Examples of the the word, rf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rf ), is the 9460 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Coupled sets suffered loss of bass & reduced treble, grid leak sets where, rf , and AF were amplified by the same valve gave some nonlinearity, and output
  2. Some Vuonohevosyhdistys Ry - Fin ska Fjordhästföreningen, rf , ( Finland) Rudolf of Rheinfelden () (c. 1025 – 15 October 1080) was Duke of
  3. Which the streak in interspace 3 is shifted more inward than the others. In the,RF, the broad subbasal grayish streaks in interspaces 1 and 2 and in the cell are
  4. Steady-state value in response to a RF signal from a distant transmitter. The, rf , signal from the distant transmitter must exist at the local receiver input
  5. Output has increased to 90 % of its steady-state value in response to an, rf , signal from a distant transmitter. The RF signal from the distant transmitter
  6. Tuned circuit varies from near zero to near twice the supply voltage during the,RF, cycle. The input circuit is biased so that the active element (e.g.
  7. In MS defined by (f + g) (s) f (s) + g (s) and (RF) (s),RF, ( s),MS is a left R-module. The right R-module case is analogous. In
  8. With swiveling plate for both right and left-handed users * Two-way 2.4ghz,RF, technology with 79 channels and 11 IDs per channel * Wireless operational range
  9. Namely, rf remote control and transmitter module, by the way of using,the,RF, remote control can be used independently as a whole while the transmitter
  10. Require at least supplies to the cathode, anode and chamber, whereas the,RF, and microwave types require an additional RF generator, but no anode and
  11. Collateral, and contributing electro-optical, passive radio frequency (, rf , ) and radar sensors. The SSN is tasked to provide space object cataloging and
  12. From X to R, then we say that if f, g are elements of R X, then f + g, fg, and,RF, the last of which is defined by: (RF) (x) = RF (x)\, for all r in R, are
  13. Of R X, then f + g, fg, and RF, the last of which is defined by: (RF) (x) =, rf , ( x)\, for all r in R, are all elements of R X. Generalization If both f and g
  14. Non-linear characteristic of the valves chosen, result in a non-linear, rf , amplifying stage. The stage pe rf orms two, or more often three functions: *
  15. The active element (e.g. transistor) conducts for only a fraction of the,RF, cycle,usually one third (120 degrees) or less. The active element conducts
  16. Atoms - electron bombardment (STAR, NEXT,T5,T6),radiofrequency (, rf , ) excitation (IT 10,IT 22, µN-RIT),microwave excitation (µ10,µ20).
  17. Scalar multiplication in MS defined by (f + g) (s) f (s) + g (s) and (, rf , ) (s) RF (s),MS is a left R-module. The right R-module case is analogous.
  18. Or oscillator. (Note: In the radio regime, frequency shift is also called, rf , shift. ) * In facsimile, a frequency modulation system where one frequency
  19. 1. JPG|Trimble differential GPS gear at Essex, CA site File: Essex CA, GWEN,RF, rad warning sign. JPG|RF radiation warning sign at Essex, CA Gwen may refer to:
  20. But users must have a knowledge of circuit to use the transmitter module,the,RF, remote control is much easier to use at this point. Receiver part also is
  21. Should allow operation beyond the“ passive” stability limits. Localized, rf , current drive at the rational su rf ace is predicted to reduce or eliminate
  22. And called the program off (an abbreviation of runoff). It was rewritten as, rf , for the PDP-7,and at the same time (1969),Doug McIlroy rewrote an extended
  23. Lp, lt, lk, lf, l,LH, ls,lb, ld, lg,LM * r + consonant: RP, rt,OK, rf , r, rh, rs,Rb, rd,kg, rm,RN The s + voiceless stop clusters, sp, st,SK
  24. At x, and r and s are scalars (two real or complex numbers),then, rf , + SG is differentiable at x with D (RF + SG) (x) = RDF (x) + SDG (x).
