Examples of the the word, plutonium , in a Sentence Context

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  1. As fuel (instead of being simply nuclear waste),while burning weapons-grade, plutonium ,eliminates a proliferation hazard. If the aim is explicitly to burn plutonium
  2. Laboratory) of the University of Chicago. Following the lighter neptunium, plutonium , and heavier curium, americium was the fourth transuranium element to be
  3. Traces of plutonium -244 possibly deposited by cosmic dust. Natural deposits of, plutonium ,and neptunium are produced by neutron capture in uranium ore. Name
  4. 0.5 cm2 area, the solution was evaporated, and the residue was converted into, plutonium ,dioxide (PuO2) by annealing. After cyclotron irradiation, the coating was
  5. Existing but recurrently produced decay products of thorium, uranium,and, plutonium ,(polonium, astatine,radon, francium,radium, actinium,and protactinium).
  6. Are sometimes used in nuclear weapon designs as the very outer layer of the, plutonium ,pits in the primary stages of thermonuclear bombs, placed to surround the
  7. And several terabecquerels entered the river every day. By 1957,the eight, plutonium ,production reactors at Hanford dumped a daily average of 50,000 curies of
  8. 241Am,242Am,239Am and 238Am. Americium-241 was directly obtained from, plutonium ,upon absorption of one neutron. It decays by emission of an particle to 237Np;
  9. The critical mass to about a third of that for uranium-235. The" Fat Man"-type, plutonium ,bombs produced during the Manhattan Project used explosive compression of
  10. Decay; naturally occurring uranium and thorium, and synthetically produced, plutonium ,are the most abundant actinides on Earth. These are used in nuclear reactors
  11. Number 61; astatine, number 85; francium, number 87; neptunium, number 93; and, plutonium , number 94. These 94 elements, and also possibly element 98 californium, have
  12. 1949. This was the fifth transuranium element discovered after neptunium, plutonium , curium and americium. The major isotope of berkelium,berkelium-249,is
  13. Nuclear weapons or reprocessed reactor fuel. The mix of isotopes in reprocessed, plutonium ,is not attractive for weapons, but can be used as fuel (instead of being
  14. Of any naturally occurring element. The very heaviest elements (those beyond, plutonium , atomic number 94) undergo radioactive decay with half-lives so short that
  15. The room temperature value for americium is lower than that of neptunium, plutonium ,and curium, but higher than for uranium, thorium and protactinium. The thermal
  16. Source to begin the reaction and increase efficiency. Thus, only 6.2 kg of, plutonium ,was needed for an explosive yield equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT. (See also
  17. Its toxicity is comparable, but slightly lower than that of americium and, plutonium , Americium () is a synthetic element that has the symbol Am and atomic number
  18. Three primordially occurring but radioactive actinides, thorium,uranium, and, plutonium , decay through a series of recurrently produced but unstable radioactive
  19. Established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project. The site served as a, plutonium ,production complex, with nine nuclear reactors and related facilities located
  20. Public in November 1945. Most americium is produced by bombarding uranium or, plutonium ,with alpha particles in nuclear reactors – one tonne of spent nuclear fuel
  21. Is used as the light-emitting material of gas mantles. The major application of, plutonium ,has been in nuclear weapons, where the isotope plutonium -239 was a key
  22. The americium-241 and curium-242 isotopes also were produced by irradiating, plutonium ,in a nuclear reactor. The latter element was named after Marie Curie and her
  23. With neutrons in a nuclear reactor. In a more common case of uranium fuel, plutonium ,is produced first by neutron capture (the so-called (n, γ ) reaction or
  24. Self-absorption of emitted radiation. This problem is pertinent to uranium or, plutonium ,rods, in which only surface layers provide alpha-particles. The fission
  25. Elements. The advantage of the second method is that elements heavier than, plutonium , as well as neutron-deficient isotopes, can be obtained, which are not formed
