Examples of the the word, remnant , in a Sentence Context

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  1. To unpaved with about 1,370 km out of 2,350 km paved and 980 km unpaved. A, remnant ,of British occupation, Cyprus is one of the few EU nations in which vehicles
  2. Advanced the society, the less that society believed in Animism; however, any, remnant , ideologies of souls or spirits, to Taylor, represented “ survivals” of the
  3. Of it. There is a masculine form, aswios. This Asia appears to have been a, remnant ,of a region known to the Hittites as Assume, centered on Lydia, or " Roman Asia
  4. Nebula (NGC 6960,6962,6979,6992,and 6995) which is an ancient supernova, remnant ,covering approximately 3 degrees of the sky. Also, of note is the Crescent
  5. One called Data, and the other Ruth, which was later reduced to a final, remnant ,called Poseidon is. Scott-Elliot's information came from the clairvoyant
  6. Which is a lost continent of the Miocene period, and Poseidon is, which is a, remnant ,of Atlantis, are much the same, with a magical culture characterized by
  7. Luke as he recites the passage from Amos in Acts 15:17. Odom is symbolic of the, remnant ,of men and Gentiles who will eventually bear God’s name. Moreover, Frederick A.
  8. Azerbaijan and the Republic of Azerbaijan, like those spoken by the Tats, as a, remnant ,of Atari. Locally, the possessions of the subsequent Seljuk Empire were ruled
  9. Clearly outlined to them in the law; God will only destroy the unjust and a, remnant ,will remain; and God is free to judge, redeem and act as savior to Israel.
  10. Present-day crescent-shaped border between the two countries is a historical, remnant ,of this outcome. Dalmatia, the southern part of the crescent, was created by
  11. Loved Orion (in spite of the late source, this version appears to be a rare, remnant ,of her as the pre-Olympian goddess, who took consorts, as EOS did),but was
  12. Deserted Village" ) The Deserted Village is traditionally thought to be a, remnant ,village from An Aorta For (The Great Hunger of 1845-1849). Just west of the
  13. Faith. The Still Om gang—a silent procession in civil attire—is today a, remnant ,of the rich pilgrimage history. In the 16th century, the Dutch rebelled against
  14. Rises again from the sea, is fairer than before, and where Asgard used to be a, remnant ,of the Æsir gather, some coming up from HEL, and talk and play chess all day
  15. Exceptions listed below. However, the Channel Islands are not UK colonies but a, remnant ,of the Duchy of Normandy. Some former colonies have been integrated as
  16. The spread of Indo-European languages there. It is thought that Basques are a, remnant ,of the early inhabitants of Western Europe, specifically those of the
  17. A detached efferent duct of the epididymis * Appendix testis, a vestigial, remnant ,of the Müllerian duct * Epidemic appendix, one of several small pouches of fat
  18. Title page states that the purpose of the Book of Mormon is" to show unto the, remnant ,of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers;
  19. Four EU nations in which vehicles drive on the left-hand side of the road,a, remnant ,of British colonization, the others being Ireland, Malta and the United Kingdom
  20. Virginia, which was admitted to the U. S. as a state. In Missouri, a pro-CSA, remnant ,of the General Assembly met on October 31, 1861,and although lacking a quorum
  21. The next several hundred years. The Premyslid secured their frontiers from the, remnant ,Asian interlocutors, after the collapse of the Moravian state, by entering into a
  22. Of the valiant knight Tyrant The White from Brittany who gets to the embattled, remnant ,of the Byzantine Empire, becomes a Megaduke and commander of its armies, and
  23. Name is simply used for convenience),comprise the other modern hunter-forager, remnant ,in Africa. Over a period of many centuries, most hunting-foraging peoples were
  24. And much more harshly. 2:8 Because you have plundered many nations, all the, remnant ,of the peoples will plunder you, because of men’s blood, and for the violence
  25. A northern constellation representing the queen * Cassiopeia A, a supernova, remnant ,in that constellation. * Cassiopeia, the genus of the" upside-down" jellyfish
