Examples of the the word, convertible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( convertible ), is the 12797 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Would no longer be legal tender in Cuba, but would instead be exchanged for, convertible ,pesos (since April 2005 at the exchange rate of $1.08) with a 10 % tax
  2. Coupe * M3: Based On The 3 Series (E90) (2005–present) Sedan, coupe and, convertible ,* M5: Based On The 5 Series (F10) (2010–present) Sedan and Wagon * M6:
  3. Not capture the large share of black market activity. The konvertibilna mark (, convertible ,mark or BAM)- the national currency introduced in 1998 - is pegged to the euro
  4. Series model lineup. *1 Series (E81) (2004–present) Hatchback, coupe and, convertible ,*3 Series (E90) (2005–present) Sedan, coupe, convertible and wagon *5
  5. Exchanges. For instance, hybrid instruments such as convertible bonds and/or, convertible ,preferred may be listed on stock or bond exchanges. Also, warrants (or "
  6. The Crew plant. In April 2005,Bentley confirmed plans to produce a four-seat, convertible ,model—the Azure, derived from the Carnage Drop head Coupé prototype—at Crew
  7. Known as the" Victoria Station incident ". Arriving in an open-top Mercedes, convertible , the singer waved to the crowd in a gesture that some alleged was a Nazi salute
  8. May trade on traditional exchanges. For instance, hybrid instruments such as, convertible ,bonds and/or convertible preferred may be listed on stock or bond exchanges.
  9. Banking system. As the first public bank to" offer accounts not directly, convertible ,to coin ", the Bank of Amsterdam established in 1609 is considered to be the
  10. Model, the 747-200F,could be fitted with or without a side cargo door,The, convertible ,version, the 747-200C,could be converted between a passenger and a freighter
  11. Transformers. Mathematically speaking, magnetic fields and electric fields are, convertible ,with relative motion as a four vector. Electric fields are the cause of several
  12. Exception being the 348 TS, which is the only taiga named differently). The, convertible ,models now use the suffix" Spider" ( spelled" i" ) (see F355 Spider, and 360
  13. Hitchcock films The Birds drove a silver Aston Martin DB2/4 drophead coupé (, convertible ,). *A silver/gray convertible DB4 was driven by Michael Caine's character in
  14. To convert into other currencies. Indian Rupee is an example for partially, convertible ,currency. * Non convertible - Neither participate in the international FOREX
  15. State Limousine to celebrate her Golden Jubilee. In 2003,Bentley's 2-door, convertible , the Bentley Azure, ceased production, and Bentley introduced a second line
  16. Outlook at Fitch. In 1995 Hungary's currency, the For int (HUF),became, convertible ,for all current account transactions, and after OECD membership in 1996
  17. 2004 to remove the American dollar from circulation. In its place, the Cuban, convertible ,peso is now used, which although not internationally traded, has a value pegged
  18. The Paris Club in October 1998,and a new currency, the Bosnia and Herzegovina, convertible ,mark, was introduced in mid-1998. In 1999,the Convertible Mark gained wider
  19. Progressive Activity Sedan *6 Series (F12) (2010–present) Coupe and, convertible ,*X1 (2009–present) Compact Crossover SUV/Sports Activity Vehicle (SAV) *X3
  20. Around PCs 30 per US$1,which became the official rate once the currency became, convertible ,in the early 1990s. * Fiscal policy: The state was the exclusive owner of means
  21. Market factors. *Convertible arbitrage – exploit pricing inefficiencies between, convertible ,securities and the corresponding stocks. *Asset-backed securities (
  22. Which includes the new, redesigned and repackaged 2011 200 sedans and 200, convertible , the Chrysler 300 sedan and the Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Environmental
  23. Reliable and popular with tourists who can purchase tickets in Cuban, convertible ,pesos. As with most public transport in Cuba, the vehicles used are second hand
  24. Is the convertible euphonium. Recently widely produced, the horn resembles a, convertible ,tuba, being able to change from a concert upright to a marching forward bell on
  25. Introduced in 2003 was the DB9 coupé, which replaced the ten-year-old DB7. A, convertible ,version of the DB9,the DB9 Vol ante, was introduced at the 2004 Detroit Auto
