Examples of the the word, pledge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pledge ), is the 3857 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That Lincoln would be defeated. Sharing this fear, Lincoln wrote and signed a, pledge ,that, if he should lose the election, he would still defeat the Confederacy
  2. After that, Bernard spent most of his time in Italy convincing the Italians to, pledge ,allegiance to Innocent II. He traveled to Sicily in 1137 to convince the king of
  3. Vowed to keep the company alive. On September 19,Cantor Fitzgerald made a, pledge ,to distribute 25 percent of the firm's profits for the next five years, and
  4. Enjoin, what is most necessary, that each man keep carefully his oath and his, pledge ," which expresses a fundamental tenet of Anglo-Saxon law. Alfred devoted
  5. Refers to the biblical references:“ For You, O Lord, have declared that a, pledge ,is to be given and held inviolate in all things. By a ring Joseph was given
  6. Budweiser ". The top of the main label is red with a white banner with a, pledge ,on it, which has changed three times. Below the banner is a coat of arms of
  7. The High Representative. One major internal power was that Parliament wanted a, pledge ,from the Commission that it would put forward legislation when parliament
  8. To wear rings on the right hand, the hand of authority and power completing the, pledge ,of commitment. The power and authority comes from the right hand of God. 2. The
  9. Or implied ... The public, whether represented by a monarch or by a senate, can, pledge , nothing but the public estate; and it can have no public estate except in what
  10. And (Eden again" nothing in excess" ), and (Kenya para d'ate =" make a, pledge ,and mischief is nigh" ), In ancient times, the origin of these phrases was
  11. In April 2000 and relinquish control to a democratically elected president—a, pledge ,with mixed results. In a separate nod to pressure to restore civilian rule, the
  12. Conversion to Islam. Religious aspects From an Islamic legal perspective,the, pledge ,of protection granted shimmies the freedom to practice their religion and spared
  13. Some had previously met Bin Laden, and though they specifically declined to, pledge ,allegiance to al-Qaeda they asked for its blessing and help. In 2009,three
  14. Activities ascribed to it may involve members of the movement, who have taken a, pledge ,of loyalty to Osama bin Laden, or the much more numerous" al-Qaeda-linked "
  15. Was not bound by its original charter in existence at the time of Barret's, pledge ,; the charter was amended in the public interest to provide a newer, superior
  16. Out. In 1968,Ginsberg signed the“ Writers and Editors War Tax Protest ”, pledge , vowing to refuse tax payments in protest against the Vietnam War. He was
  17. The conference at Luca in 56 BC forced Cicero to make a recantation and, pledge ,his support to the triumvirate. With this, a cowed Cicero retreated to his
  18. Much of the merchandise it sold was made in Honduras, contrary to the party's, pledge ,of" British Jobs for British Workers ". Affiliated organizations Officially
  19. For his re-election. Of the voters who cited Bush's broken" No New Taxes ", pledge ,as" very important ", two thirds voted for Bill Clinton. Bush had raised taxes
  20. Nomination. In his acceptance speech, Roosevelt declared: I pledge you, I, pledge , myself to a new deal for the American people ... This is more than a political
  21. 2009,the Dominican Republic became the first Latin American country to, pledge ,to include a" gender perspective" in every information and communications
  22. Absolved Marlin of any responsibility. Richard Childless made a public, pledge ,that the number 3 would never again adorn the side of a black car sponsored by
  23. The Persian Gulf However, economic recession and breaking his" no new taxes ", pledge ,caused a sharp decline in his approval rating, and Bush was defeated in the
  24. Would let him go until the Æsir placed Týr's hand into Fenrir's mouth as a, pledge , As a result, when the Æsir refused to release him, he bit off Týr's hand at a
  25. Establish the authority of the Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia and, pledge ,allegiance to it, subordinate the Territorial Defense to the HVO and expel
  26. The Confederacy before turning over the White House: Lincoln did not show the, pledge ,to his cabinet, but asked them to sign the sealed envelope. While the
  27. Agreed-upon centralized libertarian legal code which private courts would, pledge ,to follow. Such a code for Internet commerce, called The Common Economic
  28. The following: listening ability, good manners, obedience,and making a, pledge ,(bay at) to follow one's superiors. According to Wright, the group's real
  29. To Joshua in chapter 1 is framed as a royal installation, the people's, pledge ,of loyalty to Joshua as successor Moses recalls royal practices, the
  30. Respect the inviolability of Cuban borders, its sovereignty, that it take the, pledge ,not to interfere in internal affairs, not to intrude themselves and not to
  31. Was dead, and took up the imperial purple. In spite of a large do native, pledge ,to any who would support him as emperor, most of Constantine's army remained
  32. Count of Poitier's. He was the hardest for St. Bernard to convince. He did not, pledge ,allegiance to Innocent II until 1135. After that, Bernard spent most of his
  33. Operation attempted to redirect the Socialist Workers Party from their, pledge ,of support for the antiwar movement. The FBI claims that it no longer
  34. In one of its camps in Afghanistan, Pakistan,Iraq or Sudan, but not taken any, pledge , Al-Qaeda's ideologues envision a complete break from all foreign influences in
  35. Required for jihad to cease. Failure to pay the pizza could result in the, pledge ,of protection of a dhimmi's life and property becoming void, with the shimmy
  36. The right of rebellion against kings who did not rule in accordance with their, pledge ,* liberal veto (a later development),the right for a single representative
  37. That as result of the Irish-set Fasteners episodes, the station failed in its, pledge ,to represent all groups accurately and avoid reinforcing prejudice. The
  38. Even more popular during World War II, when most unions had adopted a no-strike, pledge , The War Labor Board, which attempted to mediate disputes over contract terms
  39. Existing in Iceland between the establishment of the Alt hing in 930 and the, pledge ,of fealty to the Norwegian king in 1262. It was initially established by a
  40. Coming of the Horrors, offering the protection of the Meyers to those who would, pledge ,their loyalty to the Empire. Most of these nations agreed at first though some
  41. Of its shareholders, James A. Barrel, who had refused to pay the balance on his, pledge ,to buy shares in the railroad on the grounds that the company had changed its
  42. Others by a combination of these two. Labor candidates are required to sign a, pledge ,that if elected they will always vote in Parliament in accordance with the
  43. People into wearing a certain style of dress, publicly reciting a creed or a, pledge ,of allegiance which they find ethically reprehensible or starting to smoke when
  44. 1926 – The Treaty of Berlin is signed. Germany and the Soviet Union each, pledge ,neutrality in the event of an attack on the other by a third party for the next
  45. Also called the Golden Freedoms) used to be * Pact convent, a binding, pledge ,agreed to by the King on his election * roost, the right of rebellion against
  46. Vice-presidential nomination. In his acceptance speech, Roosevelt declared: I, pledge ,you, I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people ... This is more
  47. Contained in the Constitutions of Montages Priory (1250) demands that nuns, pledge ,obedience to God, the Blessed Virgin, their prioress and her successors
  48. Over communal properties. Because of this, Hasan Ali Shah decided to secure a, pledge ,of loyalty from the members of the community to himself and to the Ismail form
  49. In 1990 to raise taxes despite his famous" Read my lips: no new taxes ", pledge , In doing so, Bush alienated many members of his conservative base, losing
  50. This facility pursuant to the discretion of the FRBB. Collateral eligible for, pledge ,under the Facility was required to meet the following criteria: *was purchased

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