Examples of the the word, reopen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reopen ), is the 9113 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Brazil * Brazil was the first Latin American country to, reopen ,its embassy in Iraq since the 1991 Gulf War. * Both countries are full members
  2. Washington could not know that after Yorktown the British would not, reopen ,hostilities. They still had 26,000 troops occupying New York City, Charleston
  3. Preserved dock machinery, closed in October 2006 for rebuilding and plans to, reopen ,in 2011 as the Museum of Bristol. The City Museum also runs three preserved
  4. Of high taxes, and colonial interests and merchants called on the government to, reopen ,trade with the U. S. by ending the war. Negotiations and peace Britain, which
  5. Vehicle near Santa Lucia station, and it's unknown when the line will, reopen , Finally, a line still runs from Porto to Lisbon main line at Spin to
  6. King was thereafter given 15 days to vacate the Narayanhiti Royal Palace, to, reopen , it as a public museum. Until he was asked to move out of it. Now it has been
  7. Purchase of the Generation Club in Greenwich Village. Their initial plans to, reopen ,the club were scrapped when the pair decided that the investment would serve
  8. Two years later, in 1927,the Mausoleum of Melania in Kenya was allowed to, reopen ,as a Museum. In the 1950s,the Turkish government began allowing the Whirling
  9. Somalia in Addis Ababa. In 2011,the Turkish government announced that it would, reopen ,its embassy in Somalia. The Somalian federal government also maintains an
  10. Is currently closed whilst undergoing extensive refurbishment. It is due to, reopen ,in December 2011 The Museum also runs St Nicholas Priory which is just off Fore
  11. The 2011 Egyptian revolution, the United States announced that it would, reopen ,formal diplomatic channels with the group, with whom it had suspended
  12. Debatable since the smallest of the close confinement boxes caused his wound to, reopen ,and begin to bleed again. Indeed, John Kyriakos, a CIA officer who had seen the
  13. Him archbishop of Bordeaux in 1297. Meanwhile, Philip IV's lawyers pressed to, reopen ,Nogaret's charges of heresy against the late Boniface VIII that had circulated
  14. To June 28, 2004 ordered protection of the zoo and U. S. engineers helped to, reopen ,the facility. Administrative divisions The city of Baghdad has 89 official
  15. Feud. The lawyer called on Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to, reopen ,the investigation into Arafat's death. " Aftermath Funeral On 11 November, a
  16. October–December * October 13 – Panic of 1857: New York banks close and do not, reopen ,until December 12. * October 24 – Sheffield F. C., the world's first
  17. In the conspiracy. Hayer's statements failed to convince authorities to, reopen ,their investigation of the murder. Some, including the Sheila family, have
  18. On November 4,1979. * April 10 – Spain and the United Kingdom agree to, reopen ,the border between Gibraltar and Spain, closed since 1969. ** Samuel Canyon Doe
  19. Clarke said in an interview to the BBC that the Conservative party would not, reopen ,negotiations on the Lisbon Treaty if the Irish backed it in a new referendum
  20. He had received permission in 1876 to continue excavation, Schliemann did not, reopen ,the dig at Troy until 1878–1879,after another excavation in Ithaca designed to
  21. Authorized the reopen ing of the newspaper and the radio, but they could not, reopen ,due to economic difficulties. Judicial procedure 18/98 has many ramifications
  22. Definitively, ending the Byzantine presence in northern Italy. He decided to, reopen ,struggles against the Pope, who was supporting the dukes of Soweto and
  23. Cashiered his ineffectual puppet emperor after eleven months and again tried to, reopen ,negotiations with Honors. These negotiations might have succeeded had it not
  24. Lobby. Sections of the Marion line still survive and there are plans to, reopen ,the southern part (Koropi-Lavrion) as an electrified standard gauge suburban
  25. Areas in the vicinity of the World Trade Center site. He moved quickly to, reopen ,Wall Street, and it was reopen ed on September 17. In the first month after the
  26. Theater. Washington could not know that after Yorktown the British would not, reopen ,hostilities. They still had 26,000 troops occupying New York City, Charleston
  27. Is dedicated to dance productions. The Library Theatre closed in 2010,and will, reopen ,in 2014 in a new custom-built arts complex it will share with Corner house.
  28. Decision makers and other resources to provide emergency supplies and, reopen ,stores well before FEMA began its response. While the company was overall
  29. Primary Stages production. According to the show's website, it is scheduled to, reopen ,for an open-ended commercial run in the Fall of 2011. In 2011 the production
  30. NR.500453: Flying Heritage Collection, Arlington,Washington, USA,scheduled to, reopen ,in Everett, Washington in Summer 2008,currently under restoration in England.;
  31. State, must be recognized by the courts of other states; state courts may not, reopen ,cases which have been conclusively decided by the courts of another state.
  32. The two countries signed the necessary documents to restore formal ties and, reopen ,embassies.6 The People's Republic of China consequently severed ties two weeks
  33. At this, the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department decided to, reopen ,their case against the five integrated studios. Paramount also had a monopoly
  34. Has arisen over the relative ethical merits of these options. This may, reopen ,classic debates of normative ethics framed in new (highly technical) terms.
  35. Government in Baghdad. But al-Hakim said he believes that it was too early to, reopen ,the Kuwaiti embassy in Baghdad and that this issue should wait until security
  36. Has identified a further cause of friction in Richard's intention to, reopen ,an old land dispute that involved Thomas Stanley and the Harrington family.
  37. During World War II and the Cold War. As early as 1939,Joseph Stalin sought to, reopen ,the Straits Question and proposed joint Turkish and Soviet control of the
  38. The populace. President Obiang's rule, during which schools were permitted to, reopen ,and primary education expanded, and public utilities and roads restored
  39. Of Archaeology in Jerusalem (BSA),Kenyon was involved in the efforts to, reopen ,the School after the hiatus of the Second World War. In January 1951 she
  40. The vocal folds are closed for a short period of time. When the folds, reopen ,the pressure under the folds is released. These changes in pressure form the
  41. From the center and includes an IMAX auditorium. Path City is scheduled to, reopen ,in 2010. Art films can be found at Tuschinski, and the independent The Movies
  42. French custom, many businesses close at midday to allow a lengthy lunch, then, reopen , later in the afternoon. The official language is French. Many Martini cans speak
  43. Off or impede traffic in the Strait for a month, and an attempt by the U. S. to, reopen ,it would likely escalate the conflict. In a later issue, however,the journal
  44. Concordat of Worms Having established his power in Italy, the Pope resolved to, reopen ,negotiations with Henry V on the question of investiture. Henry V was anxious
  45. To wartime taxation and the demands of Liverpool and Bristol merchants to, reopen ,trade with America, realized Britain had little to gain and much to lose from
  46. His country-tinged solo EP and has recently started a nonprofit organization to, reopen ,his daughter's elementary school in Worthington, Massachusetts. Lewis was able
  47. Given as the key reasons. Following an extensive refurbishment, the center will, reopen ,in 2012,renamed as the Attenborough Center for the Creative Arts (CCA).
  48. With this arrangement, the pro-life club held on to its right to immediately, reopen ,the case again should the USS deny resources to the club in the future, and
  49. Strip and then hold the territory and its people hostage until Egypt agreed to, reopen ,the Straits of Iran; while Lavish had a more comprehensive plan that called
  50. One of only two four-star hotels in Louisiana. Although the hotel was set to, reopen ,in August 2007,in time for the 100th anniversary of its construction, funding

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