Examples of the the word, finder , in a Sentence Context

The word ( finder ), is the 9107 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who was killed in the Sonderkommando Revolt in October 1944:" Dear, finder ,of these notes, I have one request of you, which is, in fact, the practical
  2. Pentaprisms with optional view finder capabilities, such as the waist-level, finder , the interchangeable sports finder s used on the Canon F1,F1n and F1; the Nikon
  3. First, unlike virtually all film SLRs, TLRs provide a continuous image on the, finder ,screen. The view does not black out during exposure. *Since a mirror need not
  4. Garland of Rare Gems by Joshua Keno. Pea Ling pa the famous Merton (, finder ,of sacred texts) of Bhutan is regarded as the immediate reincarnation of
  5. Used front and back cut-outs in the hinged top hood to provide a quick-action, finder ,for sports and action photography. Late model Rolled Rolleiflex TLS introduced
  6. In May 2001,using the technology of valid ltd. The service included friend, finder , LBS dating and LBS games. The same service was launched later by Vodafone
  7. Nematodes. A reward of $4000 has been advertised on their website, for the, finder ,of a new species of closely related nematode. Such a discovery would broaden
  8. Introduced the widely-copied additional feature of a second-mirror" sports, finder ,". When the hinged front hood knock-out is moved to the sports finder position
  9. To assist the user in focusing the camera. In addition, many have a" sports, finder ," consisting of a square hole punched in the back of the pop-up hood, and a
  10. Their impartiality. Role The role of the jury is seemingly accurate to a, finder ,of fact, while the judge is seen as having the sole responsibility of
  11. Sending real checks in 2008 due to bank fraud, and instead now gives each error, finder ,a" certificate of deposit" from a publicly listed balance in his fictitious "
  12. Creator the final answer is put in a blank in a web address, which takes the, finder ,to an image of the letterbox online.; Limited time Box: A letterbox that has
  13. Along the coast of New England, assisting in the calibration of radio direction, finder ,stations. Rear Admiral Buffett was again on board along with his aide
  14. Use special equipment which includes magnifier coupe, view finder , angle, finder , focusing rail /truck. Camera designs Plate camera The earliest cameras
  15. Many associations and attributes. Among the most common names are Dorinda,", finder ,of cows ", or Goal," protector of cows ", which refer to Krishna's
  16. Try to make it back to Sullivan's Island. What happened next is unclear. The, finder ,of the Henley suggested that the submarine was unknowingly rammed by the USS
  17. Sports finder ". When the hinged front hood knock-out is moved to the sports, finder ,position a secondary mirror swings down over the view screen to reflect the
  18. I will try to stay hidden for 30 days. " A $5,000 reward was offered to his, finder ,(s). Ratliff was found September 8 in New Orleans by a team effort, which was
  19. And D-SLRs and allows viewing through a waist-level view finder . There is also a, finder ,that provides EVF remote capability. Shutter mechanisms Focal-plane shutters
  20. Southwest of Rocky Mountain National Park. According to the population, finder ,off the Census Bureau's website, in 2009,the town had a total population of
  21. Range- finder cameras were introduced to make focussing more precise. The range, finder ,has two separated view finder windows, one of which is linked to the focusing
  22. They ranged from calls for public disclosure of the names to comments that the, finder ,of the trunk, a local building contractor named Don Roberts, should have burned
  23. Call location etc.) and by EMT in Estonia (emergency call location, friend, finder , TV game). TeliaSonera and EMT based their services on the Ericsson Mobile
  24. Radio set was to be mounted in all aircraft, along with a radio direction, finder ,for long-range navigation. The maneuverability was to be at least equal to that
  25. To the cryptographic community, offering a US$ 10,000 reward to the first, finder ,of a different 64-byte collision before January 1,2013. In 2011 an
  26. The direct view cutout. This permits precise focusing while using the sports, finder ,feature. The magnified central image is reversed both top-to-bottom and
  27. He watches the compass. Thus, the use of a magnetic compass as a direction, finder ,occurred sometime before 1044,but incontestable evidence for the use of the
  28. Quite costly. Finding a yacht may be done by a yachting club or through a crew, finder ,website. Safety Travel by water brings hazards: collision, weather,and
  29. A plaintiff's accusations before trial, as well as providing a guide to the ", finder ,of fact" ( jury) to decide whether the defendant is or is not liable, after
  30. For the sake of simplicity. This can be seen on the USPS website Zip Code, finder ,when the town name (Highland Park) is replaced by the surrounding city (
  31. Other is altitude, sometimes called elevation above the horizon. See also: Sat, finder , Polar coordinate In three-dimensional polar coordinate systems, including
  32. Is the author; or that Shakespeare is the author, the monkey his agent, and the, finder ,merely a user of the text. These solutions have their own difficulties, in that
  33. Aircraft). In the absence of altitude information, for example from a height, finder , the aircraft location would be plotted farther (2) from the antenna than its
  34. On public grounds. This has become a tradition and family event for locals. The, finder ,claims that years cash purse. In popular media * Films based on the failed raid
  35. Caches might also be hidden in places where the act of searching can make a, finder ,look suspicious (e.g. near schools,children's playgrounds, banks
  36. Liquid field compasses of today. Mining The use of a compass as a direction, finder ,underground was pioneered by the Tuscan mining town Massey where floating
  37. Those over 64. Notable People *George Chunking (1851–1922) Black cowboy and, finder ,of the Folsom site which revolutionized American archaeology * Sally J. Rookie (
  38. 1967 and the second,54-698,incorporating an/ASD-5 Black Crow direction, finder ,set (engine ignition sensor),was delivered in February 1968. The two
  39. If the vessel was insured) continues to have an interest in it, the salvo or, finder ,will generally get the majority of the value of the property. While sunken
  40. Turns out, Wade intends to buy the property himself, leaving Jerry with only a, finder ,'s free, which is not enough to pay off his debts. Meanwhile, Carl and Gear
  41. Legal pleadings to demonstrate a cause of action; * the determinations of the, finder ,of fact after evaluating admissible evidence produced in a trial or hearing; *
  42. With a cherry sauce, traditionally with an almond hidden inside. The lucky, finder ,of this almond is entitled to a small gift. After the meal is complete, the
  43. Three virtues it represents, the pieces split into its three components and the, finder ,is left with the one which represents the characteristic he values most; the
  44. Treasures" are not high in monetary value but may hold personal value to the, finder , Aside from the logbook, common cache contents are unusual coins or currency
  45. Format cameras use special equipment which includes magnifier coupe, view, finder , angle finder , focusing rail /truck. Camera designs Plate camera The earliest
  46. Radio Magnetic Indicator; An RMI is generally coupled to an automatic direction, finder ,(ADF),which provides bearing for a tuned Non-directional beacon (NDB).
  47. Arch '. The exhibition focussed on Brad field, and included a glass direction, finder ,on the observation level, and various important heritage items. The pylon again
  48. Such a conclusion. " * The earliest reference to a specific magnetic direction, finder ,device is recorded in a Song Dynasty book dated to 1040-44. There is a
  49. Out models that provided limited area metering, such as Nikon's Photonic Tn, finder , which concentrated 60 % of the CDs cells sensitivity on the inner circle of
  50. REVOLT E-3x0 series, the Lacey Decilux 3 and the Panasonic DMC-L1. A right-angle, finder ,is available that slips onto the eyepiece of most SLRs and D-SLRs and allows

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