Examples of the the word, warhead , in a Sentence Context

The word ( warhead ), is the 9098 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Costs increase rapidly with size, the price of the ICBM launching a large, warhead ,should always be greater than the much smaller interceptor missile needed to
  2. Warhead taken from Maverick E, compared to the D model's shaped-charge, warhead , Completed tests in 1988. *Maverick H model is an AGM-65B/D missile upgraded
  3. Average acceleration of 90 g) and had a smaller W66 enhanced radiation, warhead ,in the 1-3 kiloton range for in-atmosphere interceptions. The new Spartan
  4. Information on the actual size and weight of the proposed boosted-fission, warhead ,Green Bamboo, or its likely thermonuclear successor derived from the Granite
  5. For fortified installations and heavier penetrating blast-fragmentation, warhead ,(vs. in older models). Achieved IOC in 1985 and used mainly by USMC aviation.
  6. Launched from ships. The devices used were the 1.7 kt boosted fission W25, warhead , When such an explosion takes place a burst of X-rays is released that strike
  7. Its range has been extended to 5,000 km, equipped with a 1,000 kg conventional, warhead , and has stealth features which reduces its probability of intercept.
  8. One air-to-air. Design The Sparrow has four major sections: guidance section, warhead , control, and rocket motor (currently the Hercules MK-58 solid-propellant
  9. The US has 460 AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) with a W80 nuclear, warhead ,(5 kt or 150 kt selectable yield) for B-52 Stratofortress (B-52H) external
  10. Missiles represent major improvements, with vastly increased capabilities. The, warhead ,is of the continuous-rod type. As with other semi-active radar guided missiles
  11. The US-made Tomahawk, used by the RN's nuclear submarine fleet. Conventional, warhead ,versions were first fired in combat by the RN in 1999,during the Kosovo War.
  12. And espionage for flight control. Payloads usually consist of a conventional, warhead ,or a nuclear warhead . Cruise missiles tend to be propelled by a jet engine
  13. Of that of a V-2 supersonic ballistic missile, carrying a similar-sized, warhead , Unlike the V-2,however, the V-1 required stationary launch ramps which were
  14. Of Soviet ground-based defenses installed around the target area, allowing the, warhead ,to" dash" in at high speed. There would have to be a balance between the size
  15. Flight control. Payloads usually consist of a conventional warhead or a nuclear, warhead , Cruise missiles tend to be propelled by a jet engine, turbofan engines being
  16. Larger cruise missiles can carry either a conventional or a nuclear, warhead , while smaller ones carry only conventional warhead s. Hypersonic A hypersonic
  17. Rocket, which has a range of 29 km (18 mi) and carries a 15-kg (33-lb), warhead , Hezbollah also possesses about 100 long-range missiles. They include the
  18. Have a launch weight of about and can carry either a conventional or a nuclear, warhead , Earlier versions of these missiles used inertial navigation; later versions
  19. Launched from a Handel He 111) crashed on Bornholm during a test - the, warhead ,was a dummy made of concrete. This was photographed or sketched by the Danish
  20. Warhead of 1.1 Mt yield. Red Snow was smaller and lighter than the earlier, warhead ,proposals. The missile was fitted with a state-of-the-art inertial navigation
  21. Missile capable of carrying a large nuclear (or projected thermonuclear), warhead , with a range of at least. This would keep the bombers out of range of Soviet
  22. Animal and insect by the use of a ceramic, rather than metal, casing for the, warhead , While no records survive of the actual usage of the ceramic shells, prototypes
  23. Nearly simultaneously); the large missile is equipped with a conventional, warhead , The AWG-9 radar system carried by the F-111B and F-14 Tomcat was one of
  24. In place of the normal high explosive charge. *Dummy: Ammunition with an inert, warhead , inert primer, and no propellant; used for training or display. *Blank:
  25. A pair of 155 mm guns, which fire the Long Range Land-Attack Projectile. The, warhead , which weighs, has a circular error of probability of, and will be mounted on a
  26. Similar to US AGM-129 range of 3000 km, but are able to carry more powerful, warhead ,of 200 kt. They are equipped with a TER COM system which allows them to cruise
  27. The Sperry Gyroscope Company who produced the guidance system whilst the, warhead ,itself was designed by the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Alderman
  28. An" ABM program) launched from the Sary-Shagan test range, destroyed a dummy, warhead ,released by an R-12 ballistic missile launched from the Austin YAR commodore.
