Examples of the the word, concurrently , in a Sentence Context
The word ( concurrently ), is the 12784 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Or the binding of other exogenous subsumed chemicals in administration, concurrently ,with any constituent cocaine molecule conformation in vivo to be enumerated
- Other members of Rush, performs real-time triggering of sampled instruments, concurrently ,with his guitar playing. The bulk of Lifeson's work in music has been with
- Practically many thousands of users can execute operations upon the database, concurrently , The issue is not just perception but rather the correctness and consistency of
- Fiduciary responsibility of caring for company funds. Often this title is held, concurrently ,with that of Secretary in a dual role called secretary-treasurer. It can also
- Whole (or umwelt). Change in one ecological or environmental factor can, concurrently ,affect the dynamic state of an entire ecosystem. Disturbance and resilience
- And developing Jewish law set him apart from non-Orthodox Judaism, which was, concurrently ,developing under the leadership of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. United States
- The Xia and the Shang can possibly refer to political entities that existed, concurrently , just as the early Zhou is known to have existed at the same time as the Shang.
- Motet by Giovanni Croce, also from 1594. Following and figured basses developed, concurrently ,in secular music; such madrigal composers as Emilio de' Cavalieri and Luzzasco
- Locations. It is important to note that the concept of allowing two or more, concurrently ,performing choirs to be independent structurally would or could almost
- Coalition. The last congressional elections were held on December 13, 2009, concurrently , with the presidential election. The current lower house-the Chamber of
- Past, few members of the Church of England would have seen any incongruity in, concurrently ,adhering to Anglican Christianity and practicing Freemasonry. In recent decades
- Civil wars since 1945 In the 1990s,about twenty civil wars were occurring, concurrently ,during an average year, a rate about ten times the historical average since the
- Web-enabled, and the traditional text interface has been replaced (or operates, concurrently ,) with a Web-based user interface. For those more nostalgic for the true BBS
- Volumes of his Works was construed as a proto-Protestant as the same was done, concurrently , with William Langland and Piers Plowman. The famous Plowman's Tale did not
- And" distributed "; the processors in a typical distributed system run, concurrently ,in parallel. Parallel computing may be seen as a particular tightly-coupled
- Of functions, which are required to be side effect free and can therefore run, concurrently ,with other functions). A task calling a protected object is blocked if another
- Times as it bypasses West India Quay station. Work on this project proceeded, concurrently ,with the three-car upgrade work and the flounder, and the improved timetable
- And latency that depend on the number of other users sharing the service, concurrently , as opposed to circuit switching, where a certain quality of service (Los) is
- Use of paracetamol, as well as aspirin, ibuprofen,naproxen, and other NSAIDs, concurrently ,with weak to mid-range opiates (up to about the hydrocodone level) has been
- Other database objects. A DBMS allows different user application programs to, concurrently ,access the same database. DBMS's may use a variety of database models, such as
- The surviving corporation and changed its name to Adobe Systems Incorporated, concurrently ,with the merger. The company acquired Olive Systems, Inc. and released Adobe
- Reason that the establishment of a" metapopulation management plan" occurs, concurrently ,with conservation initiatives to enhance in-situ population growth and why this
- For around five characters each. Day of the Tentacle was one of the first games, concurrently ,released on CD-ROM and floppy disk. The reviewer enjoyed the game's humor and
- British carrier battle groups The Royal Navy did maintain two task forces, concurrently ,(one based on an aircraft carrier and one based on an Amphibious Command Ship
- Of Secretary in a dual role called secretary-treasurer. It can also be held, concurrently ,with the title of CFO or fall under the jurisdiction of one, though the CFO
- Against accepted notions of what is aesthetically superior need not occur, concurrently ,with a complete abandonment of the pursuit of what is aesthetically appealing.
- Of 354 or 355 days. It is used to date events in most of the Muslim countries (, concurrently ,with the Gregorian calendar),and used by Muslims everywhere to determine the
- Wondered why no one had done a television series with the same epic sweep, and, concurrently , with the first idea started developing the concept for a vastly-ambitious epic
- This reason it's important that the 'metapopulation management plan' occurs, concurrently ,with conservation strategies to enhance in-situ population growth. This is why
- For keeping the records of the Board and the company. This title is often, concurrently ,held by the treasurer in a dual position called secretary-treasurer; both
- The more traditional practice of using dogs to guard flocks, which have, concurrently ,grown larger. Typically, they allow the herds to graze freely over sizeable
- Can keep two versions of a module in memory at the same time, and processes can, concurrently ,run code from each. The versions are referred to as the" new" and the" old "
- Association Office for Intellectual Freedom since 1967,was for three years, concurrently ,on the Board of Directors of the Illinois Division of the ACLU. In 2005,in
- Using any extra tools. * Enables multiple developers to work on a single class, concurrently ,without the need to merge individual code into one file at a later time.
- According to another source) and begins issuing its own francs, which ran, concurrently ,with the Malagasy aviary (1 aviary = 5 CFA francs) * 1973: Mauritania leaves
- Treasurer in a dual position called secretary-treasurer; both positions may be, concurrently ,held by the CFO. Note, however,that the Secretary has a reporting line to the
- Or physical breakdown of the minerals in the rocks. The two processes may occur, concurrently , however. Causes The rate of erosion depends on many factors. Climatic factors
- The solid earth, long the province of Gaia, was available to all three, concurrently , Because of his association with the underworld, Hades is often interpreted in
- Power are of the exclusive provision of the Province, and some are held, concurrently ,with the Central government. This is not a Federal state however, simply a
- Reduced to frosh) has some currency in Canada. The Cabinet of Ontario serves, concurrently ,(and not for life) as the Executive Council of Ontario, while serving members
- Settlement in alluvium and gradually moved new construction to higher ground;, concurrently ,the headwater valleys above Rail were being opened to pasturage. A typical
- Known for painting the Refugio Peccatorum Madonna. In 1886,he began teaching, concurrently ,at the Royal Military Academy, and was promoted to Professor First Class in
- Time ranges. Isolation between users When multiple users access the database, concurrently ,the actions of a user should be uninterrupted and unaffected by actions of
- Is a mediated form of communication in which the sender and receiver are not, concurrently ,engaged in communication. Asynchronous communication is communication taking
- S first female prime minister and vice president, two roles she performed, concurrently ,before being elected to the presidency. She was also unique in being white
- Corporate officer with oversight of corporate finances; reports to the CEO. May, concurrently ,hold the title of Treasurer or oversee such a position; it must be noted that
- Often multifaceted and the best proposed actions address many areas, concurrently , In ethical decisions the answer is almost never a" yes or no "," right or
- Of any other landowner),concurrent jurisdiction (the right to legislate, concurrently ,with the state government),or exclusive jurisdiction over the land where an
- Corporate officers such as the CFO, COO,CIO, CTO,Secretary, or Treasurer will, concurrently ,hold Vice President titles, commonly EVP or SVP. Vice Presidents in small
- As" anthologies ", or colloquially," phone books"—often run several series, concurrently , with approximately 20 to 40 pages allocated to each series per issue. These
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