  26. Sedan and Wagon * M6: Based On The 6 Series (E63) (2003–present) Coupe and, convertible ,* X5-M: Based On The X5 Series (E70) (2006–present) Compact Crossover
  27. Causes slower operating frequencies in FSM. A Mealy or Moore machine can be, convertible ,to an FSM which output is directly from a flip-flop, which makes the FSM run at
  28. Remained stable in relation to the U. S. dollar. The Czech crown became fully, convertible ,for most business purposes in late 1995. In order to stimulate the economy and
  29. Drop head Coupé prototype—at Crew beginning in 2006. By the autumn of 2005,the, convertible ,version of the successful Continental GT, the Continental GTC, was also
  30. Investors seeking better returns. Botswana's currency, the pull, is fully, convertible ,and is valued against a basket of currencies heavily weighted toward the South
  31. Revenue, a 10 % surcharge is levied for conversions from US dollars to the, convertible ,peso; this surcharge does not apply to other currencies, so it acts as an
  32. IPI). The latter is necessary for payments. All sums amounts may not be, convertible ,into foreign currency. Certification may also mean compliance with Brazil's
  33. 1991,but were officially removed from circulation in 2004 and replaced by the, convertible ,peso. Policy instruments The main monetary policy instruments available to
  34. Include the sport sedan (E90),station wagon (E91),coupe (E92),and, convertible ,(E93). The 5 Series is a mid-size executive car, available in sedan (F10)
  35. Adjustment. In June 1992,Estonia replaced the ruble with its own freely, convertible ,currency, the croon (EEK). A currency board was created and the new currency
  36. Model of the −600 series. * A300-620C: (Official designation: A300C4-620) A, convertible ,freighter version. First delivery December 1985. * A300-600F: (Official
  37. Wright drove a custom yellow 'race about' in the Prairie years, a red Cord, convertible ,in the 1930s,and a famously customized 1940 Lincoln for many years. He earned
  38. Almost non-existent public debt, flat-rate income tax, free trade regime, fully, convertible , currency backed by currency board and a strong peg to the euro, competitive
  39. S power grids. The picture of PPS were later incorporated into the 10 Cuban, convertible ,peso banknote. International organizations and groups ACS • AOSIS • CTO • ECAC
  40. Western economies. The basic ingredients of beer are water; a fermentable (, convertible ,into alcohol) starch source, such as malted barley; a brewer's yeast to
  41. Privately-owned banks with state charters that issued paper money, supposedly, convertible , to gold, in amounts greatly exceeding their gold reserves. Seminal works *
  42. On the currency in international trade. The US dollar is an example of a fully, convertible ,currency and for this reason, US dollars are one of the major currencies traded
  43. Practice and a performance. Another form of the marching euphonium is the, convertible ,euphonium. Recently widely produced, the horn resembles a convertible tuba
  44. To finance the war effort. After World War II gold was replaced by a system of, convertible ,currency following the Bretton Woods system. Gold standards and the direct
  45. Conversion devices, engines,or machines. Such devices can only be driven by, convertible ,energy, and have a theoretical maximum efficiency when converting energy to
  46. A silver Aston Martin DB2/4 drophead coupé ( convertible ). *A silver/gray, convertible ,DB4 was driven by Michael Caine's character in the original 1969 version of
  47. Respite. The conditions attached to the loan included making the pound fully, convertible ,to the dollar. When this was introduced in July 1947,it led to a currency
  48. Each side. The −200 was produced in passenger (−200B),freighter (−200F), convertible , ( −200C),and comb (−200M) versions. The 747-200B was the basic passenger
  49. SP from 1957 to 1964,the first years only as a coupé and from 1962 also as a, convertible , In 1956,the very rare DKW Monza was put into small scale production on a
  50. Coupe and convertible *3 Series (E90) (2005–present) Sedan, coupe, convertible , and wagon *5 Series Gran Tourism (2009–present) Progressive Activity Sedan *6

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