Examples of the the word, duly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( duly ), is the 9109 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For not being sensitive to differences of situation, noting that a prisoner, duly ,convicted of a crime could appeal to the golden rule while asking the judge to
  2. When Jack Charlton gave away a dubious free kick 30 yards from goal. Banks, duly ,organized a defensive wall and got into position. Other Emmerich slammed the
  3. To adhere to their spirit as well as their letter. The codes of practice were, duly ,put in place and for the next five years the Rail Regulator received no
  4. A practice most repulsive to Roman feelings. When the gods were believed to be, duly ,propitiated ... Armour, weapons,and other things of the kind were ordered to
  5. An early unpublished History of Astronomy as probably suitable, and it, duly ,appeared in 1795,along with other material such as Essays on Philosophical
  6. The Irish Patriot Party, Henry Rattan. Succeeding, he was later nominated and, duly ,elected as a Member of Parliament for Trim in the Irish House of Commons.
  7. To the front in Illyricum, while those who had assisted in their defeat were, duly ,rewarded. Lapping Maximus received the governorship of the province of Syria, a
  8. At the Reichstag of Titular in 919. The assembled Franconian and Saxon nobles, duly ,elected Henry to be king. Archbishop Merger of Mainz offered to anoint Henry
  9. Smaller countries west of Russia. Representatives of the Vaisey Senate in Berlin, duly ,requested help on 14 February. The Germans attacked Russia on 18 February; the
  10. Factor. A case in point is the Third Ecumenical Council where two groups met as, duly ,called for by the emperor, each claiming to be the legitimate council. The
  11. The monetary union no later than 1 January 1999. On this date the euro was, duly ,launched by eleven of the then 15 member states of the EU. It remained an
  12. The members of the House of Lords as being guilty of blocking reform, who, duly , defeated the Remonstrance when brought before them. The tension was heightened
  13. Last wicket pair of George First and Rhodes were left with 15 runs to get, and, duly , got them. When Rhodes joined him, Hirst is famously supposed to have said:" We
  14. Hold such office until a successor shall have been in like manner appointed and, duly ,qualified," thus removing the president's previous unlimited power to remove
  15. By those who have mastered it, and the interpretation placed upon it by, duly ,authorized masters in every generation must be accepted with as much reverence
  16. Motive for the Franco-Prussian War. Amadeus of Savoy was selected, and he was, duly ,crowned King of Spain early the following year. Amadeus — a liberal who swore
  17. On the festival circuit and offered his services as a frontman, and the band, duly ,employed him for the album Alien 4 and its accompanying tour which resulted in
  18. As a leader, and abdicated in 1870 in favor of her son, Alfonso,who was, duly ,crowned Alfonso XII of Spain. After the tumult of the First Spanish Republic
  19. At the time, and Spending did not take the man seriously. However, a package, duly ,arrived in the mail, containing several pounds of genuine europium oxide. The
  20. Into Christian culture are discussed in the entry daemon, though it should be, duly ,noted that the term referred only to a spiritual force, not a malevolent
  21. The ten numbers, which include the" Alabama Song" and" Bewares Song ", were, duly , incorporated into the full opera. The opera had its premiere in Leipzig in
  22. Of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of his soul; Sacramental oil The, duly ,blessed oil used in the sacrament is, as laid down in the Apostolic
  23. That they should march to join Wellington's army. In the morning Wellington, duly ,received a reply from Blucher, promising to support him with three corps. From
  24. And that:" the only body competent to dissolve the Volunteer Executive was a, duly ,convened convention of the Irish Republican Army" – not the Daily. By accepting
  25. Stoke defeated West Ham United in the semi-final of the 1972 League Cup. Banks, duly ,reached his third League Cup final and won it for the second time, when Stoke
  26. Prevented Taylor and Fillmore from taking office, and as they had been, duly ,certified to take office that day as president-elect and vice president-elect
  27. Closures proposed in the Beaching report of March 1963 and its services were, duly ,withdrawn in June 1964,but Ebbs Vale had already been closed to passengers
  28. Of Tobis-Sascha Filmindustrie AG in Vienna. Hermann made the call, and Albert, duly ,arranged Henry a film contract in Vienna, ensuring her a livelihood. Göring's
  29. To intercept Sheer at the Horns Reef. The unsent intercepted messages had been, duly ,filed by the junior officer left on duty that night, who failed to appreciate
  30. Parliaments in the early months of 1640. In March 1640 the Irish Parliament, duly ,voted in a subsidy of £180,000 with the promise to raise an army 9,000 strong
  31. Significantly though he did not follow them slavishly and the new book was, duly ,produced in 1552,making" fully perfect" what was already implicit. The
  32. States and to provide advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by, duly ,authorized international organs, agencies,and the UN General Assembly.
  33. Involved in state espionage than any other member of the Privy Council. Marlowe, duly ,presented himself on 20 May but, there apparently being no Privy Council
  34. Many other Protestant denominations, too,the ordinary minister of baptism is a, duly ,ordained or appointed minister of religion. Newer movements of Protestant
  35. NSW vacancy created by his resignation was filled by Karin Soda. Powell, duly ,left the party, along with many leading figures of the Victorian branch of the
  36. Vowed that if he should survive the war, he would convert to Christianity. He, duly ,survived and became a Catholic. When the Council of Europe was established
  37. Middle and extreme ratios. Its occurrence in regular pentagons and decagons was, duly ,observed, as well as in the dodecahedron (a regular polyhedron whose twelve
  38. An expert (in view of the number of times he had heard it). An Army Order was, duly ,issued in 1933,which laid down regulations for tempo, dynamics and
  39. His throne with military support. The lands of the Gianni and Hurricane were, duly ,appropriated by Assyria, making it a large and powerful empire. Enlil-nirari (
  40. Man who was particularly skillful in making telescopes. Career Though Brewster, duly ,finished his theological studies and was licensed to preach, his other
  41. Of victory and progress to the quarter-final, wanted Charlton to rest. England, duly ,reached the last eight where they again faced West Germany. Charlton controlled
  42. The first session of the council over which he presided. The priests had been, duly ,assembled however they met in two groups, one under Cyril, the other under
  43. Provided that it was an offense to, amongst other things, assault any person, duly ,engaged in the performance of any duty or the exercise of any power imposed or
  44. His acceptance to act as the principal witness at the wedding. The marriage was, duly ,celebrated in August 1900. Even so, the unpopularity of the union weakened the
  45. The steeply sloping banks of a river, is singularly irregular. The cloister is, duly ,placed on the south side of the church, and the chief buildings occupy their
  46. He was the first to stress the importance of having a follow-up hit. The band, duly ,recorded four more originals, on June 13 at Western Studios, Los Angeles
  47. My design: To keep the MENA bridge from rust: By boiling it in wine.: I, duly ,thanked him, ere I went, : For all his stories queer, : But chiefly for his kind
  48. Band for gigs and recording—people he could relate to personally ". A band was, duly ,assembled. John Cambridge, a drummer Bowie met at the Arts Lab, was joined by
  49. Exponent in his native land. While Judah, I was still living, Rav, having been, duly ,ordained as teacher—though not without certain restrictions (Sanhedrin
  50. Not totally fomented by the Angolan government, is undoubtedly encouraged and, duly ,exploited by it. Transport in Angola consists of: * Three separate

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