Examples of the the word, undesirable , in a Sentence Context
The word ( undesirable ), is the 9111 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Way but produces graphite dust, requir sharpening, and is erasable, making it, undesirable ,or unsuitable for use in some situations. Standards The International
- The resulting concrete having reduced quality. The use of an aggregate with an, undesirable ,gradation can result in a very harsh mix design with a very low slump, which
- And Law, the drawback of these transformations is that they can lead to an, undesirable ,bloat in grammar size. Using | G | to denote the size of the original grammar G
- Bulgaria, and Montenegro became known as the Balkan League; its existence was, undesirable ,for all the Great Powers. The league was loose at best, though a secret liaison
- Up below from their most recent Manifesto: *The BNP rejects ID cards as an, undesirable ,representation of the surveillance society. *The BNP will oppose the intrusion
- Improves cardiac risk, although improved sugar control appears to decrease other, undesirable ,problems like kidney failure and blindness. Some recommend a diet rich in
- Prison cell in which many died. Expressions * A blacklist is a list of, undesirable ,persons or entities (to be placed on the list is to be" blacklisted" ). *
- Jewish products. " Jewish products and manufactured goods shall be considered, undesirable ,to the Arab countries. " All Arab" institutions, organizations,merchants
- Referred to as" weenies ", and is considered by most breeders to be, undesirable , A full-grown standard dachshund averages to, while the miniature variety
- Concerns of both nations' military leaders, and other concerns for hordes of, undesirable ,tourists who would disrupt English habits of living. In 1955,defense arguments
- Large or difficult pours where partial setting before the pour is complete is, undesirable , Typical polyol retarders are sugar, sucrose,sodium gluconate, glucose,citric
- Condoms reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, which some thought immoral or, undesirable ,for the nation; they do not provide full protection against sexually
- During casting) doesn’t follow the shape of the crankshaft (which is, undesirable ,), this is usually not a problem since higher quality steels which normally are
- Arm. Machine vision is also heavily used in agricultural process to remove, undesirable ,foodstuff from bulk material, a process called optical sorting. Military
- Demand, some places booked Wills any time he had an opening, regardless of how, undesirable ,the date. The manager of a popular auditorium in the LA Basin town of
- On megaton scale annually both as valued intermediates but sometimes as, undesirable ,pollutants. Occurrence In nature, chlorine is found primarily as the chloride
- Frontiers, and hence from the armies and the Imperial courts, and it offered an, undesirable ,playground for disaffected politicians. Yet it had been the capital of the
- Harmonic and below the Nyquist frequency, Fs/2. The DC term is generally, undesirable ,in audio synthesis, so the a0 term can be removed. Introducing time varying
- Analyte in the calibration standard and in the sample. Ionization is generally, undesirable , as it reduces the number of atoms that is available for measurement, i. e.
- Strong enough to significantly damage moving parts, cavitation is usually an, undesirable ,phenomenon. It is specifically avoided in the design of machines such as
- Transmission via aerosolized respiratory droplets. This feature can be, undesirable , as the agent (s) may be transmitted by this mechanism to unintended
- Americium isotopes, mostly 241Am and 243Am. Their prolonged radioactivity is, undesirable ,for the disposal, and therefore americium, together with other long-lived
- Is very low in cholesterol and sugars, but cheap preparation can introduce, undesirable ,amounts of heavy metals. The" sea wasp" Chiron flicker has been described
- Acids under conditions of elevated temperature or high pH. This makes aspartame, undesirable ,as a baking sweetener, and prone to degradation in products hosting a high pH
- A number of features of C which Walter Bright (the designer of D) considered, undesirable , including the C preprocessor and digraphs. Some, but not all, of D's
- Among some pioneers in the field of quantum mechanics that it is, undesirable ,to posit anything that goes beyond the mathematical formulae and the kinds of
- Caste if they led an immoral life. Thus, it was thought that those who served, undesirable ,functions, like the untouchables, deserved their lot, because of their past
- Were discontinued and two new classifications were created:" general" and ", undesirable ,". Under such a system, a service member found to be gay but who had not
- Propagated the slavery of spirit to flesh, hence procreation was considered, undesirable , Informal relationships were considered preferable to marriage among Cathay
- For this reason, many people have put forward the idea that democracy is, undesirable ,for a developing country in which economic growth and the reduction of poverty
- Capsicum Oleo resin, which gives off a repugnant odor, making the fecal matter, undesirable ,to the dog. In human beings Sexual aspects Some coprophilia engage in this
- Had certain limitations in contrast to call-by-reference, making it an, undesirable ,feature in imperative language design. For example, it is impossible in ALGOL
- Algae, and other microbes) and they therefore prevent biofouling (i.e.,the, undesirable ,accumulation, adhesion,and growth of microorganisms, plants,algae, tubeworms
- Just one device on the cable, this results in an unused stub of cable, which is, undesirable ,for physical convenience and electrical reasons. The stub causes signal
- The risk of another heart attack or of the death of cardiac tissue. The main, undesirable ,side effects of aspirin taken by mouth are gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach
- Such as silicon wafers. Cavitation damage Cavitation is, in many cases,an, undesirable ,occurrence. In devices such as propellers and pumps, cavitation causes a great
- Of certain words. For example, the word" weed" can be interpreted as an, undesirable ,plant in your yard, or as a euphemism for marijuana. Syntactical Noise:
- As early as 7 weeks to limit unwanted reproduction. This surgery also prevents, undesirable ,sex-related behavior, such as aggression, territory marking (spraying urine)
- The latter has a long half-life, of 351 years, and is therefore, undesirable ,in the disposal products. Synthesis and extraction Preparation of isotopes
- Powerful enough to give the player a long-term edge in the game, making them an, undesirable ,customer for the casino and leading to ejection or blacklisting if they are
- Variable can be made to point to any arbitrary location, which can cause, undesirable ,effects. Although properly-used pointers point to safe places, they can be made
- As the effects of pH level change can stimulate the continued leaching of, undesirable ,chemicals into otherwise pristine water sources, killing off vulnerable insect
- Under Section 27 (9) of the Companies Act 1976,because,“ it was considered, undesirable ,that the disclosure requirements should apply to certain categories of
- Tonnes are produced this way annually. Its presence in ethylene is usually, undesirable ,because of its explosive character and its ability to poison Ziegler-Natta
- Products during cocaine use enhances the euphoria. This, however,may have, undesirable ,consequences, such as uncontrollable chain-smoking during cocaine use (even
- The government said this demand was overwhelmingly impractical and politically, undesirable , The conflict turned into violence, and the assembly was moved to a military
- Such as:: * using aversive techniques (which produce escape and avoidance and, undesirable ,emotional effects);: * relying on telling and explaining (" Unfortunately, a
- According to the argument, is manifested in the form of attribution of, undesirable ,characteristics of the self to the conspirators. Richard Hofstadter, in his
- Name temporarily changed from DSB Station to AZ Station, as it was considered, undesirable ,that the stadium was linked with a non-existent bank. In February 2010 a new
- Of how much noise is introduced in the amplification process. Noise is an, undesirable ,but inevitable product of the electronic devices and components; also, much
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