  26. Directly from uranium – the most common reactor material – but from the, plutonium ,isotope 239Pu. The latter needs to be produced first, according to the
  27. e.g. MOX fuel) is dissolved in nitric acid, and the bulk of uranium and, plutonium ,is removed using a Pre-tape extraction (Plutonium – Uranium Extraction)
  28. Bombs produced during the Manhattan Project used explosive compression of, plutonium ,to obtain significantly higher densities than normal, combined with a central
  29. N, γ ) reaction),followed by a decay, results in 241Am:: \math rm The, plutonium ,present in spent nuclear fuel contains about 12 % of 241Pu. Because it
  30. Washable quantities of californium were first produced by the irradiation of, plutonium ,targets at the Materials Testing Reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory; and
  31. 13.52 g/cm3,curium is significantly lighter than neptunium (20.45 g/cm3) and, plutonium ,(19.8 g/cm3),but is heavier than most other metals. Between two crystalline
  32. The public in November 1945. Most curium is produced by bombarding uranium or, plutonium ,with neutrons in nuclear reactors – one tonne of spent nuclear fuel contains
  33. Plutonium eliminates a proliferation hazard. If the aim is explicitly to burn, plutonium ,and/or other actinides from spent fuel, then special inert-matrix fuels are
  34. Actinides with the highest mass numbers are synthesized by bombarding uranium, plutonium , curium and californium with ions of nitrogen, oxygen,carbon, neon or boron in
  35. Fuel (e.g. MOX fuel) in nitric acid, and remove the bulk of the uranium and, plutonium ,using a PURE (Plutonium – Uranium Extraction) type extraction with tribute
  36. To reach orbit after launch; as it re-enters the atmosphere, of radioactive, plutonium ,in its SNAP RTG power source is widely dispersed. *1965 – The 1964-1965 New
  37. Work with the metal (particularly casting, machining,and storage). A seventh, plutonium ,allotrope exists at very high pressures. The transuranium metals Np, Am,and Cm
  38. Higher than that of the previous transgenic elements' neptunium (637 °C), plutonium , ( 639 °C) and americium (1173 °C). In comparison, gadolinium melts at 1312
  39. Thorium reserves. Even better than Lars, CANDU can burn a mix of uranium and, plutonium ,oxides (MOX fuel),the plutonium either from dismantled nuclear weapons or
  40. The resistivity of curium is similar to that of gadolinium and of the actinides, plutonium ,and neptunium, but is significantly higher than that of americium, uranium
  41. In substantial, primordial,quantities and small amounts of persisting natural, plutonium ,have also been identified. The radioactive decay of uranium produces transient
  42. To that of neptunium, uranium,thorium and protactinium, but is different from, plutonium ,and curium which show a rapid rise up to 60 K followed by saturation. The room
  43. Lars, CANDU can burn a mix of uranium and plutonium oxides (MOX fuel),the, plutonium ,either from dismantled nuclear weapons or reprocessed reactor fuel. The mix of
  44. OH)4,Am (OH)3. Colloids have been suspected for the long-range transport of, plutonium ,on the Nevada Nuclear Test Site. They have been the subject of detailed studies
  45. Or boron. Elements heavier in atomic number than iron, as heavy as uranium and, plutonium , are produced by explosive nucleosynthesis in supernovas and other cataclysmic
  46. Years, it does not appear to be releasing any of its 3.9 kg of radioactive, plutonium , Lovell's lunar space suit helmet is located at the Museum of Science and
  47. Of the transgenic elements—those with atomic numbers greater than 92—only, plutonium ,and neptunium occur naturally on Earth. Name poston1998/> name
  48. Lead, omitting technetium and promethium); bismuth, thorium,uranium, and, plutonium , ( radioactive but still remaining from primordial times); and the 7
  49. Berkelium is produced by bombarding lighter actinides' uranium (238U) or, plutonium ,(239Pu) with neutrons in a nuclear reactor. In a more common case of uranium
  50. Ivy Mike, ( 1 November 1952,Eniwetok Atoll),beside einsteinium, fermium, plutonium , and americium also revealed isotopes of berkelium, californium and curium, in

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