Examples of the the word, plummet , in a Sentence Context
The word ( plummet ), is the 12776 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In the playoff hunt through the trade deadline, but a rash of injuries saw them, plummet ,to the fifth-worst record in league by the end of the season. The injuries led
- The sun dim, change colors, spin,dance about in the sky, and appear to, plummet ,to earth, radiating great heat in the process. After the ten-minute event, the
- Who finally began to feel the economic downturn. This caused record sales to, plummet ,in August, and they would remain low for the remainder of the year. Top hits on
- Pardon of Nixon caused his popularity, as measured by public-opinion polls, to, plummet , Ford's refusal to publicly explain his reasons for pardoning Nixon (he would
- The next February, however,the Peso was sharply devalued and continued to, plummet ,for the rest of 1981 and into 1982. Mortgage and business borrowers saw their
- Except for the members of Infinity Inc. As multiple flight-powered Every men, plummet ,to their deaths, underground gas mains rupture from the impact, which adds
- Concert, Goofy decides to take him to Los Angeles. However, the two nearly, plummet ,down a waterfall, before Max saves Goofy using the Perfect Cast technique. Max
- Levels. For example, at interannual scales phytoplankton levels temporarily, plummet ,during El Niño periods, influencing populations of zooplankton, fishes,sea
- Consequently, many homes were foreclosed, causing the housing market to, plummet , Banks collected the loan collateral (foreclosed homes) but the low property
- The park. The early 1970s saw South Bronx property values continue to, plummet ,to record lows. A progressively vicious cycle began where large numbers of
- The drop-off. The rig catches on the very edge of the cliff, preventing a, plummet ,into the depths. Several crew are lost because of flooding in the platform
- In the case. * February 27 – The Chinese Correction: World stock markets, plummet ,after China and Europe release less-than-expected growth reports. * February 28
- Merged team's new coach. Both the Gold and Gamblers had seen their attendance, plummet ,to unsustainable levels, as their fan bases were not willing to abandon the
- Commercial potential. The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina caused production to, plummet ,by 80 % from 1992 to 1995 and unemployment to soar. With an uneasy peace in
- Laws included the Anti-Sacrilege Act (1825–1830),which saw his popularity, plummet , The king and his ministers attempted to manipulate the outcome of a general
- Jane Paula, debuted with disastrous results. Ratings for the program began to, plummet , Critics felt that Gumbel and Orville lacked chemistry and many loyal viewers
- Support. The World Bank predicts that Yemen's oil and gas revenues will, plummet ,during 2009 and 2010,and fall to zero by 2017 as supplies run out, and UK's
- Center emerged. Other major parties, such as the Socialists, saw support, plummet , A new liberal movement, Forza Italia, gained wide support among moderate
- Began buying large amounts of gold. This caused prices to rise and stocks to, plummet , After Grant realized what had happened, the federal government sold $4 million
- Is known as 'the roller coaster '. He will rise high up in the sky, to turn and, plummet ,downward, in a spiral, twisting and turning as he comes down. He then rises
- December and early January, highs temperatures are in the teens, and lows can, plummet ,to single digits. The following is a chart of the average temperatures in
- Focus when both Softer and Sear were fired from the company caused sales to, plummet , This fact, combined with some ill-advised real estate deals by company
- In 2006,caused the values of securities tied to U. S. real estate pricing to, plummet , damaging financial institutions globally. Questions regarding bank solvency
- With average lows in the 5-7oC range (40-45oF) and occasional cold snaps that, plummet ,temperatures to close to freezing. Gwalior can be visited from late October to
- To 9,000,000 European immigrants. After 1890 the US rural population began to, plummet , as farmers were displaced by mechanization and forced to migrate to urban
- Russia — decimal currency, yacht club, sounding line with separating, plummet ,(sounding weight probe) *Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, ( 1845–1923),Germany — the
- S" youth movement ". However,2009 also saw the team's attendance numbers, plummet , For several years the Jaguars had had trouble filling their home stadium
- Gifford, travels from Paris to Trapped. *1869 –" Black Friday ": Gold prices, plummet ,after Ulysses S. Grant orders the Treasury to sell large quantities of gold
- A financial crisis hits Rome, due to poorly chosen fiscal policies. Land values, plummet , and credit is increased. These actions lead to a lack of cash, a crisis of
- Inventor of decimal currency, yacht club, sounding line with separating, plummet , founder of the Russian Navy *Vladimir Chekhov, polymath engineer, inventor of
- After the longest hiatus in history after two minutes of silence. The markets, plummet , *11:08 AM The World Bank and IMF cancel the annual meeting scheduled for
- Are cool, with highs averaging in the mid to upper 40s °F (7−9 °C). Lows may, plummet ,below on a few nights per year, but extended subzero cold is uncommon. Because
- The escaping criminals, startled by the rocketing pipe, veer off the road and, plummet ,to their deaths, keeping this dangerous secret" safe" in the hands of
- Is now speculation that interest in human vs. computer chess competition will, plummet ,as a result of the Bonn match and other recent matches involving Kasparov
- The government monopoly on vodka production was repealed, causing prices to, plummet ,and making vodka available even to low-income citizens. By 1911,vodka
- Not uncommon for the city. As the sun sets in the summer, temperatures, plummet , dramatically,sometimes upwards of 30 degrees. This nightly temperature swing
- The exchange with sell orders. The glamour stocks of the age saw their values, plummet , Across the two days, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 23 %. By the end of
- The coyote is allowed to hang in midair until he realizes that he is about to, plummet ,into a chasm (a process occasionally referred to elsewhere as Road-Runnering
- And causing tourism, a vital foreign exchange earner for the government, to, plummet , 2002 peace process Beginning of the ceasefire Towards the end of 2001,however
- Ramming the cannon would be aimed with the elevation set using a quadrant and a, plummet , At 45 degrees, the ball had the utmost range: about ten times the gun's level
- Cyclones. Profits--and therefore, government receipts-- likewise skyrocket and, plummet , wreaking havoc with government efforts to predict revenues and plan
- War II had a significant impact on Loyola University. As enrollment began to, plummet , Father Edward Whelan’S. J., then president, brokered a deal with the US Army
- All she had to do was give the word, and he would gladly walk off the edge and, plummet ,to his death. This leads to her asking him to go to the town's casino and
- At any point in time, anything can happen to anyone, and a tragic event could, plummet ,someone into direct confrontation with the Absurd. The notion of the absurd has
- After a turbulent year in office in which he saw his approval ratings, plummet ,to the single digits, Prime Minister More agreed to hold early elections for
- There was speculation that interest in human-computer chess competition would, plummet ,as a result of the 2006 Kramnik-Deep Fritz match. According to McGill
- Now halted, uncontrolled selling began in August, which caused the stock to, plummet ,to £150 by the end of September. Many individuals—including aristocrats—lost
- Appearances but no NBA championship titles, came to an end. Post-Ewing era, plummet ,(2000–2008) Despite the loss of Ewing, the Knicks remained successful in the
- Or equipment that may be attached to someone buried. Because survival rates, plummet ,as time passes, do not send a searcher for help until you feel you can do no
- Of global sugar cane production, glutted the world market, causing prices to, plummet ,to only $2.00 by the end of 1921. This crisis drove many of the local sugar
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