Examples of the the word, onboard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( onboard ), is the 12781 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Around a WD1770 FM/MFM floppy controller chip. PC Floppy controllers (ISA or, onboard , but not USB floppy drives) are able to deal with the 1581 format without need
  2. Quiet Sun, in coronal holes and in active regions using observations with AIR, onboard ,the Solar Dynamics Observatory. These Alfvén oscillations have significant
  3. Possible threats, and torpedoes or depth-charges to attack them. With their, onboard ,radar helicopters can also be used to reconnoitre over-the-horizon targets and
  4. String as the fifth string (this is known as" tenor tuning" ). As well,the, onboard ,battery-powered electronics such as preamplifiers and equalizer circuits, which
  5. From 10,000 to 26,000 men. 1809 Wellesley arrived in Lisbon on 22 April 1809, onboard , HMS Surveillance, after narrowly escaping shipwreck. Reinforced, he took to the
  6. Mega STE: same hardware as 1040STE except for a faster 16 MHz processor,an, onboard ,SCSI controller, additional faster RS232 port, VME expansion port, in the TT
  7. Watch him. Brainier manages to free himself from Luthor's control, forcing him, onboard ,the ship, and the two make their escape. The two are later shown to have
  8. Garments (Big) which were worn until they reached isolation facilities, onboard ,the Hornet. Additionally, astronauts were rubbed down with a
  9. Devices will report write operations as complete once the data is stored in its, onboard ,cache memory, before the data is written to the (slow) magnetic storage. This
  10. And treatment of medical conditions in space. Usually, there is no physician, onboard ,the ISS and diagnosis of medical conditions is a challenge. It is anticipated
  11. Full colors flying and the military bands playing. Rapid de Thoyras, who was, onboard ,one of the ships, described it as the most magnificent and affecting spectacle
  12. Which offers all sessions live and interactive, with features such as the, onboard ,channel. This service was more widely available around Europe until the end of
  13. Forces, Rev. Denis Beauchamp Lisle Foster who was stationed in Malta. She was, onboard ,the ship with her 17-year-old daughter, Elizabeth Barbara Foster, travelling
  14. Recover gear lost overboard; its weight also makes it relatively easy to carry, onboard , Grapnels rarely have enough fluke area to develop much hold in sand, clay,or
  15. Trains failing to complete their journeys. The cause of the failure was the, onboard ,signalling system. Due to the severe weather, a limited service was operated in
  16. Human supervision. Remote Agent successfully demonstrated the ability to plan, onboard ,activities and correctly diagnose and respond to simulated faults in spacecraft
  17. And water supply. The highest priority for the ECL SS is maintaining the, onboard ,atmosphere, but the system also collects, processes,and stores waste and water
  18. Agree believing that the mission is just an acting job. Once the actors are, onboard ,the Protector, they finally realize the truth, but Harris prevents them from
  19. The Ten Sail. Legend has it that there was a member of the British Royal Family, onboard ,and that in gratitude for their bravery, King George III decreed that
  20. The same chipset as the A3000 and added an A2000-compatible video slot and, onboard ,SCSI controller. In 2006 PC World rated the Amiga 1000 as the 7th greatest PC
  21. And Stanley Clarke, featured unique designs, premium hand-finished wood bodies, onboard ,electronics for amplification and equalization, and innovative construction
  22. The upcoming Mars Science Laboratory. Livingstone2 was flown as an experiment, onboard ,Earth Observing 1,and an F-18 at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Beacon
  23. Been lost due to accidents. Between 1984 and 2001,17 crew members and people, onboard ,have been killed in B-1 crashes. * In September 1987,B-1B (s/n 84-0052) from
  24. Unmanned aerial vehicles may be remotely controlled or self-controlled by, onboard ,computers. Aircraft may be classified by different criteria, such as lift type
  25. Links between Earth and the ISS. European Life and Physical Sciences research, onboard ,the International Space Station (ISS) is mainly based on the CLIPS program