  25. Resolution, and insensitivity to potential fluctuations (whether imposed by an, rf , source or inherent fluctuations). Like double probes, they are sensitive to
  26. Silver Slugger Award winners *1981: Carney Langford (3B) – Dwight Evans (, rf , ) Rick Burleson (SS) Gold Glove Award winners Fifteen different Red Sox
  27. Another feature of these systems is that Rf mutations (i.e., mutations to, rf , or no fertility restoration) are frequent, so N cytoplasm with FRF is best
  28. Field is normal to the su rf ace. A resonance between electron flight time and, rf , field cycle is a mechanism for multifactor development. The existence of
  29. Sim N (0,\sigma_i) \, where:: it is return to stock i in period t:, rf , is the risk-free rate (i.e. the interest rate on treasury bills): rat is the
  30. A, B: Constants: f, l,r: Axiom: A: Production rules:: A → l B for A f A, rf , B l: B → r A fl B f B LF A r Here, f means" draw forward ", l means" turn
  31. And receive. Transmitter part is generally divided into two types, namely,RF, remote control and transmitter module, by the way of using, the RF remote
  32. Input until the local transmitter is automatically keyed on and the transmitted, rf , signal amplitude has increased to 90 % of its steady-state value. An Exception:
  33. Anode and chamber, whereas the RF and microwave types require an additional, rf , generator,but no anode and cathode supplies. In the extraction grid systems
  34. Netlist of logic-gates * Schematic Capture For standard cell digital, analog,RF, like Capture CIS in Or cad by CADENCE and ISIS in Proteus * Layout like Layout
  35. SO \to SO be a homomorphism, then: F\colon Dan \to Dan \box F (Rx) =, rf , ( x) \box r \in 0,1 \box x \in SO defines a homomorphism of the ball.
  36. Signal analyzer for more advanced analysis of threatening and non-threatening, rf , signals * Nonlinear junction detector (NLJD) for detection of components
  37. On the risky asset. Write r as the sum of its hypothetical expected return, rf , + \pi and its zero-mean risky component x. Then the risk premium \pi is defined
  38. Excellent sensitivity, enabling reception of foreign broadcasts * Well shaped, rf , passband avoids the uncontrolled tone variations of TRF sets, and gives good
  39. S increasing, concave on Neumann-Morgenstern utility function be u, let,RF, be the return on the risk-free asset, and let r be the random return on the
  40. Ring. The condition that f is a module homomorphism means that: f (rm) =, rf , ( m)\text \in M\text \in R. \, The group version is a special case of the
  41. Are elements of R X, then f + g, fg, and RF, the last of which is defined by: (, rf , ) (x) = RF (x)\, for all r in R, are all elements of R X. Generalization If
  42. Has immense applications in areas like: 1) Quadrupole ion trap 2) Combined, rf , trap 3) Plasma acceleration especially the Electrodeless plasma thruster 4)
  43. 8 MV/m. The full muon energy will be replaced for muons that pass through the,RF, cavities on-crest. As there is no time distribution in the incoming beam, muons
  44. In part, because a superconducting magnet is much more stable than, rf , voltage. Another place that FIRMS is useful is in dealing with complex
  45. Homomorphism of R-modules if, for any m, n in M and r, s in R, : f (rm + SN) =, rf , ( m) + sf (n) This, like any homomorphism of mathematical objects, is just a
  46. Beta is included, and the expected return is calculated as follows: r=, rf , + B (rm - RF) r = expected return on security or portfolio RF = risk-free
  47. To broadcast on digital station on UHF channel 48. Programming on digital, rf , channel 48,display 47,began December 31, 2008. KGNG was the first Las Vegas
  48. Which was shut down in 2006. The existing 40 MeV drift tube lilac and, rf , cavities have been replaced by an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion
  49. Two real or complex numbers),then RF + SG is differentiable at x with D (, rf , + SG) (x) = RDF (x) + SDG (x). The chain rule is also valid in this
  50. In most cases feedback was added to give reaction (aka regeneration) to boost, rf , sensitivity,selectivity and often output volume. In simple 1 valve sets, the

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