Examples of the the word, loaf , in a Sentence Context
The word ( loaf ), is the 12791 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The generic name for bread—of half (𐌷𐌻𐌰𐌹𐍆𐍃 hlaifsclaimsthic: modern English, loaf ,, loaf ch, whichrs to be the oldest Teutonic name. Old High German hleib slab
- And serve with spoon. 1 dash Angostura bitters 1 dash Curaçao Piece of cut, loaf ,sugar Dissolve in two spoonfuls of water 100 % liquor as desired 1 piece ice in
- Lee, market traditional and crustless breads. The first and last slices of a, loaf ,(or a slice with a high ratio of crust-area to volume compared to others of
- Or readings. The breaking of bread itself typically consists of one leavened, loaf ,which is prayed over and broken by a participant in the meeting, and then
- Bread. When he prayed a blessing over the bread, a raven swept in and took the, loaf ,away. From this time his miracles seem to have become frequent, and many people
- H. M. S. Pinafore opened in Philadelphia in 1879,bakeries produced a long, loaf ,called the pinafore. Entrepreneurial" hokey-pokey men" sliced the loaf in
- Similarly," use your loaf ", meaning " use your head ", derives from ", loaf ,of bread" and also dates from the late 19th century but came into independent
- To dramatically reduce the fermentation period and the time taken to produce a, loaf , The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of lower protein
- Little ruby wine and a book of verses, Just enough to keep me alive, and half a, loaf ,is needful; And then, that I and thou should sit in a desolate place Is better
- Wrapped in thick pancake, accompanied by soy milk. And you can also tear a, loaf ,of youth into pieces and put them into soy milk to eat.; Xiao Long Bad A
- A long loaf called the pinafore. Entrepreneurial" hokey-pokey men" sliced the, loaf ,in half, stuffed it with antipasto salad, and sold the world's first" hoagie
- A few centimeters or shorter) that can image objects as small as a, loaf ,of bread. Short radio waves reflect from curves and corners, in a way similar
- With sweet mustard and freshly baked pretzels. Liberal, Bavarian baked sausage, loaf , often served with potato salad, is another delicacy of the region. The most
- Spirits were changed from 1/6 of a gill (23.7 ml) to 25 ml and the standard, loaf ,from 14 ounces (396.9 g) to 400 g. United States Over time, the metric system
- Harvest festival of the year. On this day it was customary to bring to church a, loaf ,made from the new crop. In many parts of England, tenants were bound to present
- Spot, Will have more wealth than a Sultan's realm. 234. If chance supplied a, loaf ,of white bread, Two casks of wine and a leg of mutton, In the corner of a
- The situation, for example, when the accused imagines he is cutting through a, loaf ,of bread, whereas in fact he is cutting through a person's neck. Nevertheless
- Taller and thinner, with burned crusts at only the top and bottom of the, loaf , and with a much firmer texture than English and American pan bread. In Ireland
- Baked in a rectangular tin. One such type of traditional thick, flat,round, loaf ,from North East England is known as a" Scottie cake ". In Scotland another
- Of space stop stretching and form distinct bubbles, like gas pockets in a, loaf ,of rising bread. Such bubbles are embryonic level I multiverses. Linde and
- Is also produced, as is some wine. Among other traditional dishes are cabbage, loaf , Jersey wonders (LES marvelled),flitted, bean crock (LES pies AU for)
- Other enzymes can cause bread to expand to make a lighter loaf , or alter the, loaf ,in a range of ways. Reduced dependence on fertilizers, pesticides and other
- General use from around the 1930s simply as" butchers ". Similarly," use your, loaf ,", meaning " use your head ", derives from" loaf of bread" and also dates
- This can occur when you catch a wild animal; or create a new thing, such as a, loaf ,of bread. Secondly, you might find something which someone else has lost.
