Examples of the the word, weaponry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( weaponry ), is the 12792 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Had previously been a division within Russia). Despite overwhelming manpower, weaponry ,and air support, the Russian forces were unable to establish effective
  2. Order that they may learn our language. " He remarked that their lack of modern, weaponry ,and even metal-forged swords or pikes was a tactical vulnerability, writing,"
  3. Half. During the conquest, the Araucanians quickly added horses and European, weaponry ,to their arsenal of clubs and bows and arrows. They became adept at raiding
  4. Heavy cruisers from the World War II era). It will potentially employ advanced, weaponry ,and an all-electric Integrated Power System; however, the construction
  5. Frequently going unpaid and unfed while the Government purchased advanced, weaponry ,which could not be operated or maintained. The defeats in 2000 are believed to
  6. From Ghana and the Today collection of Central African sculpture, textiles and, weaponry , The Americas' collection mainly consists of 19th and 20th century items
  7. It altogether. But after downsizing it to 8,000 men, stripping it of all heavy, weaponry , the foreign legion was spared, packed up and re-headquartered in metropolitan
  8. It was timed to accompany, p. 2 Finland especially lacked modern antitank, weaponry ,which could stop Soviet heavy tanks, and German Foreign Minister Joachim on
  9. Aided by a massive buildup of Soviet advisors, military personnel, and advanced, weaponry ,during the Cold War, Cuba became a staunch ally of the USSR during Castro's
  10. S official policy states that the 350,000 reservists with mostly ground, weaponry ,are a sufficient deterrent. The army consists of a highly mobile field army
  11. Per hour. World War II marked the development of new and complex machines and, weaponry , and these made new demands on operators' cognition. The decision-making
  12. Army. However, combat in large urban areas tends to be dominated by small arms, weaponry ,rather than armored and mechanized units, much to the detriment of the German
  13. Was in fact applied to all the combatants, but very soon France began selling, weaponry ,to the Arab states again. As early as 1970 France sold Libya a hundred Assault
  14. Referred to as" Star Wars" ), along with research into various energy-beam, weaponry , brought new interest in the area of ABM technologies. SDI was an extremely
  15. Was usually used by civilizations that could not beat the enemy with ranged, weaponry , Another invention in the late Middle Ages was the use of Greek fire by the
  16. Of light by the mirrors. MythBusters also pointed out that conventional, weaponry , such as flaming arrows or bolts from a catapult, would have been a far easier
  17. Decided to pursue a pro-NATO policy, thus reducing military personnel and, weaponry , Bulgaria joined the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization in 2004,and currently
  18. Ineffectiveness in combat was due to their very scarce equipment, obsolete, weaponry , and primitive tactics of Italian officers, thus often being obliged to retreat
  19. Vehicles in terms of armor and armament. They usually do not have attached, weaponry , Armored cars are often used in military marches and processions, or for the
  20. Musket: many of the European armies henceforth imitated this all-purpose set of, weaponry , However, dragoons were at a disadvantage when engaged against true cavalry
  21. They are armed with a mix of American, Yugoslavian,Soviet, and European-made, weaponry , vehicles, and military equipment. The Air Force and Air Defense Forces has
  22. Against selected threats. Weaponry and external stores A variety of air-to-air, weaponry ,can be carried by the F-15. An automated weapon system enables the pilot to
  23. S official policy states that the 350,000 reservists, armed mostly with ground, weaponry ,are a sufficient deterrent. The Finnish Defense Forces favor partnerships with
  24. Frequently rely on British, Brazilian,Swiss, Swedish,Israeli, and Finnish, weaponry , Air Force The Ghana Air Force is headquartered in Burma camp Accra, and
  25. To the USSR for assistance. Nikita Khrushchev agreed to help, offering advanced, weaponry ,and technical advisors. The United States viewed the Soviet presence as an
  26. From conclusive. Examples of individuals buried with both female jewelry and, weaponry ,have been identified, such as the Six Grave, and there are questions about the
  27. The most competent thinking is conducted regarding living, as opposed to, weaponry , " As well as contributing significantly to the development of integrity
  28. Time, place,and fierce loyalty of his troops to offset his foe's superior, weaponry ,and tactics; third, he adapted, again and again, to the enemy on the
  29. Of armor has run parallel to the development of increasingly effective, weaponry ,on the battlefield, with armorers seeking to create better protection without
  30. Blow up the planet. As Mountbatten became more familiar with this new form of, weaponry , he increasingly grew opposed to its use in combat yet at the same time he
  31. Rohrabacher gave a speech in support of American equipping the LA with, weaponry , comparing it to French support of America in the Revolutionary War, saying "
  32. Sonar-modification equipment is kept, from the special Catsuit to the hi-tech, weaponry , Bruce then discovers the cavern where he first saw the image that inspired him
  33. Provided some opportunities for mounted action against enemies lacking advanced, weaponry , The post-war German Army (Reich sheer) was permitted a large proportion of
  34. The Middle East increased by over fifty percent after de Gaulle's reforms. The, weaponry ,industries benefited most as France soon had lucrative contracts with many of
  35. Heavily armed Kirov class cruiser, use advanced sensors and carry a variety of, weaponry , However, ships like the Kirov would likely be used in offensive operations
  36. Of Soviet Army soldiers ask me how one can become a constructor, and how new, weaponry ,is designed. These are very difficult questions. Each designer seems to have
  37. An enemy that puts a great emphasis on anti-tank warfare and on anti-aircraft, weaponry , especially if the side employing blitzkrieg is unprepared. During the Battle
  38. As a result, there was extra impetus given to the development of anti-tank, weaponry , which culminated in the Ordnance QF 17 pounder, widely considered one of the
  39. Or" Wanderlust ", but this feature has no gameplay effect. Equipment such as, weaponry ,is handled completely abstractly, with no specific rules for item cost
  40. With most armies having vehicles to carry infantry, artillery and anti-aircraft, weaponry ,by the end of World War II. Most modern AFIS are superficially similar in
  41. Submarines; heavy industrial machinery and electrical equipment; military, weaponry ,; fabricated metal products; chemical and pharmaceutical products; and
  42. Power in the artillery weapons of the time. Joan of Arc encountered gunpowder, weaponry ,several times. When she led the French against the English at the Battle of
  43. Space Age, including setting foot on the moon. Rockets are used for fireworks, weaponry , ejection seats, launch vehicles for artificial satellites, human spaceflight
  44. Combat aircraft, and combat helicopters, and provides for the destruction of, weaponry ,in excess of those limits. Armenian officials have consistently expressed
  45. Repeatedly, especially when, as at Tours, they were far superior in men and, weaponry , and at Berry and Narbonne, when they were superior in numbers of fighting men.
  46. Celestial mechanics. Fuller also invented the word" living," as opposed to, weaponry ,(or" killing" ), to mean that which is in support of all human, plant,and
  47. Battlefield setting or in an area subject to damage by large scale, weaponry , such as a bomb blast. * Bone fracture, a break in a bone initially treated by
  48. Of the United States Special Operations Command (SODOM). Most of the, weaponry ,aboard is mounted to fire out from the left or port side of the aircraft.
  49. The" Museum of the Revolution ", featuring cannons, uniforms,pieces of Soviet, weaponry , and other weapons of war once used by the FMLN's (Farabundo Martí National
  50. In part because of their armor. In the early 15th century, advances in, weaponry ,allowed infantry to defeat armored knights on the battlefield. The quality of

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