Examples of the the word, bruise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bruise ), is the 9097 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And again, in words such as protein (strike),train (crush),African (, bruise ,), thruptein (break),kermatixein (crumble),rumbas (whirl): of all
  2. Said he apologized and sent the steward some flowers. However, Wray showed the, bruise ,on her leg to the media and her husband claimed that Ferdinand did not
  3. Was kept by an early settler, the first Guilbert. He used it as a pestle to, bruise ,indigo for processing, a crop then cultivated in the Attokatal Indian country.
  4. Trigger with the side of a closed fist, which unavoidably left a large, obvious, bruise , on the astronaut's hand, but Frisson was found not to have any of the
  5. To 9 consecutive games. The World Series, however,saw Eric Davis severely, bruise ,a kidney diving for a fly ball in Game 4,and his play was greatly limited the
  6. To her heart (through the abdomen). Her body, which also presented a head, bruise , was recovered 3 kilometers away from her house alongside a car. President
  7. Team, and made the All-NBA 1st Team. Despite being hobbled by a deep thigh, bruise , O'Neal led the Heat to the Eastern Conference Finals and a Game 7 against the
  8. Range from bruise s and muscle strains, to fractures and head injuries. A, bruise ,or contusion is damage to small blood vessels which causes bleeding within the
  9. Discovered during the excavation process. To build a tunnel through the, bruise ,an unusual solution was developed: the bruise was turned into a giant freezer
  10. Passed through his neck. Warren Exhibit CE 386 reported contusion (, bruise ,) of the apex of the right lung in the region where it rises above the clavicle
  11. Season and played only 53 games, missing fourteen because of a laceration and, bruise ,on his left pelvis, eleven because of a sprained right ankle and four due to
  12. The distance from where the shot was fired, getting marked directly can cause a, bruise , Being marked may even leave a welt. Because of the pain associated with being
  13. From the Proto-Germanic base *class-, meaning to“ to squeeze, squash,crush, bruise ,”. Regarding this etymology, linguist Albert Morey Stuyvesant comments that “
  14. Face, he would be shot that evening at roll call, or the next morning if the, bruise ,first began to show then. Many prisoners, in utter despair at the horrible
  15. Violence presented in The A-Team is highly sanitized. People do not bleed or, bruise ,when hit (though they might develop a limp or require a sling),nor do the
  16. Most of the tunneling work had been completed by 1976,excluding the Alumni, bruise ,(), a wedge of clay and pieces of rock in the bedrock, discovered during the
  17. To the bathroom to throw up, he accidentally hits DIL in the face, leaving a, bruise , and leaving her on the floor by herself. A few days later, Fergus leaves DIL a
  18. Go through a fake x-ray machine. During this skit, Zelnick received a, bruise ,on his thigh when getting off a conveyor belt. Selznick sued Fun and the show
  19. By a defender's helmet squarely in his buttocks, causing a painful deep, bruise ,for which McMahon sought acupuncture treatment. On Thursday of Super Bowl XX
  20. Morning) with every precaution being taken to ensure that the grapes don't, bruise ,or break. Rotten and overly large grapes were to be thrown out. Perpignan did
  21. Passengers to go through a fake X-ray machine, and Selznick received a, bruise ,to his thigh while getting off the conveyor belt. The jury awarded Selznick a
  22. Hated to bat against Drysdale. After he hit you he'd come around, look at the, bruise ,on your arm and say, ‘ Do you want me to sign it? ’” – Mickey Mantle *"For
  23. Conditions, and mushroom size. Most species of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, bruise ,blue when handled or damaged Chemistry Psilocybin (O-phosphoryl-4-hydroxy-N
  24. Selected from the daily arrivals and pressed into the commandos. There was a, bruise ,rule: if a prisoner had been bruise d on the face, he would be shot that evening
  25. In blood flow can lead to decline in lung function. *Pulmonary contusion is a, bruise ,of the lung tissue. Additional images Image: Bronchial anatomy. JPG|Bronchial
  26. Known as an air embolism. Hemorrhage (bleeding) and formation of a hematoma (, bruise ,) is slightly more common in jugular venous lines than in others.
