Examples of the the word, cataract , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cataract ), is the 9112 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The northern extremity of Egypt, the river flows for more than without bar or, cataract , The voyage from Aswan to Alexandria usually took 21 to 28 days in favorable
  2. The Cushion court to move to a more secure location at Mere near the sixth, cataract ,of the Nile. (Early history of Sudan) Significant people * Ne phi being in the
  3. Treatment. In developed countries where parasitic diseases are less common and, cataract ,surgery is more available, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma,and
  4. Including rhinoplasty, the repair of torn ear lobes, perineal lithotomy, cataract ,surgery, and several other excisions and other surgical procedures. Metallurgy:
  5. Cataracts and UV-B exposure, using crude approximations of exposure and various, cataract ,assessment techniques. A detailed assessment of ocular exposure to UV-B was
  6. And nephew Thutmose III. Period of the greatest Egyptian expansion (4th Nile, cataract ,tot Euphrates). * c. 1469 BC: In the Battle of Megiddo, Egypt defeats Canaan (
  7. Then to couching. The Indian surgeon Sushmita has been described as the first, cataract ,surgeon. Pre-Hippocrates The Pre-Hippocratic largely based their anatomical
  8. Examples of almost reductase inhibitors include: Diabetic cataract Diabetic, cataract ,formation follows an increase in sugars in the lens. The excess sugar within
  9. Was seen. Moreover, there were no data linking sunlight exposure to risk of, cataract ,in African Americans, although other eye diseases have different prevalence
  10. To justify aspirin use ". Experimental Aspirin has been theorized to reduce, cataract ,formation in diabetic patients, but one study showed it was ineffective for
  11. Jacques Daniel (France) claimed to be the 'father' of modern, cataract ,surgery in that he performed extracapsular extraction instead of needling the
  12. Haarlem in the Netherlands. In 1751 one eye started to fail. The cause was a, cataract ,which was operated on by the great charlatan Chevalier Taylor. This led to
  13. Visual field defects and diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. Introduced a, cataract ,extraction technique that remained the standard for over 100 years, and many
  14. Of his house ". The Czech pray might thus be understood to refer to rapids or a, cataract ,in the river, the edge of which could have acted as a means of fording the
  15. Astronomy and mathematics. Some ancient inventions include plastic surgery, cataract ,surgery, Hindu-Arabic numeral system and Wrote steel. The history of science
  16. Neuropathy. Example Examples of almost reductase inhibitors include: Diabetic, cataract ,Diabetic cataract formation follows an increase in sugars in the lens. The
  17. Johnson attempted to change by providing room for her and paying for a failed, cataract ,surgery. Williams, in turn, became Johnson's housekeeper. To occupy himself
  18. And 11,000 BCE wild grains began to be collected as a source of food in the, cataract ,region of the Nile, south of Egypt. The collecting of wild grains as source of
  19. Invented the first motorized vacuum instrument (erisophake) for intracellular, cataract ,extraction. Founded of the Barrier Clinic in 1941 and the Barrier Institute
  20. Including rhinoplasty, the repair of torn ear lobes, perineal lithotomy, cataract ,surgery, and several other excisions and other surgical procedures. Most
  21. Has been used in cancer treatment. *Focused ultrasound sources may be used for, cataract ,treatment by phacoemulsification. *Additional physiological effects of
  22. Right (east) bank of the Nile, immediately below (and north of) the first, cataract ,of the flowing waters, which extend to it from While. Navigation to the delta
  23. Ophthalmological surgical instruments and techniques. His description of, cataract ,surgery was more akin to extracapsular lens extraction than to couching. The
  24. Sodium and decreased potassium levels and decreased glutathione levels lead to, cataract ,formation. Topical administration of almost reductase inhibitors have been
  25. b. 1894) *** Rogers Horns by, American baseball player, heart attack after, cataract ,surgery (b. 1896) ** Erik Strand mark, Swedish film actor, plane crash (b.