  26. It carries his name externally and a plaque is located adjacent to the, onboard ,shop with information on Pain and his many journeys. Also, National Express
  27. Its control unit (historically, usually,an IBM 3274 or 3174,but nowadays, the, onboard ,mainframe equivalent) to generate an I/O interrupt and present a special code
  28. Were historically signed at Kuwait Naval Base having been verbally agreed, onboard ,HMS Chatham (F87) on 8 May 2008. The signing meeting saw the first formal
  29. Track and intercept an enemy aircraft" painted" by the launching aircraft's, onboard ,radar. Medium- and long-range RF air-to-air missiles promised to open up a new
  30. Through the lower atmosphere, the amount of oxidizer needed to be carried, onboard , for use in the upper atmosphere and space, was dramatically reduced. Since
  31. Which comes with a 1.8 GHz 64-bit dual-core D525 Atom processor, Nvidia ION2, onboard , graphics,Wi-Fi, hard disk drive and an optional built-in DVD or Blu-ray player
  32. Second ATA interface When PC motherboard makers started to include, onboard ,ATA interfaces in place of the earlier ISA plug-in cards, there was usually
  33. System performs the necessary arbitration and serialization, and each drive's, onboard ,controller operates independently of the other. The terms" master" and "
  34. In more than 40 years on May 26, 2011. The agreement was signed at a ceremony, onboard ,the USS Two Jim, docked in New York for the Navy’s annual Fleet Week.
  35. For automobiles is partly due to the improvement of engine control systems (, onboard ,computers providing engine management processes, and electronically controlled
  36. To cooperate. On several occasions, people have illegally tried to stow away, onboard ,the train, sometimes in large groups, trying to enter the UK; border monitoring
  37. In the NASA Apollo space missions to the moon in the 1960s and 1970s, all, onboard , computations for primary guidance, navigation and control were provided by a
  38. Drift, and daily meteorological records, but the destiny of those who stayed, onboard ,remains unknown. In the same year the expedition of Vladimir Romanov was lost
  39. Are covered with a layer of rocks which insulates the ice. A radar instrument, onboard ,the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter found ice under a thin layer of rocks in
  40. With better color palettes and addressing more memory, with optional, onboard ,hard drive (slotting onto the base as a second, smaller box). Popular with
  41. That surrounds aircraft is called aviation. Manned aircraft are flown by an, onboard ,pilot. Unmanned aerial vehicles may be remotely controlled or self-controlled
  42. Or unmanned, had reached the deepest known point of the Earth's oceans. The, onboard ,systems indicated a depth of, although this was revised later to and more
  43. From getting into Croydon from the west of the line. Onboard announcements The, onboard ,announcements in a male voice are made by BBC news reader (and tram enthusiast
  44. To democracy. *1978 – Soviet satellite Cosmos 954,with a nuclear reactor, onboard , burns up in Earth's atmosphere, scattering radioactive debris over Canada's
  45. Dangers of careless handling of cordite: Grant had already introduced measures, onboard ,Lion to limit the number of cartridges kept outside the magazine and to ensure
  46. Company * Hyperion imaging spectrometer, a imaging spectrometer instrument, onboard ,NASA's earth observation satellite Earth Observing-1 All human societies have
  47. Service offered the viewer several simultaneous feeds (such as super signal, onboard , top of field, backfield,highlights, pit lane, timing ) which were produced
  48. On the lower deck, for a total cargo volume of. A general market version with, onboard ,freight-handling systems, refrigeration capability, and crew facilities entered
  49. Peripheral ports (switchable between Lifestyle card slots and Lifestyle, onboard ,controllers for disk drives, mouse,RGB video, and serial devices),built-in
  50. In Houston monitored a slow but steady oxygen leak. The data output of the, onboard ,telemetry computers was limited during the night to conserve energy, so

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