Examples of the the word, bureaucrat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bureaucrat ), is the 9106 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Milan. Pius XII, who always wanted to be a pastor rather than a Vatican, bureaucrat , gladly granted Montana this opportunity which was denied to him. Montana after
  2. Mental breakdown. Plot summary The story's protagonist, Tung Chain, is a party, bureaucrat ,in Vietnam in a future where Chinese-style communism has triumphed over the
  3. Lasers in 1258,Michael Palaiologos instigated a coup against the influential, bureaucrat ,George Mouflon, becoming joint guardian for the eight-year-old Emperor John IV
  4. Producer (b. 1935) * November 23 – Vladimir Kryuchkov, Russian Soviet-era, bureaucrat ,(b. 1924) * November 24 – Casey Calvert, American musician (Hawthorne
  5. To receive the prize. *Li Longhand (1823–1901),prominent late Qing Dynasty, bureaucrat ,and diplomat. *Dual Virus (1865–1936),the Provisional Chief Executive of
  6. Aristocratic pretensions even after marrying Mishima's grandfather,a, bureaucrat ,who had made his fortune in the newly opened colonial frontier and who rose to
  7. Parrot" sketch and" The Argument Sketch ", where Cheese plays a stone-faced, bureaucrat ,employed to sit behind a desk and engage people in pointless, trivial bickering
  8. An incendiary. The Essentials were however written by a Song Dynasty court, bureaucrat , and there's little evidence that it had any immediate impact on warfare;
  9. Of Gjirokastër (1937–1941). *Loci Bey 17th century high-ranking Ottoman, bureaucrat ,*Dermal UQO, basketball player, member of the Albanian national basketball team
  10. S subsequent rendering of peasant subjects; and Alfred Senior, a government, bureaucrat ,who would become a lifelong supporter and eventually the artist's biographer.
  11. Mining technician, who came from a long line of mine workers, was a post office, bureaucrat , His childhood home was emotionally reserved, and the young Spengler turned to
  12. An average municipal population of 25,000. In India, the mayor acts as the city, bureaucrat ,who is generally a state-appointed officer. The Mayor in the Municipal
  13. Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343–1400? ) was an English author, poet,philosopher, bureaucrat , courtier and diplomat. *William Langland (ca. 1332 – ca. 1386) is the
  14. Had done much to restore the Byzantine Empire. His regent was originally the, bureaucrat ,George Mouflon, but that position was usurped by the aristocrat Michael
  15. In money issued during the administration of a historically significant, bureaucrat ,such as a central bank governor, treasurer or finance secretary. For example
  16. Pop music After the Meiji Restoration introduced Western musical instruction,a, bureaucrat ,named Iowa Shoji compiled songs like" AFLD Lang Sine" and commissioned songs
  17. Centroids, Riva consulted Russian history to give them a" baggy-suited, Moscow, bureaucrat , sort of image ". The Aramco Steel Plant in Torrance housed the Centroid launch
  18. Tirolean, Greek statesman and general (b. c. 411 BC) * Shen Pushier, Chinese, bureaucrat , chief minister of Han Go (" wadi" in Chinese," IGO" in Japanese," back
  19. 15,000 to 30,000. The classicist Roger Banal estimated that there was one, bureaucrat ,for every 5–10,000 people in Egypt based on 400 or 800 bureaucrat s for 4
  20. And Southern Courts (d. 1352) * Safari Takashi, Japanese poet, warrior,and, bureaucrat ,(d. 1373) Deaths * February 10 – John" the Red" Come, Scottish nobleman *
  21. Joe and Connie are attracted to each other, though she is engaged to high-paid, bureaucrat ,Charles J. Pederast (Richard Gaines). Connie's mother married for love
  22. Fiction. Though the downfall of Walter Starbucks, a minor Nixon administration, bureaucrat ,who is the narrator and main character in Jailbird (1979),would not have
  23. Son Lewis, Chaucer also maintained an active career in the civil service as a, bureaucrat , courtier and diplomat. Among his many works, which include The Book of the
  24. Battle of Bosworth in August 1485,but he was able to stay on as a mid-level, bureaucrat ,in the new reign, Thomas More, writing when she was still alive, but old
  25. Politician abducted and probably killed in 1999 ** Dakota Natalia, Japanese, bureaucrat , Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office * January 3 – Jim Ross, American
