. In 47,Crispus died, and at his, funeral , the rumor spread around that Agrippina poisoned Crispus to gain his estate.
  4. On the battlefield. His bones were mingled with those of Patrols, and, funeral , games were held. He was represented in the lost Trojan War epic of Arctics of
  5. Its modern meaning. According to Thucydides; Pericles may have declared in a, funeral ,oration: We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man
  6. Massed was buried in his home village of Bazaar in the Panther Valley. The, funeral , although happening in a rather rural area, was attended by hundreds of
  7. S death devastated him, and that he ordered the preparation of an expensive, funeral ,pyre in Babylon, as well as a decree for the observance of a public mourning.
  8. To deny marriage allegations, stating that neither was married. Death, funeral ,and wrongful death lawsuit On August 25, 2001,at 6:45 pm (EST),Aaliyah and
  9. Caligula appointed an annual day each year in Rome, for people to offer, funeral ,sacrifices to honor their late relatives. As a dedication to Agrippina
  10. He has given at least three versions of why he was absent from his father's, funeral , Early adulthood Schwarzenegger served in the Austrian Army in 1965 to fulfill
  11. Gnostic Catholic Canon Missal. The Hymn to Pan would be read at his, funeral ,thirty-four years later. Certain Termites regularly perform the Gnostic Mass
  12. Buried in a simple grave at the Hospital Burial Ground in Vienna. Vivaldi's, funeral ,took place at St. Stephen's Cathedral, where the young Joseph Haydn was then a
  13. De obit Theodosius; De obit Palestinian; De excess Francis Satyr (, funeral ,orations) * Ambrosiaster or the" pseudo-Ambrose" is a brief commentary on
  14. Caught from Alcott two years earlier. Alcott assisted in arranging Thoreau's, funeral ,in the church he had resigned, at Emerson's request. With Hawthore's death
  15. Recognizable to many in the audience as music that sounds appropriate for a, funeral ," according to a Star Trek scholar. Since 1954 when an organ instrumental of "
  16. From active investigation, it was not the first time Hastings attended the, funeral ,of his best friend. In" The Big Four" ( 1927) Poirot feigned his death and
  17. Led an epigraphical mission to the site and uncovered the remains of a, funeral ,lion (a reconstruction was given in the,a publication of the EFA which is
  18. Cathedral, where the young Joseph Haydn was then a choir boy. The cost of his, funeral ,included a Kleingeläut (pauper's peal of bells). He was buried next to
  19. And that the center of gravity was positioned beyond its rear limit. Aaliyah's, funeral ,was held on August 31, 2001,at the Saint Ignatius Loyola Church in New York.
  20. And then in the Capitol Rotunda from April 19 – April 21, 1865. Before the, funeral ,train bore him to his final resting place in Springfield, Illinois,Lincoln was
  21. Julia Caesars. In 52 or 51 BC, Julia Caesars died. Octavius delivered the, funeral ,oration for his grandmother. From this point, his mother and stepfather took a
  22. Of carving-tools, producing a depression of the ribs. The most distinguished, funeral ,honors were paid to his remains, which were deposited in the temple at Passage
  23. The same number for his own shroud. On Monday 23 August 634 Abu Bakr died. The, funeral ,prayer was led by Umar. He was buried the same night by the side of Muhammad's
  24. To Hastings as the Captain left his room. Poirot is buried at Styles, and his, funeral ,is arranged by his best friend Hastings and his daughter, Judith,with Hastings
  25. That Queen Elizabeth was observed walking around happy and healthy after her, funeral , and then interpreted that to mean that they had risen from the dead, then we
  26. City, and was interred in the Enrico Cemetery, Valhalla,New York. Rand's, funeral ,was attended by some of her prominent followers, including Alan Greenspan. A
  27. And his mother. Naomi died in 1956,and she did not have a kaddish at her, funeral ,because there were not ten Jewish men present. Ginsberg tried to have one
  28. Of Nestor, Achilles grieved over his beloved companion's death and held many, funeral ,games in his honor. His mother Thesis came to comfort the distraught Achilles.
  29. And sunglasses. He was posed holding a small prayer book and a red rose. The, funeral ,liturgy was held at the Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church on Pittsburgh's
  30. A. Sarcophagus, which means" flesh-eater" and has the same etymology as the, funeral ,container with which it shares its name: a combination of the Ancient Greek
  31. Came about in 1634,when Cardinal Balding (Medici) contracted for a, funeral ,monument for his great-uncle, Pope Leo XI, the third of the Medici popes, who
  32. Dynasties continued to bury their dead here until Roman times. Many hundreds of, funeral ,styles were removed by Mariette's workmen, without any record of the burials
  33. Corinne, Sappho,Laura, Beatrice and Helen of Troy. Of the cenotaphs and, funeral ,monuments the most splendid is the monument to the archduchess Maria Christina
  34. Associated with dowries, and a common Indian tradition which dictates that, funeral ,rites must be performed by a male relative have led to a cultural preference
  35. And gladly die And I lay me down with a will. Upon the conclusion of Bell's, funeral ," every phone on the continent of North America was silenced in honor of the
  36. Augustus and Castle Sent'Angelo were rifled and the ashes scattered. Death and, funeral ,Alaric, having penetrated the city, marched southwards into Calabria. He
  37. Friend. In" The Big Four" ( 1927) Poirot feigned his death and subsequent, funeral ,in order to launch a surprise attack on the Big Four. Major novels The Poirot
  38. Mare was named Letha. She was also one of two horses driven by Menelaus at the, funeral ,games of Patrols. Aga Khan I (; or, less commonly but more correctly (;)
  39. Would Sid'Ahmed Maya is overthrown in a military coup while attending the, funeral ,of King Fahd in Saudi Arabia. * 2005 – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad becomes President of
  40. To some. Her body was cremated that night on a dining couch. At his mother's, funeral , Nero was witless, speechless and rather scared. When the news spread that
  41. Half later. The Spanish Government ordered three days of national mourning. His, funeral ,was held in Rome in the Church of Santa Maria deli Angel. He was buried in
  42. For Hector his funeral rites. The final passage in the Iliad is Hector's, funeral , after which the doom of Troy was just a matter of time. Penthesilea Achilles
  43. Only accepted by Sunni Muslims. Ships criticize Abu Bakr for forsaking the, funeral ,of Muhammad to attend the political gathering, and believe that Muhammad had
  44. Country. He was to lie here at the last. " While Poirot's actual death and, funeral ,occurred in" Curtain ", years after his retirement from active investigation
  45. The spear and, next to Achilles, the swiftest of all the Greeks. In the, funeral ,games at the pyre of Patrols, he contended with Odysseus and Antioch for
  46. Of the Danube. There the Achaeans raised a cumulus for him and celebrated, funeral ,games. Pliny's Natural History (IV.27.1) mentions a cumulus that is no
  47. Birth to a son, the grand-duke Peter, future tsar Peter II. On the day of the, funeral , Peter sent Alexei a stern letter, urging him to take interest in the affairs
  48. Their belief in the rebirth after death became their driving force behind their, funeral ,practices. Death was simply a temporary interruption, rather than complete
  49. Was in turn placed in a second gold casket. At any rate, Ptolemy stole the, funeral ,cortège, and took it to Memphis. However, more recently, it has been suggested
  50. Were buried by Alexander next to his Achaemenid predecessors in a full regal, funeral , Alexander claimed that, while dying, Darius had named him his successor to

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