  29. Ballistic missiles with a maximum range of 3000 km. It will have a Kill Vehicle, warhead , Development in Japan Since 1998,when North Korea launched a Taepodong-1
  30. Spartan—a Nike Zeus upgraded for longer range and a much larger 5 megaton, warhead ,intended to destroy enemy's warhead s with a burst of x-rays outside the
  31. Would be economically infeasible—the defenders required one rocket per incoming, warhead , whereas the attackers could place 10 warhead s on a single missile at a
  32. Superseded by Red Snow, an Anglicized variant of the U. S. W-28 thermonuclear, warhead ,of 1.1 Mt yield. Red Snow was smaller and lighter than the earlier warhead
  33. Began. These included live ramjets, but still had no guidance system or, warhead , The designation YF-99A had been reserved for the operational test vehicles. In
  34. The engine would cut out and the missile would free-fall before detonating its, warhead ,as an air burst. To speed the trials at Boomers, the test rounds were flown
  35. And placed in storage. The SSM-N-8 Regulus was also designed for a nuclear, warhead , See also: Russia has Kh-55SM cruise missiles, with similar to US AGM-129 range
  36. And infra-red guidance systems. The AGM-65 has two types of motor behind the, warhead , The Maverick missile is unable to lock onto targets on its own; it has to be
  37. In combat. An ASSOC missile could hypothetically carry a 10 kiloton W44 nuclear, warhead , although the W44-armed nuclear weapons were retired by 1989,and all types of
  38. Land-based or sea-based target. Cruise missiles are designed to deliver a large, warhead ,over long distances with high accuracy. Modern cruise missiles can travel at
  39. Reentry vehicle (MIRV) warhead s. Suddenly each launcher was throwing not one, warhead , but several. The defense would still require a rocket for every warhead , as
  40. Known, so much so that the ene-diyne subunit is sometimes referred to as a ", warhead , " Ene-diynes undergo rearrangement via the Bergman cyclization, generating
  41. An IR seeker derived from the Sidewinder missile. In place of a proximity-fused, warhead , the NCA DE will use a kinetic energy hit-to-kill vehicle based on the one used
  42. A R-12 ballistic missile launched from the Austin YAR commodore. The dummy, warhead ,was destroyed by the impact of 18,000 tungsten-carbide spherical impactors 140
  43. In at high speed. There would have to be a balance between the size of the, warhead ,(Orange Herald or Green Bamboo as developed by the Atomic Weapons Research
  44. One warhead , but several. The defense would still require a rocket for every, warhead , as they would be re-entering over a wide space and could not be attacked by
  45. Of carrying biological, chemical,nuclear, and conventional warhead s. Nuclear, warhead ,versions The US has 460 AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) with a W80
  46. Also permits the use of more explosive, thereby increasing the power of the, warhead , It is possible to compress an explosive beyond a point of sensitivity, known
  47. There are approximately 350 sea-launched cruise missiles with the same nuclear, warhead , The range of the missile is 3000 km. These missiles have been" mothballed "
  48. Are used only as weapons and not for reconnaissance. In a cruise missile,the, warhead ,is integrated into the vehicle and the vehicle are always sacrificed in the
  49. Track larger targets. The G model's major difference is its heavier penetrator, warhead ,taken from Maverick E, compared to the D model's shaped-charge warhead .
  50. Guidance system optimized for tracking ships fitted onto Maverick-E body and, warhead , *Maverick G model essentially has the same guidance system as the D with some

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