Examples of the the word, disproportionately , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disproportionately ), is the 12788 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ability to detect chemical gradients and localize the source. Hammerheads have, disproportionately ,small mouths and seem to do a lot of bottom-hunting. They are also known to
  2. Focus disproportionately on Western subjects, while anthropology focuses, disproportionately ,on the" Other "; this has changed over the last part of the 20th century as
  3. Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, say the law, disproportionately ,affects Arab citizens of Israel, since Arabs in Israel are far more likely to
  4. Genes through genetic drift. Current data suggest female grizzly bears are, disproportionately ,less likely than males to use these corridors, which can prevent mate access
  5. Turkish Cypriots but was rejected by the Greek Cypriots, who perceived it to, disproportionately ,favor Turks. On May 1,2004, Cyprus joined the European Union together with nine
  6. In northern continental Europe, large foreign mercantile communities, disproportionately ,large number of literate inhabitants and role as the center of the English
  7. An administrative and trade center has put Dar es Salaam in position to benefit, disproportionately ,from Tanzania's high growth rate since the year 2000 so that by now its
  8. The extensive furloughs of former TWA pilots in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, disproportionately ,affected St. Louis and resulted in a significant influx of American Airlines
  9. Because Italy has an unusually long seacoast, however,Italy also has a, disproportionately ,large number of harbors for the transportation of both goods and passengers.
  10. They usually target civilians and because the weapons' inaccuracy would, disproportionately ,endanger civilians even if military targets were chosen. Human Rights Watch has
  11. Diverted Hegel's thinking into new directions and eventually came to form a, disproportionately ,large part of the literature on and about Hegel. The Left Hegelian's also
  12. It was notoriously difficult to control its pitch and tone quality due to its, disproportionately ,small open finger holes. The ophicleide-which was used in bands and orchestras
  13. 2007. However, social inequalities also increased; the economic benefits went, disproportionately ,to the already well-off (especially to the Kikuyu); corruption reached new
  14. As economists, sociologists,and psychologists) in Western countries focus, disproportionately ,on Western subjects, while anthropology focuses disproportionately on the "
  15. Licence fee to fund the new station) and often, as in January 1975,suffered, disproportionately ,when the BBC had to make financial cutbacks, strengthening an impression that
  16. Negative cultural impact caused by under-performing public schools, which falls, disproportionately ,on demographic minorities. During the run-up to the November referendum
  17. Issues, some related to nutrition and health practices. The community suffers a, disproportionately ,high rate of alcoholism. Agencies working with Native American communities are
  18. The inevitable attention is that they most affected the lower-income population, disproportionately , and almost all areas of public activities were affected. The murder rate in
  19. Beginning. Disproportionate influence of smaller parties can, disproportionately ,change the outcome of an FPTP election by swinging what is called the 50-50 %
  20. Worryingly, this may sometimes justify punishing the innocent, or inflicting, disproportionately ,severe punishments, when that will have the best consequences overall (perhaps
  21. Web of omnivores. " Keystone species A keystone species is a species that is, disproportionately ,connected to more species in the food-web. Keystone species have lower levels
  22. In the genus (except possibly H. rudolfensis). H. habits was short and had, disproportionately ,long arms compared to modern humans; however, it had a less protruding face
  23. Based on the fabricated success, party cadres were ordered to requisition a, disproportionately ,high amount of the true harvest for state use primarily in the cities and urban
  24. In Lower Media, the situation was ripe for rebellion. They had suffered, disproportionately ,great losses at Frigid us. And according to rumor, exposing the Visigoths in
  25. Interests managed to ensure that the political weight of numbers was skewed, disproportionately ,in their favor. The Highlands were very poor and traditional
  26. For them. Australian and New Zealand developments Micronational activities were, disproportionately ,common throughout Australia in the final three decades of the 20th century.
  27. Details The Knights are led by a man who is approximately 12 feet tall with, disproportionately ,short arms and reindeer antlers inserted into his helmet (played by Michael
  28. Can be seen as a class or equity issue, as environmental destruction, disproportionately ,affects poorer communities and countries. Several left-wing or socialist
  29. Build Charles is well known to have been fair-haired, tall,and stately, with a, disproportionately ,thick neck. The Roman tradition of realistic personal portraiture was in
  30. Proportion of the total living biomass on Earth, the human effect on nature is, disproportionately ,large. Because of the extent of human influence, the boundaries between what
  31. S methodology. " His figures were undermined when it was revealed that he had, disproportionately ,interviewed homosexuals and prisoners (many sex offenders). " Sexologists
  32. Approximately 10 – 12 % of bridge strikes involved foreign lorries. This is, disproportionately ,high in terms of the number of foreign lorries on the road network. " This
  33. Were damaged from anti-aircraft fire from the ground. The damaged aircraft were, disproportionately ,dive and torpedo bombers, seriously impacting available firepower to exploit
  34. A bottleneck and means that a very small number of individuals are contributing, disproportionately ,to the gene pool which can result in higher levels of inbreeding. When
  35. To demonize colonized or other groups Unsubstantiated reports of cannibalism, disproportionately ,relate cases of cannibalism among cultures that are already otherwise despised
  36. System in some Western countries, minorities are convicted and imprisoned, disproportionately ,when compared with whites. In 1998,nearly one out of three black men between
  37. It was sometimes claimed that the burden of the deflationary effects was borne, disproportionately ,by the poor. Fourthly is the accusation that harsh policy conditions were
  38. Thus precipitating European settlement en masse which led to land distribution, disproportionately ,favoring Europeans, displacing the Shone, Ndebele,and other indigenous
  39. For this relatively poor performance are complex, but a major factor is the, disproportionately ,large percentage of GNP (possibly as much as 25 %) that North Korea devotes
  40. Compared with $1,171 nationally. The Northern suburbs' unemployment rate is, disproportionately ,higher than the other regions of Adelaide at 8.3 %, while the East and South
  41. And women proliferated throughout the world, becoming a numerically small but, disproportionately ,influential feature of global Anglicanism. Anglican religious life at one time
  42. So on. A single, more powerful party can shape the policies of the coalition, disproportionately , Smaller or less powerful parties can be intimidated to not openly disagree. In
  43. She further describes how the females attempted to hide the males (hunted, disproportionately ,for their tusks) from hunters. Mating The mating season is short and females
  44. Combination of attributes has permitted recent premiers of New Brunswick to be, disproportionately ,influential players on the federal stage. Former Premier Bernard Lord (
  45. Indiana's Klansmen represented a wide cross-section of society: they were not, disproportionately ,urban or rural, nor were they significantly more or less likely than other
  46. Implicitly referred to upper-class casualties who were perceived to have died, disproportionately , robbing the country of a future elite. Many felt" that 'the flower of youth '
  47. Society; domination by Western colonial powers under which Jews gained a, disproportionately ,large role in the commercial, professional,and administrative life of the
  48. More than a thousand years, just as for most European countries, but have been, disproportionately ,affected by events in the last half of the 20th century. Impact from the rise
  49. Of certain subjects of interest. In film and television depictions, nerds are, disproportionately ,white males with very large glasses, braces,severe acne and pants highly
  50. In times of economic hardship for the nation, African Americans suffer, disproportionately ,from job loss and underemployment, with the black underclass being the hardest hit.

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