Examples of the the word, exploratory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exploratory ), is the 12794 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For modules that are fun in nature (but its scope has widened to include, exploratory ,or experimental code or any other module that is not meant to ever be used in
  2. Model on purely theoretical grounds and testing it,Ferguson's research was, exploratory , Although replication of the Nationalism factor was inconsistent, the finding
  3. Emerged in the 2000s. It typically incorporates elements of funk and often, exploratory ,guitar, along with extended cross genre improvisations; often including
  4. Find deterministic dependencies between variables in a sample, mostly used in, exploratory ,data analysis * Cluster analysis – techniques for grouping objects into a
  5. That built planes on the island. In 2005,Northern Petroleum began, exploratory ,drilling for oil, with its Sandhills-2 borehole at Porch field but ceased
  6. And accurately identify three-dimensional objects by touch. This involves, exploratory ,procedures, such as moving the fingers over the outer surface of the object or
  7. Molecules and materials via mechanosynthesis. For now that goal remains within, exploratory ,engineering. Finite element analysis This field is not new, as the basis of
  8. And closed the gaps in Russian (from the West) and Spanish (from the South), exploratory , probes of the Northern limits of the Pacific. Though this view was first
  9. Had prompted a number of international business representatives to make, exploratory ,visits to Chad. By far the most important venture to date is the oil extraction
  10. Deposits fully supply the nonferrous metallurgy industries. A British firm has, exploratory ,gold mines at Disunite and Gornoseltsi, and a domestic copper and gold mine
  11. Was thought to depend on its access to sunlight. However, in 1977,during an, exploratory ,dive to the Galápagos Rift in the deep-sea exploration submersible Alvin
  12. Optical telescopes (and later radio telescopes) and finally robotic, exploratory ,spacecraft. The Solar System has now been relatively well-studied, and a good
  13. Shortly after announcing on his website that he would establish a presidential, exploratory ,committee, Senator Barack Obama gave a speech at the" Yes We Can" rally at
  14. Quickly. The industry tried to revive crowds by making more innovative and ", exploratory ," films like their counterparts in the West. In the 1980s the film industry
  15. Tone, composition and draftsmanship. His often repetitive, sensitive and, exploratory ,brushstrokes are highly characteristic and clearly recognizable. He used planes
  16. Structure or series of structures to encompass a star have been proposed in, exploratory ,engineering or described in science fiction under the name" Dyson sphere ".
  17. Many solutions were proposed for how to determine longitude at the end of an, exploratory ,sea voyage and hence the longitude of the place that was visited (in case one
  18. The archipelago is considered to be the first territorial discovery of the, exploratory ,period of the Portuguese Age of Discovery. Today, it is a popular year-round
  19. Cook was killed in Hawaii in a fight with Hawaiians during his third, exploratory ,voyage in the Pacific in 1779. He left a legacy of scientific and geographical
  20. Of data from an observational study is guided by the study protocol, although, exploratory , analysis of data sets is useful for generating new hypotheses. Many economists
  21. 1920 proved crucial in convincing astronomers unused to Eddington's intuitive, exploratory ,style. Eddington's theory appeared in mature form in 1926 as The Internal
  22. The most heavily harvested species in the area. In 2006,a Spanish vessel on an, exploratory ,trawl found commercial quantities of grenadiers (Macros SPP., Coelorhynchus
  23. Sometimes an under drawing is drawn first on that same support. Drawing is often, exploratory , with considerable emphasis on observation, problem-solving,and composition.
  24. Areas of Radar () and Ithaca (). British rule After sending a couple of, exploratory ,missions to the area, the British East India Company conquered the town when
  25. By reenactment under the direction of the leader. The more analytic and, exploratory ,use of groups in both hospital and out-patient settings was pioneered by a few
  26. Projects, both the U. S. and British governments cut off all undirected, exploratory ,research in AI. The next few years, when funding for projects was hard to find
  27. 1787) Washington's retirement to Mount Vernon was short-lived. He made an, exploratory ,trip to the western frontier in 1784,After the Convention, his support
  28. And particularly The People of the Abyss),a writer he admired, he started his, exploratory ,expeditions slumming in the poorer parts of London. On his first outing he set
  29. With Argentina is hampering progress. North Falklands Basin In February 2010, exploratory , drilling for oil was begun by Desire Petroleum, but the results from the first
  30. Learn they already had a crude chart of the Strait of Georgia based on the 1791, exploratory , voyage of José María Larvae the year before, under command of Francisco de
  31. Process groups generally include: In project environments with a significant, exploratory ,element (e.g., research and development),these stages may be supplemented
  32. Automated self-replication, constructing a factory, initially to manufacture, exploratory ,probes and eventually to create a copy of the original spacecraft after 1,000
  33. Into uncorrelated variables (called principal components),mostly used in, exploratory ,data analysis * Regression analysis – techniques for analyzing the
  34. As opposed to Von Neumann probes, which are usually described as purely, exploratory ,). These were proposed as an alternative to carrying a slow speed-of-light
  35. T. S. Eliot, also rejected it. To conclude the year Blair attempted another, exploratory ,venture of getting himself arrested so that he could spend Christmas in prison
  36. Do. " Often (both in performance and on recording) the Dead left room for, exploratory , spacey soundscapes. Their live shows, fed by their improvisational approach to
  37. At the cutting edge of mechanical engineering are listed below (see also, exploratory ,engineering). Micro electromechanical systems (MEMO) Micron-scale
  38. Been pragmatic, effective (and cannot and should not always be: research is, exploratory ,in nature, and not always leads to accepted or useful ideas). Ultimately
  39. Primaries began. During the 1996 election he initially formed a presidential, exploratory ,committee, but declined to formally enter the race. Return to government (
  40. Lav alley were in the Anglo-French Submarine Railway Company that conducted, exploratory ,work on both sides of the Channel. On the English side a diameter
  41. Attempts in the 1920s to climb Mount Everest. The first in 1921 was more of an, exploratory ,expedition, but the 1922 expedition reached before being aborted on the third
  42. Mechanical labor” and to“ bring men closer to machines. ” The independent, exploratory ,style of Vetrov influenced and inspired many filmmakers and directors like the
  43. Falklands waters during the fourth quarter of 2011 and is expected to drill two, exploratory ,wells during the following nine months. Philately and numismatics In October
  44. Selection of music on the Voyager Golden Record for the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, exploratory , missions. She also sponsored the Cosmos 1 spacecraft, which intended to
  45. Infrastructure was increasingly inefficient because of technological lags. Few, exploratory ,wells were drilled in 2005. In 2004,a large share of Natural gas reserves in
  46. Make daring expeditions of exploration and expansion. Starting with the first, exploratory ,expeditions sent from newly conquered Malacca in 1512,the Portuguese were the
  47. And Rodrigues) were discovered some years earlier by chance during an, exploratory ,expedition of the coast of the Gulf of Bengal led by Tristan the Cuba. The
  48. As the first data marts can be created, and the method gives itself well to an, exploratory ,and iterative approach to building data warehouses. For example, the data
  49. Can be interesting to watch but is still a" boring game. " When he formed his, exploratory ,committee, he signed Ed Rollins,Reagan's 1984 re-election political director
  50. With the world in the future. Early childhood Also called" pre-school age," ", exploratory ,age" and" toy age. " When children attend preschool, they broaden their

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