Examples of the the word, catholicism , in a Sentence Context
The word ( catholicism ), is the 12795 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Expelled from Malta (in 1224). Since then Malta has been a stronghold of Roman, catholicism , in the central Mediterranean Sea. After the Norman conquest the population of
- In vernacular rather than Latin, but without formally breaking away from, catholicism , In much the same spirit, and to establish a reference
- The year 1572 Jan Hieronimowicz Chodkiewicz abandoned Calvinism for the Roman, catholicism , with his two sons, what made them first Polonized generation of this once
- Her best to the establishment of the Scottish state and the popularization of, catholicism , According to experts, the approximately 200 meter long and 36 meter
- Old friend Niels Sense, once one of the leading anatomists but converted to, catholicism , Nielsen, becoming a priest in Florence and Bishop in Münster, needed new
- Had brought him up as a protestant, but he was converted in youth to Roman, catholicism , and was thus prevented from being called to the bar. He soon married a rich
- And Renault followed him to Paris. Renault, a born protestant, converted to, catholicism , He became the physician of Louis XIII of France. In 1630,Renault opened the
- Us to date the first church between 589 (conversion of Visigothic nobility to, catholicism , ) and 711 (takeover of the Visigothic kingdom by Muslim invasion). In the
- S mother, Catherine Pack, had been disinherited by her family on converting to, catholicism , for her marriage to Mr Foley. When Mr Foley died at Colonel, Mrs Doyle's
- And indigenous religions. The Beguines of Mercy have a heretical stance toward, catholicism , and look to peaceful solutions where differences of opinion occur. Literary
- Public life. (See also Christian democracy. ) The beginning of the political, catholicism , in 19th century As a program and a movement, political Catholicism was started
- Jean Calvin would settle permanently in 1541,and, more generally, between,Catholicism, and Protestantism. When the Circle of Me aux was broken up in 1525,Russel
- Stadium bearing her name. The German poet Zacharias Werner, who converted to, catholicism , wrote a drama named Wanda, which under Werner's friend Goethe was performed
- The members of parliament a sermon against the act for the toleration of Roman, catholicism , As a consequence he was called before the archbishop of St Andrews and the
- Protestantism was considered outlawed by the same decree, as it was linked to, catholicism , ) in 1724 and lumped it together with other 'perverse sects and sinister
- Tradition of political philosophy, especially the favorite philosopher of, catholicism , at the time, Aristotle. This is one of Machiavelli's the most lasting influences
- Within the county. For the next two centuries the family vacillated between, catholicism , and Protestantism. Two of his father's uncles fought with the French, General
- Officers (Pâtisserie Sergei G., Lopuhin Pavel Petrovich),who had adopted, catholicism , He took part in the Franco-Russian War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of the
- Circles also tried to set up movements adopting some Fahad strong beliefs on, catholicism , coupled with a more extreme form nationalism such as Gerry Cough who founded
- 1811,and educated for the Scottish national church. He subsequently embraced, catholicism , was accepted as a student at the Scots Benedictine College, Ratisbon, and
- Helped the poor, and was also part of the mystical movement which supported, catholicism , in France in the 17th Century. February 2,1630,after having devoted himself
- As the youngest of India's 9 religions beyond the pale of" Hinduism's, catholicism , and elasticity ". The core Adi-Dharma doctrinal beliefs differing from Hinduism
- Political Catholicism in 19th century As a program and a movement, political,Catholicism, was started by Prussian Catholics in the second half of the 19th century as a
- War broke out, and Lambert hastened to the scene of action to support, catholicism , and absolutism. His services were accepted (April 1838) and he was entrusted
- 1520? - 1556) - Protestant martyr who refused to renounce his with and adopt, catholicism , As a punishment he was taken to Stratford in East London and burnt at the
- Freemasons were seen mainly as enemies and vehement opponents of political, catholicism , Special situation happened in Mexico, where rigid atheists ruled in the 1920s and
- To play an important role in its development, claiming that" as a religion, catholicism , does rather tend to emphasize personal responsibility, guilt and right and
- Death. And because this dissidence was syncretic since its beginning (popular, catholicism , careerism and African-based cults such as Amanda and Candomblé),the
- About it as he was. The poem is also thought to have a religious tie in to, catholicism , and Christianity as well. Some believe that God is proposing a question to his
- Sugarcane Agassi and other plants viable on an industrial scale. Political, catholicism , is a political and cultural conception which promotes the ideas and social
- The revolutionists there. Blum was likewise a critic of both antisemitism and, catholicism , supported the German Catholics and agitated for the equality of the sexes. In
- Political or spiritual power. On November 7,1851, Laufilitonga converted to, catholicism , and was baptized with the name Samuel Fatah Laufilitonga. After his death
- A rebellion of English subjects, led the English government to try to stamp out, catholicism , with repressive measures. Elizabeth I's government had passed a number of
- Of Austere, between Debby ambience and classic acid house. This sonic, catholicism , can occasionally prove distracting but, in Bergen's defense, he takes a
- Writer and researcher Bernard Bonehead expressed in 1996 about the true, catholicism , of Paul Verlaine. Particularly, he examines the work of catholic Joris-Karl
- Of 280 ft. Pugin's work was eminently suited to Ireland, a convert to Roman, catholicism , be believed gothic architecture to be the only style suitable for religious
- De Jacobi's, and Cardinal Massage. During the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, catholicism , was strongly supported, mostly by the Italian community of Adds ABBA. In the
- And Candomblé are syncretic religions derived from Yoruba diaspora beliefs and, catholicism , most prevalent in South Americas, including Cuba and Brazil. Their mythologies
- Foley left some manuscripts on the controversy between Protestantism and Roman, catholicism , to the library of Trinity College, Dublin. L'association fem mes et
- That year the novel EIN More, den Seder beget was published. His conversion to, catholicism , in 1940 was the result of his alienation from the Nazi party, which had grown
- The late Ming to early Qing dynasties, the Qing government officially banned, catholicism , ( Protestantism was considered outlawed by the same decree, as it was linked to
- Later, his family moved to tea neck, NJ,where they became disenchanted with, catholicism , and joined an episcopal church which might have had the worst liturgical music
- Album called Salve. The lyrics harshly criticized fascism, capitalism,and, catholicism , The following years they recorded Revolution. On this album Abel replaced
- Of Malta was fully integrated with the Italian one even because based on Roman, catholicism , After Great Britain obtained the islands after the Congress of Vienna, a
- Is a call to go back to nature and a traditional way of life influenced by the, catholicism , and the attachment to land. In the first series, Sylvain and Sylvester has less
- And gets it own church, devoted to St. Brigid. After the 80-years war in 1648,Catholicism, became banned, and the church fell to the protestants. The catholic population
- The sense of indicating historical continuity of faith and practice, the term ", catholicism ," is at times employed to mark a contrast to Protestantism, which tends to look
- Other 'perverse sects and sinister doctrines' in Chinese folk religion. While, catholicism , continued to exist and increase many-fold in areas beyond the government's
- Prince Gallatin ", biography from, catholicism , Org, website of an independent Roman Catholic lay organization.
- Of his fellow-catholics in the first instance, and the recovery of England for, catholicism , in the second, the governing objects of his policy. " Claire Bellow broke with
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