Examples of the the word, monarchy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monarchy ), is the 9116 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The time of the Flood; David and Solomon, the real establishes of the Jewish, monarchy ,; Job, who lived 140 years, saw four generations of descendants, and was blessed
  2. Shah Qatar, King of Iran, agrees to convert the government to a constitutional, monarchy , *1914 – World War I: the German mine layer Origin Loose lays a minefield about
  3. A manifesto proclaiming himself the sole representative of the Spanish, monarchy , At the end of that year, when Marshal Serrano left Madrid to take command of
  4. Is an empire" ... It would signal the beginning of the end of the British, monarchy , It would portend the eventual surrender of everything that has made us, and
  5. Harmony which once existed between man and the universe. " *" For every, monarchy ,overthrown the sky becomes less brilliant, because it loses a star. A republic
  6. Independence). Ultimately, the states collectively determined that the British, monarchy , by acts of tyranny, could no longer legitimately claim their allegiance. They
  7. XI ", the Spanish monarchy was regarded as continuous with the more ancient, monarchy ,represented by the 11 kings of Asturias, León and Castile also named Alfonso.
  8. Policy was to have the youth take his place as Princes, instituting a form of, monarchy ,– accusations that had already played out during the crisis of 23 BC. The
  9. People. Had he lived, Russia might have followed a path to constitutional, monarchy ,instead of the long road of oppression that defined his successor's reign. The
  10. Traditions of Rome, to appear that he was not aspiring to dictatorship or, monarchy , First settlement In 27 BC, Octavian made a show of returning full power to the
  11. Congress issued the United States Declaration of Independence, rejecting the, monarchy ,on behalf of the new sovereign nation separate and external to the British
  12. In many countries, the resolution of this conflict was the rise of absolute, monarchy , Only in England and the Netherlands did representative government evolve as an
  13. In Rome a politic of freeing their personal fief from suzerainty to the Leonese, monarchy , In fact, the Visigoth Law established at the time that fiefs were personal
  14. A kingdom. In the 20th century, the clergy of all faiths was weakened under the, monarchy , and ultimately eradicated during the 1940s and 1950s,under the state policy
  15. That includes a belief in the eventual overthrow of all titles, including the, monarchy , She also briefly suggests that all men and women should be represented in
  16. Phenomenon of rise of nationalism under the Ottoman Empire. A short-lived, monarchy ,(1914–1925) was succeeded by an even shorter-lived first Albanian Republic (
  17. Forth from Israel. ” This verse generally was seen as a biblical support for, monarchy ,(and specifically as support for a Davidic monarchy ). Antaeus, however
  18. As much to state power as French painting does. It was in the age of absolute, monarchy ,launched by Louis XIV in the 17th century that the likes of Poussin and Le Run
  19. Lead to a close association in many Southeast Asian countries between the, monarchy ,and the religious hierarchy, an association that can still be seen today in the
  20. Shorter-lived first Albanian Republic (1925–1928),to be replaced by another, monarchy ,(1928–1939),which was annexed by Fascist Italy during World War II. After
  21. At times, it was applied to various priests,e.g. at the court of the Frankish, monarchy ,the Abbas palatines ('of the palace' ) and Abbas castrensis ('of the camp '
  22. Mesopotamian history, Ashur was, to a great extent, an oligarchy rather than a, monarchy , Authority was considered to lie with" the City ", and the polity had three
  23. As a biblical support for monarchy (and specifically as support for a Davidic, monarchy ,). Antaeus, however,could have seen it as an image of his achievements, if
  24. But who spent his adult life and career as a faithful subject of the Habsburg, monarchy , Salary was a pivotal figure in the development of late 18th-century opera. As
  25. Resistance and hostility amongst the republican-minded Romans fearful of, monarchy , In regard to the Principate, it was obvious to Augustus that Marcellus was
  26. Independence the government was an oligarchy. There is no trace of the heroic, monarchy ,and no tradition of a tyranny. The story of Nicodemus, while it proves the
  27. S own Glorious Revolution in 1688,which had restricted the powers of the, monarchy , Burke argued that the appropriate historical analogy was the English Civil War
  28. At court and was connected by remote illegitimate descent with the Portuguese, monarchy , He was educated in mathematics and Latin at the court of Alfonso V of Portugal
  29. Him, led to popular discontent, and ultimately provoked the people to demand a, monarchy ,# A descendant of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, a chief of one of the twenty-four
  30. Takes place in a framework of a federal parliamentary representative democratic, monarchy , wherein the Sovereign of Antigua and Barbuda is the head of state, appointing
  31. Fooleries Palace on the 10th of August 1792,the effective end of the French, monarchy ,until it is restored in 1814. Events * 955 – Battle of Leched: Otto I, Holy
  32. Grandson, Nicholas II, commissioned the Dump following extreme pressure on the, monarchy ,as a result of the Russian Revolution of 1905. A second consequence of the
  33. Was king of Spain, reigning from 1874 to 1885,after a coup d'état restored the, monarchy ,and ended the ephemeral First Spanish Republic. Early life and paternity
  34. On Napoleon's return to power. In 1815 on the second restoration of the, monarchy ,he obtained a post as engineer in Paris, where he spent much of his life from
  35. Law, its regime falls now in the same category as the" Caesars ", monarchy ,of Napoleon Bonaparte in France, António de Oliveira Salazar's" corporatism "
  36. Of Americans and uphold the principles of republicanism in terms of rejecting, monarchy ,and aristocracy, while emphasizing civic virtue on the part of the citizens.
  37. And rates (κράτος, which means" force" or" power" ). In the words ", monarchy ," and" oligarchy ", the second element arch (ἀρχή) means" rule ","
  38. Small, undramatic,and incremental ways that did not stir senatorial fears of, monarchy , Some Augustan historians argue that indications pointed toward his sister's
  39. Congress to adopt a Declaration of Independence, which now rejected the British, monarchy ,in addition to its Parliament, and established the sovereignty of the new
  40. Continued to be practiced with less frequency. During the 20th century the, monarchy ,and later the totalitarian state followed a systematic secularization of the
  41. Juan Carlos I oversaw the transition of Spain to a democratic constitutional, monarchy , Governments of nationalities and regions were given more autonomy, including
  42. Although no King of united Spain had borne the name" Alfonso XI ", the Spanish, monarchy ,was regarded as continuous with the more ancient monarchy represented by the 11
  43. Cassandra. In his Politics, Aristotle states that only one thing could justify, monarchy , and that was if the virtue of the king and his family were greater than the
  44. And the previous linked religious and succession problems solved by the joint, monarchy ,of William and Mary. * If a person not native to England comes to the throne
  45. The goods of Assyria were now being traded with the Babylonians. The Assyrian, monarchy ,survived, however the three Favorite kings succeeding Ishme-Dagan; Mut-Ashkur (
  46. Ceremonial vestiges of this early system throughout the history of the Assyrian, monarchy , Empire of Shamshi-Adad I In 1813 BC the native Akkadian king of Assyria
  47. To rule in the smaller state of An halt and its various subdivisions until, monarchy ,was abolished in 1918. Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia from 1762-1796
  48. Semitic Akkadian kingdoms. The foundation of the first true urbanized Assyrian, monarchy ,was traditionally ascribed to Utopia a contemporary of Ishbi-Erra of Larva
  49. Newspapers in England, all of which were to advocate the abolition of the, monarchy ,and the establishment of" the British Republic ". Carnegie's charm aided by
  50. With post-Soviet Russia and called for a restoration of the Russian, monarchy , After returning to Russia in 1994,Solzhenitsyn published eight two-part short

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