- Routine misdemeanor cases, including,as Cerf wrote, a woman who had stolen a, loaf ,of bread for her starving family. LaGuardia insisted on levying the fine of ten
- Year would be saved. Other enzymes can cause bread to expand to make a lighter, loaf , or alter the loaf in a range of ways. Reduced dependence on fertilizers
- First course of a cuisine other than Greek cuisine. Dips are served with bread, loaf ,or pita bread. In some regions, dried bread (Paridhi) is softened in water.
- Vary but the smallest instruments are often packaged in sizes smaller than a, loaf ,of bread. These devices do not produce a net power output. Confusion or bubble
- Drinks such as Cowlicks, Ovaltine and Milo, and some baked goods, such as malt, loaf , Malted grain which has been ground into a coarse meal is known as" sweet meal
- For his death in the upper room during the Last Supper. He identified the, loaf ,of bread and cup of wine as his body soon to be sacrificed and his blood soon
- Population, due to rising bread prices (from a normal 8 sous for a four-pound, loaf ,to 12 sous by the end of 1789),after several years of poor grain harvests.
- With the conditional perfect (would have). *" John asked me would I buy a, loaf ,of bread. " (John asked me to buy a loaf of bread. ) *" How do you know him?
- Slice with a high ratio of crust-area to volume compared to others of the same, loaf ,) are sometimes referred to as the heel or the crust of the loaf . Breads in
- A spurious attribution. 98. I need a jug of wine and a book of poetry, Half a, loaf ,for a bite to eat, Then you and I, seated in a deserted spot, Will have more
- The defendant cuts a woman's throat under the delusion that he is cutting a, loaf ,of bread, * The defendant chops off a sleeping man's head because he has the
- Such joy. A gourd of red wine and a sheaf of poems — A bare subsistence, half a, loaf , not more — Supplied us two alone in the free desert: What Sultan could we envy
- For his death in the upper room during the Last Supper. He identified the, loaf ,of bread and cup of wine as symbolizing his body soon to be sacrificed and his
- This loaf is a tradition of the region * Lucia DI pane - small, soft,round, loaf ,made of white flour to remind the people of the Virgin Mary * Pudding - bread
- John asked me would I buy a loaf of bread. " (John asked me to buy a, loaf ,of bread. ) *" How do you know him? We would have been in school together. " (
- Chleb, and Russian хлеб (Kaleb) all derive from the Indo-European word for ", loaf ,". The Finnish lap and Estonian lab, though not Indo-European, borrowed from
- XI in his 1st edition, as above): Should our day's portion be one Manuel, loaf , A haunch of mutton and a gourd of wine Set for us two alone on the wide plain
- This loaf is a tradition of the region * Lucia DI pane - small, soft,round, loaf ,made of white flour to remind the people of the Virgin Mary * Pudding - bread
- Pane carpaccio - made from Durham wheat, yeast,flour, salt and water, this, loaf , is a tradition of the region * Lucia DI pane - small, soft,round loaf made of
- And a coarser bread crumb. One pound (450 g) of flour will yield a standard, loaf ,of bread or two French loaves. Calcium propionate is commonly added by
- Be traced to prehistoric times. Sometimes, the word bread refers to a sweetened, loaf ,cake, often containing appealing ingredients like dried fruit, chocolate chips
- Pane carpaccio - made from Durham wheat, yeast,flour, salt and water, this, loaf , is a tradition of the region * Lucia DI pane - small, soft,round loaf made of
- Of the same loaf ) are sometimes referred to as the heel or the crust of the, loaf , Breads in different cultures As a simple, cheap,and adaptable type of food
- Books, scholar or not, who knows what it is to have his quarto open against a, loaf ,at his tea ... ought to be in possession of Mr. Coleridge's poems, if it is
- Post compared Carey with Les Miserables's Jean Val jean, noting " between a, loaf ,of bread Val jean was incarcerated for stealing one and $96,500 there is a
- Can. For example, we do not normally speak of" three breads ", or " a kilo of, loaf ,". All the forms of matzo are used in both senses:" three matzos "," a kilo
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