  27. With the relative softness of wood compared to metal, thereby tending to, bruise ,or stun rather than simply cut the skin. The belaying pins and dead eyes aboard
  28. Of its severity, except for maybe a minor lower left leg injury, such as a, bruise ,of sprain. The 2006 to present Impala is given a lesser overall" Acceptable "
  29. Later. The alleged victim claimed Puckett squeezed her hard enough to cause a, bruise , Puckett was subsequently charged with false imprisonment, a felony;
  30. Mites, mealybugs,ants, and symphysis. Though a fully ripe pineapple can, bruise ,and rot quickly. The fruit itself is quite perishable and storage of it should
  31. She succeeds, although Mitch tracks her down, attacks and kicks her, leaving a, bruise , As he threatens to shoot them if they leave, he said he will plant drugs in
  32. Substitutes, at one time. This also allowed trainers time to treat a cut or, bruise ,and equipment managers to repair an equipment defect. Cycle recalled that
  33. Means" the black eye ". However, this does not imply a" black eye" ( as in a, bruise ,); the German expression for such bruising is" blues Age" (" blue eye" ).
  34. Of wounds are: * the nature of the wound, whether it is a laceration, abrasion, bruise , or burn * the extent of the overall area of tissue damage caused by the impact
  35. To a British W. C. or Cloakroom; heavy cream: double cream (UK); hickey: a, bruise ,on one's skin resulting from kissing or sucking; (UK: love bite; highball: (
  36. The speculative novel by J. G. Ballard, has been described as a" film noir in, bruise ,tones ". The hero is the target of investigation in Attack (1997),which
  37. Its etymology is debatable; some think it comes from Italian armchair," to, bruise ,or crush" ( referring to the crushing of the wheat to make the noodles)
  38. Might penetrate bare skin, and even if not, could leave a severe and painful, bruise , The maximum range of a BB gun in the 400-600fps range is 240-350 yards given
  39. That even a non-piercing impact would still be substantial enough to, bruise , wind and knock down knights on foot as they attempted to advance. Froissart
  40. The process. Frankenheimer gave Senator Kennedy theatrical makeup to hide the, bruise ,while appearing on television hours later. At just after Midnight on June 5
  41. Dismissed many players' injuries with the phrase," You're okay,it's just a, bruise , " James Woods' character was based on Rosenfeld, and his first diagnosis of
  42. Was severely injured by police. The survivor, who had been beaten, punctured a, bruise ,on his own body to convince police about his beating. The spoken line includes
  43. After landing, the wind took her parachute, and Tereshkova received a large, bruise ,on her nose before she managed to free herself from it. The Boston 6 landing
  44. The President was tortured severely by the American forces, and I saw, bruise ,marks on his body; they are visible ", Dulaimi told the Associated Press in a
  45. The run of the series. In several early first season episodes, a huge, bruise ,or scar can be seen on his arm after he was flung from one of the motorcycles
  46. Injury at the beginning of the film is" you're okay,it's just a, bruise , " Huizen left the Raiders in the early 1990s,disgusted at the way the
  47. The money prominence behind the ear). The report also reported contusion (, bruise ,) of the apex (top tip) of the right lung in the region where it rises above
  48. Longer alum in see for a citizen to pummel, cowhide,kick, gouge,cut, wound, bruise , maim, burn,club, bastinado, flay,or even lynch a government jobholder, and
  49. Water) could be needed (but ask the doctor before gargling because it might, bruise ,the area of the skin that has been cauterized). Otherwise, a surgeon must
  50. Layers, such as a nail, needle or knife * Contusion - Also known as a, bruise , this is a blunt trauma damaging tissue under the surface of the skin *

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