Examples of the the word, bookseller , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bookseller ), is the 12782 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And the Deathly Hallows. The book was purchased for £1.95 million by on-line, bookseller ,Amazon. come on 13 December 2007,becoming the most expensive modern book ever
- In all, in 1608. Popularity of the book in Italy was such that a Milan, bookseller ,issued an Italian edition in 1610. Yet another Brussels edition was called for
- Az was near Gt Titch field St. next door to the pub ". He persuaded the, bookseller ,Elvin Mathews—publisher of Yeats's Wind Among the Reeds and the Book of the
- In late 1996,and were divorced by 1998. David began dating Kathleen O'Shea,a, bookseller , puppeteer and writer/editor They married on May 26, 2001 in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Another scholar of the time interested in rimfires was the antiquarian, bookseller ,Johann Schedule, who first published the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, two
- A customer with a 10 % off coupon once the customer has spent $200.00 at the, bookseller , ) Best Buy's loyalty program offers points redeemable for dollar-amount
- Committee which includes an author, two publishers, a literary agent,a, bookseller , a librarian, and a chairperson appointed by the Booker Prize Foundation. The
- Standard of care for MS sufferers. Other philanthropic work In May 2008, bookseller , Waterstones asked Rowling and 12 other writers (Sebastian Faults, Doris
- By Austen for the press in 1803,and sold in the same year for £10 to a London, bookseller , Crosby & Co., who decided against publishing. In 1817,the bookseller was
- To some types of queries, but not others. For example, consider an online, bookseller ,whose customers maintain wishlist of books they'd like to have. For the
- Was intentionally misleading in order to protect Josef Shenzhen, the anti-Nazi, bookseller ,who had provided the White Rose members with a safe meeting place for the
- 1753–1832),developer of the Madras system of education *Alexander Donaldson (, bookseller ,), appellant in the copyright case, Donaldson v Beckett; founder/publisher of
- Entered into the Register of the Stationers Company on 8 October 1600 by the, bookseller ,Thomas Fisher, who published the first quarto edition later that year. A second
- Mysterious Flame of Queen Loan (2005) is about Giambattista Boron, an old, bookseller ,specializing in antiques who emerge from a coma with only some memories to
- Raisonné DES sciences, des arts et DES métiers. Encyclopedia André Le Breton,a, bookseller ,and printer, approached Diderot with a project for the publication of a
- A London bookseller , Crosby & Co., who decided against publishing. In 1817,the, bookseller ,was content to sell it back to the novelist's brother, Henry Austen, for the
- In the element (the ISBN) to create a link from this element to an online, bookseller , * Any syntax that can express genealogy, such as" A is-mother-of B ". Other
- Influential editor of Amazing Stories,1938–1949 * Dog Peyton, UK,Birmingham, bookseller ,who launched the Drunken Dragon imprint and co-edited (with Rod Milner) the
- Lewis Reading (formerly known as Heels),Dagenham and House of Fraser. The, bookseller ,Waterstone's has two branches in Reading. Their Broad Street branch is a
- Industry for the collapse of Litchman's, once Canada's largest independent, bookseller , Management *Joyce Gray — Executive Vice President, Retail and Consumer
- As in reading a book (pronounced to rhyme with feeding). At one time the, bookseller ,Blackwell's had a branch in Reading, signed " Blackwell's Reading Book Shop "
- October 1895,he was ready to begin wholeheartedly a new apprenticeship with a, bookseller ,in Tübingen. This experience from his youth he returns to later in his novel
- With correspondence. They also traded with Edward Evans, another Shanghai, bookseller , Milford observed, ‘ we ought to do much more in China than we are doing’ and
- Manufacturing bicycles. It was 1894,and 26-year-old Václav Element, who was a, bookseller ,in Lleida Boles lav, in today's Czech Republic, which was then part of
- Coach (d. 1998) * August 21 – Christopher Robin Milne, English author and, bookseller ,(d. 1996) * August 22 – Ray Bradbury, American science fiction writer *
