Examples of the the word, guiding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( guiding ), is the 9103 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Scholars. During the Restoration, Bacon was commonly invoked as a, guiding ,spirit of the Royal Society founded under Charles II in 1660. In the nineteenth
  2. Common. He and Bradley had essentially put the producer in the driver's seat, guiding ,an artist's choice of material and the musical background. Atkins made his own
  3. For the previous couple of centuries. Aside from the services he provided, guiding ,the only center of literacy in the region, his reputation as a holy man led to
  4. Then via a pair of triple sheaves back down to the lift carriage again passing, guiding ,sheaves. This arrangement means that the elevator carriage, complete with its
  5. And therapist, as a therapist develops strategies for managing problems and, guiding ,the client to a better life. Computerized Cognitive Behavioral
  6. Medium in 1933 by writing and starring in the film Mr. Broadway, which has him, guiding ,the audience around New York nightspots to meet entertainers and celebrities.
  7. Of design, perhaps to set better long term or ultimate goals. Philosophies for, guiding ,design philosophies are fundamental guiding principles that dictate how
  8. Philosophies and studies of design There are countless philosophies for, guiding ,design as the design values and its accompanying aspects within modern design
  9. The Three Represents into the 2003 revision of the Party Constitution as a ", guiding ,ideology ", encouraging the Party to represent" advanced productive forces
  10. In ethics, Rand argued for rational egoism (rational self-interest),as the, guiding ,moral principle. She said the individual should" exist for his own sake
  11. Goals. Philosophies for guiding design philosophies are fundamental, guiding ,principles that dictate how a designer approaches his/her practice. Reflections
  12. To the most holistic influential utopian goals. Design goals are usually for, guiding ,design. However, conflicts over immediate and minor goals may lead to
  13. Structure. The Alexander teacher provides verbal coaching while monitoring, guiding ,and preventing unnecessary habits at their source with a specialized hands-on
  14. External agent is forcing them upon him, but as though they are inside him and, guiding ,him from inside. This is the task Kierkegaard takes up when he asks:" Who has
  15. Liberty" and" occupancy and use" doctrines were" generally trustworthy, guiding ,principle of action," and, as a result, they would likely find it in their
  16. The meaning of the unqualified element, but with a more restricted scope. The, guiding ,principle for the qualification of Dublin Core elements, colloquially known as
  17. In Iraq. Moreover, interoperability with the American armed forces has been a, guiding ,principle of Canadian military force structuring and doctrine since the end of
  18. Separate from the world as the principle of creation, he is yet in it as its, guiding ,principle. Thus, a natural life is a life according to the will of the Logos.
  19. Has seemingly also evolved to become informally the part of the Party's, guiding ,doctrine. As part of Jiang's nominal legacy, the CPC ratified the Three
  20. The International Authority for the Ruhr changed in consequence. Schuman's, guiding ,principles were moral, based on the equality of states (international
  21. Then leave the final sheaves on the chariot and passes up through a series of, guiding ,sheaves to above the second floor and then via a pair of triple sheaves back
  22. An important role in his life, though he did believe that a non-scientific ", guiding ,principle" governed the universe and human life. Education and career Sakharov
  23. Philosophies for the" purpose of" designs are in contrast to philosophies for, guiding ,design or methodology. Often a designer (especially in commercial situations)
  24. Catholicism, for others a form of Protestantism though without a dominant, guiding ,figure such as Luther, Knox,Calvin, Zwingli or Wesley. For others, their
  25. Award 1999. * Alan Bundy, University of Edinburgh, meta-level reasoning for, guiding ,inductive proof, proof planning and recipient of 2007 IJ CAI Award for Research
  26. Bacon's role in establishing the province. The stamp describes Bacon as," the, guiding ,spirit in Colonization Schemes in 1610. " Historical debates Bacon and
  27. A sacred spot in Troy. Apollo aided Paris in the killing of Achilles by, guiding ,the arrow of his bow into Achilles' heel. One interpretation of his motive is
  28. United States signed ASEAN’s Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, which establishes, guiding ,principles intended to build confidence among its signatories with the aim of
  29. Feminine ideal. Chaplin clearly relished the role of discovering and closely, guiding ,young female stars; except Mildred Harris, all of his marriages
  30. To their own species, however. The dolphin Mono in New Zealand has been observed, guiding ,a female Pygmy Sperm Whale together with her calf out of shallow water where
  31. The subsequent spirit-inspired speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit is shown, guiding ,the decisions and actions of Christian leaders, and the Holy Spirit is said to
  32. International cooperation and the peaceful settlement of conflicts as the, guiding ,principles of Brazil's relationship with other countries and multilateral
  33. S development has included the statement and adoption of a number of important, guiding ,principles. As with all international law, international environmental law
  34. Integrity, or for cultural requirements for intangible continuity. One of the, guiding ,principles of conservation has traditionally been the idea of reversibility
  35. Legal reciprocity (" comity" ) and even perhaps the Golden Rule. Other, guiding ,principles include the polluter pays principle, the precautionary principle
  36. As by implanting thoughts in his head during his journey home from Troy. Her, guiding ,actions reinforce her role as the" protected of heroes" or as mythological
  37. Other systems than the subject system can be said to" emerge," without any ", guiding ,hand ". The number of parts does not have to be very large for a particular
  38. Once he retired, however,his Tetrarchies system collapsed. Without the, guiding ,hand of Diocletian, the Empire fell into civil wars. Stability emerged after
  39. Hand left him" greatly shaken. " Consequently, he began to believe in a, guiding ,force in the universe, which led him to a belief in pandemia. Those who
  40. Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus" defining the status, structure and, guiding ,principles of the Armed Forces. After the introduction of presidency the law
  41. It was prior to the conservators' intervention. Although this concept remains a, guiding ,principle of the profession, it is a concept that has been widely critiqued
  42. Guided modeling with light hand contact is the primary tool for detecting and, guiding ,the way past unnecessary effort. Suggestions for improvements are often
  43. Crucial" and that while there was" potential of genetics and neuroscience for, guiding ,assessment and educational practice at some stage in the future ", they
  44. Result in Fulham's relegation, he kept the club well clear of relegation, guiding ,them to a club record ninth place finish in his debut season. This might have
  45. Is responsible for proposing legislation and a budget, executing the laws, and, guiding , the foreign and internal policies of the republic. Government's official
  46. Harmonies also distracts Leto's Mental Thu fir HAWA from discovering Such by, guiding ,HAWA toward another suspect: Leto's Been Dessert concubine Lady Jessica. The
  47. Later wrote: Hoyle, an atheist until that time, said that this suggestion of a, guiding ,hand left him" greatly shaken. " Consequently, he began to believe in a
  48. The Brunei Investment Agency (BIA),an arm of the Ministry of Finance. BIA's, guiding ,principle is to increase the real value of Brunei's foreign reserves while
  49. A series of subsequent multi-year plans of varying length and goals followed, guiding ,the direction of the international Bahá'í community. Annually, on April 21,the
  50. Theoretical form of democracy that is ruled by a Nested Council structure. The, guiding ,philosophy is that people should have decision-making power in proportion to

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