  26. Of Treblinka where he was an SS officer. In Part 3,Walter Stair, a former Nazi, bureaucrat , describes the workings of the railways. Sometimes their testimony becomes more
  27. In terms of abstractions. It trains you to be an insurance salesman or a, bureaucrat , or some kind of cerebral character. In the 1970s,DIY spread through the North
  28. The Russian minister of education, his appointment was blocked by a Kiev an, bureaucrat ,on the grounds that he was unqualified. His fictional story Tara's Bulb, based
  29. 26, 2003) Notable people *Bad Zheng (999–1062),Northern Song Dynasty, bureaucrat ,and judge whose name has become synonymous with judicial wisdom and uprightness
  30. Written Jordan is or (not common nowadays) Fernandes, was a 6th century Roman, bureaucrat , who turned his hand to history later in life. While he also wrote Roman about
  31. To legend, Chinese characters were invented by Angie (c. 2650 BC),a, bureaucrat ,under the legendary Yellow Emperor. There are quite a few variations of the
  32. The U. S. House. *Thomas Harris MacDonald (1881–1957) highway advocate and, bureaucrat , chief of the Iowa State Highway Commission and both chief and commissioner of
  33. On 27 October 1991. President for Life Saparmurat Azov, a former, bureaucrat ,of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, ruled Turkmenistan from 1985,when
  34. In a number of different ways by various writers: # A weak and harried, bureaucrat ,# A hard governor who rules with an iron fist # A man who clearly sees how the
  35. 1944 – Michael Wilson Thomas, American conductor * 1944 – Zheng Xiao, Chinese, bureaucrat , ( d. 2007) *1946 – Christopher Keen, American conductor (d. 1995) * 1946 –
  36. Is the least appreciated by his own bosses. *The Wet Nurse (Tony) is a young, bureaucrat ,sent by the government to watch over Rear den’s mills. Though he starts out as a
  37. Dynamic is reversed, as in" Fish License ", wherein Pain plays the, bureaucrat ,with whom Cheese is trying to work. Though the program lasted four series, by
  38. Of Burgos, the capital of Castile. His father, Diego Line, was a courtier, bureaucrat , and cavalryman who had fought in several battles. Despite the fact that El Cid
  39. Alexandria). (By comparison, the ratio in twelfth-century China was one, bureaucrat ,for every 15,000 people. ) Jones estimated 30,000 bureaucrat s for an empire of
  40. Next project, Ikiru. The movie stars Takashi Chimera as a cancer-ridden Tokyo, bureaucrat , Watanabe, on a final quest for meaning before his death. For the screenplay
  41. Jobs that Chaucer held in medieval society—page, soldier,messenger, valet, bureaucrat , foreman and administrator—probably exposed him to many of the types of people
  42. He operated mainly behind the scenes and cultivated an image of a colorless, bureaucrat ,– for example, he was the only Bolshevik leader who always wore a suit and tie.
  43. And unlikable (Anthony Beer described him as" widely loathed Stalinist, bureaucrat ,well known for his tactics denouncing rivals ". ), he was an unlikely figure to
  44. Jacques Rogue, Count Rogue (; born 2 May 1942),is a Belgian sports, bureaucrat , He is the eighth and current President of the International Olympic Committee
  45. Wetzel, who covered the Games described him as" ... a classic stiff-collared, bureaucrat ," and further contended that" the IOC has made billions off athletes such as
  46. As a skilled lawyer. Under the emperor Septimius Severus he became an important, bureaucrat , Severus' successor Caracalla appointed him prefect of the Praetorian guard.
  47. Which offers surprising analogies with Mattia Pascal. Klein, small and squalid, bureaucrat , exactly like Mattia, runs away horrified from his own exterior persona in
  48. Truly autocratic native Swedish sovereign and was a skilled propagandist and, bureaucrat ,who laid the foundations for a more efficient centralized government and
  49. 715. Anastasios was originally named Artemis (Ἀρτέμιος),and had served as a, bureaucrat ,and imperial secretary for his predecessors. After the Obsidian army in Thrace
  50. Duo (1031–1095) spent some of his youth there while his father was a local, bureaucrat ,on the government staff. In 1387,the Ming Dynasty built a fort in Xi amen, then

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