  26. In many European cultures in the past. Now, ACh is sometimes used during, cataract ,surgery to produce rapid constriction of the pupil. It must be administered
  27. Delayed consequences of radiation injury are life shortening, carcinogenesis, cataract ,formation, chronic radio dermatitis, decreased fertility, and genetic mutations.
  28. PPI I Merger (reigned 2332–2283 BC),who ordered a canal built to bypass the, cataract ,on the Nile near Aswan. In ancient China, large canals for river transport were
  29. Vision has a general reddish tone, which is characteristic of the vision of, cataract ,victims. It may also be that after surgery he was able to see certain
  30. One of his works was operation of his mother's eye for twice from, cataract , 20th–21st centuries * William Horatio Bates (1860–1931) (United States)
  31. Krwawicz (Poland) In 1961,developed the first cryoprobe for intracellular, cataract ,extraction. *Yaroslav Fyodor (Russia) Popularizer of radial keratome.
  32. About 0.6 %) were blind. In order of frequency the leading causes were, cataract , uncorrected refractive errors (near-sighted,far-sighted, or an astigmatism)
  33. Becoming a serious rival to Egypt. Karma occupied a territory from the first, cataract ,to the confluences of the Blue Nile, White Nile, and River Barbara. About 1575
  34. Khartoum, Aswan,Luxor (Thebes),and the Giza Cairo conurbation. The first, cataract , the closest to the mouth of the river, is at Aswan, north of the Aswan Dam.
  35. The end of the war fifty years before, and had two operations: one to remove a, cataract ,in her left eye, and one to replace her right hip. In 1998,her left hip was
  36. Surgery in that he performed extracapsular extraction instead of needling the, cataract ,or pushing it back into the vitreous. It is said that he carried out the
  37. Studies however, lycopene was even found to have an inhibitory effect on, cataract ,development and several kinds of cancer cells including breast and
  38. The SAI kingdom, immediately south of Egypt, and Kingdom of Karma at the third, cataract , Sometime around the 18th century BCE, the Kingdom of Karma conquered the
  39. Considered a subspecialty per se, since most general ophthalmologists perform, cataract ,surgery *Medical retina, deals with treatment of retinal problems through
  40. The father of Surgery, made important contributions to the field of plastic and, cataract ,surgery in 6th century BC. The Arabic translations made their way into Europe
  41. Of the Aswan Governorate. It stands on the east bank of the Nile at the first, cataract ,and is a busy market and tourist center. The modern city has expanded and
  42. And surgical care, including insulin injections, root canals, hip replacements, cataract ,extractions, and pacemakers. Veterinary specialization has become more common
  43. Slight yellowish cast in the clouded lens. Diabetics have an increased risk for, cataract ,since high levels of glucose cause reactions with assorted proteins, including
  44. Associated in the development of several pathophysiologies, including diabetic, cataract ,for which ginger was effective in preliminary studies, apparently by acting
  45. Connections with the southern regions of Kush, Wawat and Birthed at the second, cataract ,were made stronger. Then came the Second Intermediate Period, with the invasion
  46. Obtain, and Gloria. They would rule for 200 years. Maria was above the third, cataract , along the Angola Reach with its capital at Angola. Nomadic was to the north
  47. Include seizures and allergies; very rarely, one will see atonal dystrophy, cataract , retinal dysplasia and deafness in the breed. Ibiza Hound owners should have
  48. Irrigation and aspiration system for phacoemulsification, first allowing, cataract ,extraction through a small incision. *Ioannis Palliates (Greece) Performed
  49. Scissors, the surgical needle, the sound, and specular. Romans also performed, cataract ,surgery. Medieval medicine was an evolving mixture of the scientific and the
  50. Were the remnants of the worship of Isis on the island of While, at the first, cataract ,of the Nile. The Presbyter Julian and the Bishop Longings conducted a mission

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