Examples of the the word, provocative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( provocative ), is the 9115 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A member of Serbian People's Radical Party from Montenegro, got up and made a, provocative ,speech which produced a stormy reaction from the opposition but Radio himself
  2. Should, something different from what his advisers had recommended, and is more, provocative ,than he had intended to be. " The speech first culminates with the first of two
  3. And Downfall by Oliver Hirschbiegel have arguably managed to recapture the, provocative ,and innovative nature of 1970s New German cinema. A number of modern German
  4. Scene, since " Hurt" and" Closer" cracked the Top 10,the latter with a, provocative ,music video. It has been widely regarded by music critics as the band's best
  5. Blush response ", heart rate, and eye movement in response to emotionally, provocative ,questions. In the film two applicants take the test, Leon and Rachael, and
  6. Berry has said of the scene:" It's splashy "," exciting "," sexy ",", provocative ," and" it will keep me still out there after winning an Oscar. " According to
  7. Books. He is now back as a columnist. Reed notes that his columns are often, provocative , and calls himself" an equal-opportunity irritant. " His output does not fit
  8. Disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the, provocative ,message itself, as in:" That was an excellent troll you posted ". While the
  9. Narrative and relied on imagery for its emotional impact, was one of the most, provocative ,in American political campaign history, and many analysts credit it as being
  10. S Hebron district, called " left-wing" activity in the city dangerous and, provocative , and accused activists of antagonizing the settlers in the hope of getting a
  11. William H. Reynolds, was finally sold to Walter P. Chrysler, who wanted a, provocative ,building that would not merely scrape the sky but positively pierce it. Its 77
  12. Champernowne's wife. His Turing test was a significant and characteristically, provocative ,and lasting contribution to the debate regarding artificial intelligence, which
  13. Scene (a homage to the film From Here to Eternity),was sufficiently sexually, provocative ,to guarantee heavy rotation on MTV. By 1983,Bowie had emerged as one of the
  14. Is noted by critics as the moment that Spears showed signs of becoming a more, provocative ,performer. Amidst media speculation, Spears confirmed she was dating 'N Sync
  15. Arabs, with an orchestrated campaign of civilian massacres and a number of, provocative ,attacks against high-profile religious targets. With attacks such as the 2003
  16. i. e., during her employment at ED and EEOC) that Thomas made sexually, provocative ,statements. Although Hill was a career employee and therefore had the option of
  17. Simply provide diversion (tipping strippers provokes a quote from Duke and a, provocative ,reveal from the dancer). Weapons and equipment Weapons include the" Mighty
  18. And the Advance Variation (1. E4 e6 2. D4 d5 3. E5). He also pioneered two, provocative ,variations of the Sicilian Defense: the Nimzowitsch Variation,1. E4 c5 2. Nf3
  19. Energy,1977,Hangman Educational Books Limited, ISBN 0-435-54430-6. In this, provocative ,book Hoyle establishes the dependence of Western civilization on energy
  20. Stemmed mostly from Dickinson's status at the time as being a sex symbol; the, provocative ,shower scene — and the film — originally seemed to cash in on the idea that
  21. That at the several points of notation, performance,and audition, action is, provocative , Cage completed Williams Mix in 1953 while working with the Music for Magnetic
  22. Director Jörg Butterfat, the experimental film director Werner Nukes and the, provocative ,Christoph Schlingensief all came to prominence in the 1980s. The development of
  23. William Temple's focus on Christianity and society, J. A. T. Robinson's, provocative ,discussions of deism and theism, Darwell Stone's and E. L. Mascall's Thomism
  24. Should not be harmed, even if coming from an arch-enemy and bearing a highly, provocative ,or offensive message. A hadith attributes this Sunnah to the time when
  25. Dead Kennedy splayed numerous shows at local venues afterwards. Due to the, provocative ,name of the band, they sometimes played under pseudonyms, including " The
  26. Key details from the carvings. When examining the original hieroglyphs the, provocative ,images are commonly explained as being the result of erosion, and later
  27. Is prominently showcased in one famous poem, the deliberately blasphemous and, provocative ," Into a Satan" ( or" Hymn to Satan ". ) The poem was composed in 1863 as a
  28. Without their prior consultation angered the colonists. 1764–1766: More, provocative ,legislation Britain did not expect the colonies to contribute to the interest
  29. And declared their support for Moroccan independence. William II made a highly, provocative ,speech regarding this. The following year, a conference was held in which all
  30. The platform was almost completely ignored by the gaming press. Tiger used, provocative ,and potentially insulting marketing, satirizing the condescending commercials
  31. Separated from the Chinese national identity are unnecessary and needlessly, provocative , Some KMT officials have called efforts from DPP" fascist" ( a charge for
  32. Will normally result in a 2-minute suspension. If it is done in a very, provocative ,way, a player can be given a double 2-minute suspension if he/she does not walk
  33. Editing is an art that can be used in diverse ways. It can create sensually, provocative ,montages; become a laboratory for experimental cinema; bring out the emotional
  34. Special called Do Blonds Have More Fun? In 1970,he was the subject of a, provocative ,NBC documentary called This Is Al Camp. Camp was the Playboy interview subject
  35. Other factors heightened tensions during the 1980s and 1990s,including several, provocative ,actions by Philadelphia fans and Eagles head coach Buddy Ryan. Among these were
  36. Studio executives over the cast and content. They objected to both the highly, provocative ,script and to the" irregular" activities of the writers (particularly
  37. Cheerleading in popular culture Movies and television The revamped and, provocative ,Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders of the 1970s—and the many imitators that
  38. Bronchitis and the illness recurred frequently. David Astor was looking for a, provocative ,contributor for The Observer and invited Orwell to write for him — the first
  39. Scatological, extremely violent, insulting,painful, profane,or otherwise, provocative ,nature. Some shock sites display a single picture, animation,video clip or a
  40. It actually is and as such is often looked upon as culturally and politically, provocative , Additionally, in Taiwan, it is closely associated with Taiwanese independence
  41. To film Y TU mama ambient, starring Gael García Vernal and Diego Luna. It was a, provocative ,and controversial road comedy about two sexually obsessed teenagers who take an
  42. Parliamentarism (the so-called" Power Act" ) as being too far-reaching and, provocative , The act restricted Russia's influence on domestic Finnish matters, but did
  43. 1991 Senate confirmation hearings alleging that her supervisor Thomas had made, provocative ,and harassing sexual statements. Early career Anita F. Hill was born in Lone
  44. Visit did not cause the Al-Aqsa Intifada. But it was poorly timed and the, provocative ,effect should have been foreseen; indeed, it was foreseen by those who urged
  45. S foreign policy in exchange for protection and a subsidy. Abandoning the, provocative ,policy of maintaining a British resident in Kabul, but having achieved all
  46. Own acceptance speech at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Goldwater's, provocative ,advocacy of aggressive tactics to prevent the spread of communism in Asia led
  47. S philosophical proclamations were considered scandalous and intentionally, provocative ,in his time. He wrote on a wide range of subjects, drawing criticism and
  48. In order to make the measurements consistent with physical law. In Conway's, provocative ,wording:" if experimenters have free will, then so do elementary particles. "
  49. Approach admired by Bacon, particularly in his Opus Magus. Pierre Duhem's, provocative ,thesis of the Catholic Church's Condemnation of 1277 led to the study of
  50. Users. " Flame wars" A flame war results when one or more users engages in, provocative ,responses to the originally posted flame bait. Flame wars often draw in many

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