  26. Further gravitational collapse, evolving into a different type of stellar, remnant , such as a neutron star or black hole. Those with masses under the limit remain
  27. Isaiah, the book has a vision of the punishment of Israel and creation of a ", remnant ,", followed by world peace centered on Zion under the leadership of a new
  28. House of Esau” ( NIV). So, according to Obadiah there will not remain even a, remnant ,after Odom’s judgment; This is in contrast to Amos 9:12,where Amos refers to
  29. AMP > ADP > ATP). P1 receptors have A1,A2a,A2b,and A3 subtypes (" A" as a, remnant ,of old nomenclature of adenosine receptor),all of which are G protein-coupled
  30. Odom’s judgment; This is in contrast to Amos 9:12,where Amos refers to such a, remnant , however, it is stated that their possession will be given to Israel. Some
  31. V: Declared in 1419:" Whereas the Jews are made in the image of God and a, remnant ,of them will one day be saved, and whereas they have besought our protection:
  32. That the Spanish presence in Ceuta and the other Presidio on its coast is a, remnant ,of the colonial past which should be ended. However, the United Nations list of
  33. Worth noting that in both Noah’s flood and Zephaniah’s Day of the Lord, a ‘, remnant ,’ survives God’s wrath. It is also not surprising that the book of Zephaniah
  34. Survival in the wild is dependent on more effective protection of the surviving, remnant ,populations in Kenya. If this does not occur, it will eventually become extinct
  35. U. S. military occupation of the island from 1942 to 1946. The most noticeable, remnant ,is the wide, long airstrip. It is completely overgrown with vegetation and is
  36. The 13th or 14th century. However, few scholars hypothesized that Brahma is a, remnant ,of a formerly widespread Dravidian language family that is believed to have
  37. Proto-Baltic" stage, and the Baltic languages would thus represent an archaic, remnant ,of the former Balto-Slavic dialect continuum, the last Proto-Indo-European
  38. The Lake Chad Basin. Once a huge inland sea (the Pale-Chadian Sea) whose only, remnant ,is shallow Lake Chad, this vast depression extends west into Nigeria and Niger.
  39. Are the result of a thicker and more violent air flow. He saw the sea as a, remnant ,of the mass of humidity that once surrounded Earth. A part of that mass
  40. Prays to God:" O God of Israel, you are righteous! We are left this day as a, remnant , Here we are before you in our guilt, though because of it not one of us can
  41. Of the Mongol Empire Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty, with the last, remnant ,of the Song Dynasty falling to the Yuan in 1279. Before the Mongol invasion
  42. Pairs, as ordinary matter gains tremendous energy while falling into a stellar, remnant , Antimatter may exist in relatively large amounts in far-away galaxies due to
  43. That the Book of Common Prayer, and the Authorized version, enjoy is the last, remnant ,of the time when the Crown held a monopoly over all printing and publishing in
  44. Principle),the heat-giving flames described flammability (sulfur),and the, remnant ,ash described solidity (salt). Modern elements The Aristotelian tradition and
  45. Version of the deity, Athena Polkas. Earning the title Athena Parthenon. A, remnant ,of archaic myth depicts her as the adoptive mother of Erectness/Erichthonius
  46. The United States, with the globally popular term OK generally credited as a, remnant ,of its influence. After World War II, the British greatly reduced their use of
  47. Disappeared from the experiment altogether, not being seen either in the cold, remnant ,or the expanding gas cloud. The energy gained by making this transition
  48. The nations ’. The book concludes by extending a promise of deliverance to the, remnant ,of Israel which remains. The fulfillment of this prophecy is commonly understood
  49. Eek 37). His" people" were Abraham, the people of Israel, then the faithful, remnant ,of Israel, and finally the promised Messiah (PS 2). In the New Testament, God
  50. Has two endemic bird species. The Azores Bullfinch, or Prior, is restricted to, remnant ,Laurasia forest in the mountains at the eastern end of São Miguel, and is

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