Examples of the the word, guidebook , in a Sentence Context
The word ( guidebook ), is the 12779 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- This" star ranking" is unrelated to the YES system, and varies widely from, guidebook ,to guidebook . YES Class The system consists of five classes indicating the
- The Story of the famous Witches Museum at Castle town, Isle of Man,a, guidebook ,Books about Gardner: * 2000: Wicca Roots: Gerald Gardner and the Modern
- Strip, an online arts and literary magazine. Inside New York is an annual, guidebook ,to New York City, written,edited, and published by Columbia undergraduates.
- Significant influence on the character of Buffy. The authors of the unofficial, guidebook ,Dusted point out that the series was often a pastiche, borrowing elements from
- Ranking" is unrelated to the YES system, and varies widely from guidebook to, guidebook , YES Class The system consists of five classes indicating the technical
- Have absolutely not agreed to it. " GURUS For Dummies (ISBN 0-471-78329-3),a, guidebook ,by Stuart J. Staple, Bjoern-Erik Hartsfvang, and Adam Griffith, was published
- Higher the prices. The main competitor to the Michelin guide in Europe is the, guidebook ,series published by Fault Millay. Unlike the Michelin guide which takes the
- And boat tours running throughout the year. Frommer's, the American travel, guidebook ,series, listed Belfast as the only United Kingdom destination in its Top 12
- Authors have used the River world setting for their own stories. A licensed, guidebook ,outlining the setting for use in the GURUS role-playing game was released by
- While on holiday in Greece in 1973. Adams's fictional Guide is an electronic, guidebook ,to the Milky Way galaxy, originally published by Megadodo Publications, one of
- Amenities Connemara and Mayo form an area known for stunning scenery and this, guidebook ,describes some of the region’s best and most spectacular walks. A wide variety
- The previous works. All these works were included in a revised and expanded, guidebook ,published in 1996. The National Council for the Maltese Language (KNM) is the
- Full-colour pictorial guide when it released Waterloo in 1970. According to the, guidebook , Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis had difficulty finding financial backers
- Of one or a few climbers, often the first receptionist or the author (s) of a, guidebook , While grades are usually applied fairly consistently across a climbing area
- It was believed the towns had been targeted because of their three stars in the, guidebook , The German raids followed the Royal Air Force's bombing of the historic
- Are not at the distribution places. Tour guides Michelin has long published two, guidebook ,series, the Red Guides to hotels and restaurants, and the Green Guides for
- Application of protection ratings varies widely from area to area and from, guidebook ,to guidebook . British The British grading system for traditional climbs, used
- The GURUS role-playing game was released by Steve Jackson Games. Copies of this, guidebook ,were provided to the authors of the stories published in Tales of River world
- Editor),Algae and carbonate platforms in western part of Romania. Field trip, guidebook , Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 167–171. Pop, M. E.,2005.
- Too brave or too clever" ( Freeland 1994: 145-46) In the Routledge philosophy, guidebook ,to Plato and the Republic, Nickolas Pampas describes the" problem of misogyny
- Top 10 nationally for the second consecutive year in Princeton Review’s 2006, guidebook , America’s Best Value Colleges. Many of its students are first and second
- Wood-block print series * Painting in Three Forms (1816) Illustrated, guidebook ,* The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife (1820) Famous erotic wood block print *
- And the district superintendents. Local Churches The Book of Discipline is the, guidebook ,for local churches and pastors, it describes in considerable detail the
- By the poet Isaac de Benserade next to each fountain. Perrault produced the, guidebook ,for the labyrinth, Labyrinte de Versailles, printed at the royal press, Paris
- Was included on Recommended Route 26 (Can to Cherbourg via Bayeux) and this, guidebook ,led John Ruskin to go there describing it as" the most interesting thing in
- In grade from Very Severe to E7,and several more have been claimed since the, guidebook ,'s publication; a few routes are bolted. Beneath the ground, the potholer
- Information on them. However, in the story on which that episode was based,the, guidebook ,did have an entry on dragons. And, in a story which appeared in Uncle Scrooge
- As the ancient libraries of Trolley La, that hold information not found in the, guidebook ,). This excellent youth organization, which has twin goals of preserving
- Of the female Pope. A late-14th-century edition of the Mirabilis Uris Roman,a, guidebook ,for pilgrims to Rome, tells readers that the female Pope's remains are buried
- Block print * Designs with a single stroke of the brush (1823) Illustrated, guidebook ,* A Tour of the Waterfalls of the Provinces (1827–1830) Wood-block print
- Rules governing the structure of the Maltese language are found in the official, guidebook ,issued by the Academia tal-Malti, the Academy of the Maltese language, which
- Somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse who is a researcher for the eponymous, guidebook ,; Zap hod Beeblebrox,Ford's semi-cousin and the Galactic President; the
- Sellers: Travel writer Scott Dobson used the term" Geordieland" in a 1973, guidebook , to refer collectively to Northumberland and Durham. Geographical coverage When
- Hero and friends through difficult situations. Features of a great fictional, guidebook ,: Such books are ideally compact enough to carry on even the most strenuous
- They then attempted to" Reconstruct ", often using the Book of Acts as a ", guidebook ," of sorts. Restorationists do not usually describe themselves as" reforming "
- On his first official visit to Canterbury. * Publication of the first Baedeker, guidebook , Voyage du Rain de Mayence à Cologne, in Koblenz. Births January–June * January
- Of protection ratings varies widely from area to area and from guidebook to, guidebook , British The British grading system for traditional climbs, used in Great
- Waxman Pearce with direct supervision from Jacqueline Kennedy. Sale of the, guidebook ,helped finance the restoration. The White House today As a means of preserving
- Members there after getting established. He worked on the WPA Writers' Project, guidebook ,to the city, New York Panorama (1938),and wrote the book's essay on Harlem.
- Of the most elegant neighborhoods of Lisbon. In 1925,Person wrote in English a, guidebook ,to Lisbon, but it remained unpublished until 1992. Writing a lifetime In his
- Has an unusual culture and history, which John learns about while studying a, guidebook ,lent to him by the newly-appointed US ambassador to the country. He learns
- Of Connecticut politics from 1930 to 1980; Child Support in America (1986),a, guidebook ,on methods to increase the collection of child support from delinquent fathers;
- Bridge from Both Banks of the Humid River (1803) Wood-block print in, guidebook ,* Fifty-Three Stations of the Tōkaidō Road (1806) Wood-block print series *
- Buttress Route on Mount McKinley (Denali) is graded 2+ in the above-mentioned, guidebook , It is important to remember that even an Alaska Grade 1 climb may involve
- Always carry with them a copy of the Junior Woodchucks Guidebook, a fictional, guidebook ,filled with detailed and pertinent information about whatever country or
- Wolsey. *How to Live on Mars (2008). A tongue-in-cheek technically accurate, guidebook ,for Mars-bound Earthlings about how to survive and thrive on the Red Planet
- The wallpaper was salvaged and sold to the White House. The first White House, guidebook ,was produced under the direction of curator Lorraine Waxman Pearce with direct
- Print in novel * Quick Lessons on Simplified Drawing (1812) Illustrated, guidebook ,* Hokusai Manga (1814–1834) Sketched illustrations,15 volumes * Thirty-Six
- Who lives in the neighboring town of Wentworth Falls. He has written a, guidebook ,on walks and attractions in the area. He was responsible for organizing the
- Location since the first climbs were established in 1948. The current, guidebook , published in 1993,lists about 110 routes, at all grades up to E5/6a,though
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