Examples of the the word, scorn , in a Sentence Context
The word ( scorn ), is the 12790 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- However, were far less forgiving, especially in the United Kingdom, and poured, scorn ,on the band. Yes officially disbanded, although temporarily, in early 1981
- Clergy, but through large sections of the population. There was just as much, scorn ,for Catholicism among the largely secular Norwegian intelligentsia, many of
- Use of animal fur in her clothing lines and personal wardrobe has brought the, scorn ,of people concerned with animal rights. At the Los Angeles premiere of
- Out of that courtroom head erect, the very apotheosis of defiant hatred and, scorn , " Some modern productions take further pains to show how Shylock's thirst for
- The Boer War of 1902. In its relatively brief history the imp inspired anger, scorn ,(During the Anglo-Zulu War, British commander Lord Chelmsford complained that
- Social classes, and emperors who failed to respect this distinction earned the, scorn ,of posterity; Cassius Did takes pains to point out that when the much admired
- The patriarchal forefathers of the heretics (De anima, iii. ). He held up to, scorn ,their inconsistency when he referred to the fact that Socrates in dying ordered
- The heart and stomach of a king, and of a King of England too, and think foul, scorn ,that Parma or Spain, or any Prince of Europe should dare to invade the borders
- Of Independent Artists show only to have the piece rejected. First an object of, scorn ,within the arts community, the Fountain has since become almost canonized by
- Minor celebrity status and a comparatively small cash prize, has attracted much, scorn , On numerous occasions, participants in the various series have become sexually
- And most candid of expositors, of this or any other age, is held up to, scorn ,as a" flighty" person, who endeavors" to prop up his utterly rotten fabric
- Was initially unsuccessful, with an angry Cobain insulting and heaping, scorn ,on its participants and eventually locking himself in the upstairs bedroom.
- Destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and, scorn , for woman ". The Futurist Manifesto was read and debated all across Europe, but
- Was hurt by the same party rules that allowed Mondale to win. He also poured, scorn ,on Mondale, saying that Hubert Humphrey was the" last significant politician
- Fort was prescient in his collection and preservation of these data despite the, scorn ,they often received from his contemporaries, Fort was more of a parodist and a
- Deconstruction. The grumpy old man repudiated this notion with his habitual, scorn , calling the work of Derrida (or, as he preferred to call him," Derrida" ) "
- German losses at a much lower 200,000. More recently, Jack Sheldon also pours, scorn ,on Edmonds' figures, suggesting that although the German figures (just under
- Azide-:: What! So lovely, an ' not to be own'd;: Oh! A God-gift a-treated WI ', scorn ,:: Oh! A child that a squire should own;: An' to end her AWA to be born! -::
- Bates, a successful filmmaker played by Allen, who expresses resentment and, scorn ,for his fans. Overcome by the recent death of a friend from illness, the
- Competitor US Airways in a complex deal valued at. The offer drew immediate, scorn ,from consumer groups and employees of both airlines. By the following year
- Mischievous conflicts. The crusade in Flanders aroused the Reformer's biting, scorn , while his sermons became fuller-voiced and dealt with what he saw as the
- And abrasive than the Croatian. Juvenalian satire addresses social evil through, scorn , outrage, and savage ridicule. This form is often pessimistic, characterized by
- Who invest huge amounts of time and or money into a game, while others might, scorn ,those who can't put in the time to" play properly ". The validity of such
- Brother, Joseph Bonaparte. This foreign puppet monarch was widely regarded with, scorn , The 2 May 1808 revolt was one of many nationalist uprisings against the
- The performance was jeered at times by the audience, who directed some of their, scorn ,at the casting of soprano Fanny Salvini-Donatelli in the lead role of Violetta.
- The ship, killing all on board (" Earache Mir wider, kühne Dealt" ). Her, scorn ,and rage are directed particularly at Tristan, the knight responsible for
- Deeds that it recounts become less savory. Much, too,is made of Alexander's, scorn ,for luxury:" He desired not pleasure or wealth, but only excellence and glory.
- To her. She reaffirms her love for Errant (Tutti Arezzo Che d'Errant /" I, scorn ,everything which does not speak to my heart of Errant" ). King Carlos
- It was under this act that Thomas More was executed. Queen Elizabeth I's, scorn ,for Jesuit missionaries led to many executions at Ty burn. As punishment for the
- Convince the animals that Snowball destroyed the windmill, although the, scorn ,of the neighboring farmers suggests the windmill's walls were too thin. Once
- Sister, until she questions employees of the railroad. Upon learning that her, scorn ,had been misdirected, Cherryl puts off apologizing to Deign out of shame until
- Actors in England by the season's end. Olivier continued to hold his, scorn ,for film, and though he constantly worked for Alexander Korea, he still felt
- In a brutal land redistribution program, Mugabe has earned himself widespread, scorn ,from the international arena. The regime has managed to cling to power by
- Complex understanding of modernity's impact, yet his urban designs have drawn, scorn ,from critics. Wrote in Yesterday's City of Tomorrow that the extravagant
- Which years ago ... lifted nothing at all in her direction except the finger of, scorn , " Upon her death in Paris in 1954,Colette left 50 published novels in total
- Is compared to Ball the pimp. It is not uncommon, too,for a character to, scorn ,the gods, as seen in Populous and Rubens. However, when a character scorn s a
- Back to Dryden's well-known use of the term, not to Rousseau. ) Dickens's, scorn ,for those unnamed individuals, who,like Caitlin, he alleged, misguidedly
- Of one Christopher Early concerning his damnable judgment of religion, and, scorn , of God's word. " Barnes attributes to Marlowe a total of eighteen items which
- He to whom Zeus sends none but evil gifts will be pointed at by the finger of, scorn , the hand of famine will pursue him to the ends of the world, and he will go up
- Street grid and park-like green space. His scheme was met with criticism and, scorn ,from French politicians and industrialists, although they were favorable to the
- To have given the advice to his sons:" Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and, scorn , all other men" before he died at Eboracum (York) on February 4,211. Upon
- Way to Canada, Mexico or Sweden. Many people looked upon draft-dodgers with, scorn ,as being" cowards ", but some supported them in their efforts. In the late
- Down for a visit or to help other people up, they find themselves objects of, scorn ,and ridicule. According to Socrates, physical objects and physical events are "
- Of the past. The latter path was championed by Halophiles, who heaped, scorn ,on the" decadent" West. The Halophiles were opponents of bureaucracy
- Asides about his characters and compares them to actors and puppets, but his, scorn ,goes even as far as his readers; accusing all who may be interested in such "
- Minimum. The statement that" we live in the best of all possible worlds" drew, scorn , most notably from Voltaire, who lampooned it in his comic novella Candide by
- In 1524 Durer wrote" because of our Christian faith we have to stand in, scorn ,and danger, for we are reviled and called heretics. " Most tellingly
- He does not have hope, but " there is no fate that cannot be surmounted by, scorn , " Acknowledging the truth will conquer it; Sisyphus, just like the absurd man
- In dissent that" the proposed Eighth Amendment would have been laughed to, scorn ,if it had read 'no criminal penalty shall be imposed which the Supreme Court
- Held of them by others, with the result that they become frequent objects of, scorn , ridicule, bullying,and social isolation. Some nerds show a pronounced
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