Examples of the the word, breaker , in a Sentence Context
The word ( breaker ), is the 12778 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Image of Charles I (the literal translation of Eikonoklastes is 'the image, breaker ,'),the exiled Charles II and his party published a defense of monarchy
- Must be a stripe and the other a solid. The cue ball is placed anywhere the, breaker ,desires inside the" ". Break One person is chosen (by a predetermined method
- Technology for the thrust vectoring Rolls-Royce Pegasus engine * Power circuit, breaker , an automatically operated electrical switch * Process control block, a data
- Power and the granularity to analyze the attacks and act like a circuit, breaker ,in an automated way. A rate-based IPS (RIPS) must analyze traffic granular
- In the latter case the route selection process moves to the next tie, breaker , While LOCAL_PREF is the first rule in the standard, once reachability of the
- Or have the 8-ball and continue shooting with the balls as they lie. If the, breaker ,scratches while pocketing the 8-ball on the break, the incoming player may call
- Rack was not struck at all (e.g., due to a) to be re-shot by the original, breaker , Fouls, in common bar pool, that are not cue ball scratches generally only
- By a constant power module (CPM) which is basically a 20- or 50-ampere, breaker , in a dimming module casing. Constant power modules are used to supply
- Use of" Force, might and beatings," on the demonstrators. Rabin the" bone, breaker ," was used as an International image. In 1990 to 1992,Rabin again served as a
- September 7,1991,the German research vessel RV Polar stern and the Swedish ice, breaker ,Open reached the North Pole as the first conventional powered vessels. Both
- The Hall effect sensor is used as a direct replacement for the mechanical, breaker ,points used in earlier automotive applications. Its use as an ignition timing
- AI robot that acts as a scouting robot, a computer, machine hacker, code, breaker , alarm system, police scanner, tracer,weapons unit and restraining device.
- And the Chicago Mercantile Exchange introduced the concept of a circuit, breaker , The circuit breaker halts trading if the Dow declines a prescribed number of
- Pockets a ball and commits no foul, it remains the breaker 's turn. If the, breaker ,pockets the 9 ball on the break (without fouling),this is an instant win. (
- Pocketed, such as one solid and two stripes, or no solids and one stripe,the, breaker ,must shoot the balls that were pocketed in the greatest number (stripes in
- Was built in the 1950s. * Mary Bignall-Rand – Gold medalist and world record, breaker ,in the long jump at the 1964 Summer Olympics. * Harry George Brandon – awarded
- Onto a Class 373 train arriving at St Pancreas station, activating a circuit, breaker ,and delaying eleven other trains. Two days later, on 25 September 2009
- Each power supply into a different circuit (i.e. to a different circuit, breaker ,). Redundant protection can be extended further yet by connecting each power
- During WWII, using converted ships known as Sperrbrecher (" barrage, breaker ,"). Alternatively, a shallow draft vessel can be steamed through the
- Known by their Rock eater products. World leading manufacturer of hydraulic, breaker ,steels. *Donald McLaren Ltd., the first and only independent funeral directors
- And with rust proofing in its infancy many older vehicles were being sent to, breaker ,yards as their bodywork was beyond economical repair. An industry grew up
- To make a legal break, the opponent can either demand a re-rack and become the, breaker , or continue to play as if it had been an ordinary foul, depending upon the
- Lake, Western Australia when he reached; he remains the world's most prolific, breaker ,of water speed records. Campbell was awarded the CBE in 1956 for his water
- One can sometimes be seen written, usually as shown here. * Breaker:. Circuit, breaker ,(disjuncture). Still very often used nowadays. * Checker or cheese: Verb
- Of the software patch. After the astronauts cycled the landing radar, breaker , the unit successfully acquired a signal near, again just in the nick of time.
- Prompting officials at the exchange to invoke for the first time the" circuit, breaker ," rule to halt all trading. This was a very controversial move and led to a
- A frayed or damaged conductor, a short circuit will occur and operate a circuit, breaker ,or fuse to disconnect the faulted circuit. Note that the earth itself has no
- Act on 23 September 1922. By 1923 a 550-metre pier,175 meters of a wooden tide, breaker , and a small harbor had been constructed. Ceremonial inauguration of Dania as
- Sometimes include other types of valves, or are valves themselves * Vacuum, breaker ,valve: prevents the back-siphonage of contaminated water into pressurized
- Object ball being pocketed),then the opponent can call for a and become the, breaker , or elect to play from the current position of the balls. According to World
- Out equally. There was a great deal of money to be made in this way. The record, breaker , admittedly before our wars, was the capture of the Spanish frigate the
- If it had been an ordinary foul, depending upon the rules of the event. If the, breaker ,pockets a ball and commits no foul, it remains the breaker 's turn. If the
- Incoming player can demand a re-rack and take the break or force the original, breaker ,to re-break, or may take ball-in-hand behind the and shoot the balls as they
- Concluded that the pilots disabled the aural tone generator circuit, breaker ,which creates audible warning signals and then" forgot to lower the landing
- Mercantile Exchange introduced the concept of a circuit breaker . The circuit, breaker ,halts trading if the Dow declines a prescribed number of points for a
- In the supply network, or it may be delivered to a master distribution board (, breaker ,panel) at the customer's premises. Connecting an electrical circuit from one
- For circumcision verily profited, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a, breaker ,of the law, thy circumcision is made circumcision. Martin Luther described
- Internet boom. In 1942,Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse, a young U. S. Navy code, breaker ,and mathematical genius is assigned to the newly formed joint British and
- New equipment into the process of cheese making, including his" revolving, breaker ," for curd cutting, saving much manual effort. The" Joseph Harding method "
- The sun Engineering *Arc chute, a protective device in an electrical circuit, breaker ,*Arc lamp, a device that produces light by an electric arc *Arc welding, a
- Are difficult to build because some mechanism must be included in the circuit, breaker ,to force current to zero, otherwise arcing and contact wear would be too great
- World Standardized Rules, if the 8-ball is pocketed on the break without,the, breaker ,may ask for a re-rack and break again, or have the 8-ball and continue shooting
- Thus paving the way for the resurrection of a Bulk Atari (" the rocks, breaker ,one" ) system. Constitutional changes By 1967,Mobutu had consolidated his
- The automatic SO by pulling the volumetric fuse and an overflow circuit, breaker , Maintenance records indicate that the airplane had numerous Correlated
- Escorts (retired 1960s) * WEBB: Coast Guard sea-going buoy tenders/ice, breaker ,* AMSL: Coast Guard Maritime Security Cutter, Large (referred to as National
- Unknown. While moving within the cabin, Aldrin accidentally broke the circuit, breaker ,that would arm the main engine for lift off from the Moon. There was concern
- A young woman who finds herself falling for a brilliant young World War II code, breaker , played by Doug ray Scott. Generally well-received, Winslet was awarded a
- Campbell, CBE (23 March 1921 – 4 January 1967) was a British speed record, breaker ,who broke eight world speed records in the 1950s and 1960s. He remains the only
- Switch for the ascent engine; using part of a pen, they pushed the circuit, breaker ,in to activate the launch sequence, and Aldrin still possesses the pen which
- Of the event. If the breaker pockets a ball and commits no foul, it remains the, breaker ,'s turn. If the breaker pockets the 9 ball on the break (without fouling)
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