- And August 1797. On 1 November 1797 Austen's father sent a letter to London, bookseller ,Thomas Ca dell to ask if he had any interest in seeing the manuscript, but the
- The Horatio Stubby second and third books. After World War II, he worked as a, bookseller ,in Oxford. Besides short science fiction for various magazines, he wrote a
- Actor (b. 1919) * April 20 – Christopher Robin Milne, English author and, bookseller ,(b. 1920) * April 21 – Shikhar Delayed, Chechen President (b. 1944) *
- Educate himself. At fourteen, he became apprenticed to a local bookbinder and, bookseller ,George Reba in Bland ford St and, during his seven-year apprenticeship, he
- The lone exception to this pattern has been the very smallest category of, bookseller , shops with between one and four employees, which appear to have withstood the
- Collar Gibber, English poet (b. 1671) * December 11 – Edmund Curl, English, bookseller , and publisher (b. 1675) __NOT__ Year 1774 (MDCCLXXIV) was a common year
- By him in that work caused the Encyclopædia Britannica to denounce it. A German, bookseller ,and Freemason, living in Paris, working under the assumed name of C. Leaning
- John Stripe, English historian (b. 1643) *1747 – Edmund Curl, English, bookseller , ( b. c. 1675) *1797 – Richard Brocklesby, English physician (b. 1722) *1872
- In dogmatic theology at the University. Hermann Hesse worked in Tübingen as a, bookseller ,trainee from 1895 to 1899. The most famous composer of Tübingen was Friedrich
- 1813. Robert continued his education at the High School, and William became a, bookseller ,'s apprentice. In 1818 Robert, at 16 years old, began his own business as a
- The pastiche The Anatomy of Tobacco, and secured work with the publisher and, bookseller ,George Red way as a cataloger and magazine editor. This led to further work as
- As much as music – undoubtedly influenced by his father, August Schumann,a, bookseller , publisher, and novelist. Schumann began receiving general musical and piano
- Behavior. Although uninspired by the school, Robert made up for this at the, bookseller , Both Robert and William were born with six fingers on each hand and six toes
- Entered into the Register of the Stationers Company on 14 August 1600 by the, bookseller ,Thomas Xavier; the first quarto was published before the end of the year—though
- Originally from Connecticut. His mother was from Baltimore, the daughter of a, bookseller , On his father's side, Cleveland was descended from English ancestors, the
- A Thousand Fables) * 12th century; - A document from Cairo refers to a Jewish, bookseller ,lending a copy of The Thousand and One Nights (this is the first appearance of
- Time, the growing Press established distributors in London, and employed the, bookseller ,Joseph Parker in Turn Street for the same purposes in Oxford. Parker also came
- He found a home in" a blind lane at Amsterdam ", acting as" porter" to a, bookseller , who, on discovering his knowledge of Hebrew, introduced him to other scholars.
- To an end, he encountered a crowning mortification: he discovered that the, bookseller , fearing the government's displeasure, had struck out from the proof sheets
- Screenwriter and playwright. Early life Born the son of an antiquarian, bookseller ,in London, he was first introduced to cryptography when his father showed him a
- Percentage discount upon reaching a specified purchase level. (For example,a, bookseller ,'s loyalty card program might provide a customer with a 10 % off coupon once
- And education Born on 18 September 1709 (New Style) to Michael Johnson,a, bookseller , and his wife, Sarah Ford, Samuel Johnson often claimed that he grew up in
- At the 1980 Republican National Convention. In the early 1970s,Bill Butler,a, bookseller ,in Brighton, was prosecuted under UK obscenity laws for selling the pamphlet.
- A Curaçao born composer * Johann Philipp Palm (1768–1806),a German, bookseller ,executed during the Napoleonic Wars * Rudolph Palm (1880–1950),a Curaçao
- Or small-time peddlers. Danton provides a detailed record of one clandestine, bookseller ,'s (one de Mauve lain) business in the town of Troyes. At the time, the town
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