Examples of the the word, formidable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( formidable ), is the 9466 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Addition of steel guitar whiz Leon McAuliffe in March 1935 added not only a, formidable ,instrumentalist but a second engaging vocalist. Wills himself largely sang
  2. Amount of forward firing guns was a response to this, making the B-25 a, formidable ,strafing aircraft. In Burma the B-25 was often used to attack Japanese
  3. Popular),with professional Cornish rugby footballers being described as a ", formidable ,force ", In 1985,sports journalist Alan Gibson made a direct connection
  4. Deputy under the famous lawman, Tom Destroy and is able to call upon the equally, formidable ,Tom Destroy, Jr. (James Stewart) to help him make Bottleneck a lawful
  5. Who worked in USSR bioweapons programs have stated that the Soviet effort was, formidable ,and that large stocks of weaponized plague bacteria were produced. Information
  6. From Giorgi, and the others came from Bulgarian industries. In response to the, formidable ,Bulgarian environmental movement, some Bulgarian plants have been closed or
  7. Phase in the 4th millennium BCE, the Sahara returned to desert and created a, formidable ,physical barrier to travel. Together, this evidence suggests that the Arawak
  8. Built in the" tank destroyer" mold came about through the desire to field the, formidable ,QF 17 pounder anti-tank gun and simultaneous lack of suitable tanks to carry it
  9. Under the impression that his troops were able to carry any position however, formidable , If such was the case, he committed an error, such however as the ablest
  10. Even greater part of the Carthaginian forces. Carthage seems to have fielded a, formidable ,cavalry force, especially in its North African homeland; a significant part of
  11. In which Charles acted as commander in chief, yet even so it proved a far more, formidable ,opponent than the old and was only defeated after a desperate struggle
  12. Voluntarily to the colors. The cavalry in particular was both numerous and, formidable , and included fourteen regiments of armored heavy cavalry and seven of highly
  13. By the king's joint military forces. Alfred's Bush system posed such a, formidable ,challenge against Viking attack that when the Vikings returned in 892 and
  14. Breakdown of discipline, the Army of Northern Virginia remained an extremely, formidable ,force. " Ed Bears wrote," Lee's invasion of the North had been a costly
  15. Marvin Lewis, develop into a rock-solid unit that emerged as one of the most, formidable ,defenses in NFL history. The Ravens defense set a new NFL record in holding
  16. Aaron. Aaron rejected the claim, and in the following year responded with a, formidable ,invasion. Sailing around the west coast of Scotland he halted off the Isle of
  17. On Soviet markets and military and economic aid. Castro was able to build a, formidable ,military force with the help of Soviet equipment and military advisors. The KGB
  18. Two: the smaller part attacked Serbia while the larger part fought against the, formidable ,Russian army. The invasion of Serbia in 1914 was a disaster: by the end of the
  19. 32 wickets at 21.62) and Sydney Barnes (34 wickets at 22.88) formed a, formidable ,bowling partnership. England retained the Ashes when they won the 1912
  20. As a reformer of the Austrian army. He was considered one of Napoleon's most, formidable ,opponents. He began his career fighting the revolutionary armies of France.
  21. Weapons, and only a hero has the strength and courage needed to stand up to so, formidable ,an opponent. In legends the hero would often have to wrestle the drug back to
  22. Minor, where they were massacred by the Turks in 1096. The second and much more, formidable ,host of crusaders gradually made its way to Constantinople, led in sections by
  23. Back and panicked. This stranded the forces led by the King himself. This was a, formidable ,fighting force, and the English archers were running very low of arrows: the
  24. Where the 95th Rifles were posted as sharpshooters. This position presented a, formidable ,challenge to an attacker. Any attempt to turn Wellington's right would entail
  25. Which revealed the Library of Ashurbanipal. Deciphered of cuneiform was a, formidable ,task that took more than a decade, but by 1857,the Royal Asiatic Society was
  26. The dangers involved in navigating through the uncharted ocean would have been, formidable , Most European navigators reasonably concluded that a westward voyage from
  27. Areas of Arizona outside of Phoenix and Tucson. He was also challenged by a, formidable ,opponent, Bill Schulz, who was a former Republican turned Democrat and a
  28. Return to Kandahar in 1757,Ahmad was forced to return to India and face the, formidable ,attacks of the Maratha Confederacy. Ahmad Shah declared a jihad (or Islamic
  29. Culminated in Berg's Piano Sonata, Op. 1 (1907–1908); it is one of the most, formidable ," first" works ever written. Berg studied with Schoenberg for six years until
  30. With Himalayan king Karnataka. The Himalayan alliance gave Chandragupta a, formidable ,composite army made up of the cavalry forces of the Shaka's, Yavanas, Kambojas
  31. Eyes of others I am frequently misled. " As a final factor, Lee faced a new and, formidable ,opponent in George G. Meade, and the Army of the Potomac fought well on its
  32. S cousin. Lincoln became an able and successful lawyer with a reputation as a, formidable ,adversary during cross-examinations and closing arguments. He partnered with
  33. Condescended to by Alex, but respected to some extent by his druids for his, formidable ,fighting abilities, his weapon of choice being a length of bike chain. He later
  34. Episcopal office. Nevertheless, the increasing strength of the Arians proved a, formidable ,task for Ambrose. In 385 Theodosius I, the emperor of the East, espoused the
  35. Quickly developed under the French colonial era then continued growing due to, formidable ,demographic expansion that Algiers knew after the independence of Algeria in
  36. Nucleus II. St. Bernard would later comment that Gerard was his most, formidable ,opponent during the whole schism. After convincing Gerard he traveled to visit
  37. Straightforward nature and barbarism are constants in all the tales. Conan is a, formidable ,armed and unarmed combatant. With his back to the wall Conan is capable of
  38. Against society, and that the dangerous ideas they held were made truly, formidable ,by their open publication. In 1759,the Encyclopedia was formally suppressed.
  39. Wine called Pemberton's French Wine Coca. He may have been inspired by the, formidable ,success of VIN Marian, a European coca wine. In 1886,when Atlanta and Fulton
  40. And Goliath Beetle, as their sheer size and jumping ability make them, formidable ,opponents. They are trained by their owners to become stronger and more
  41. Bisques' ) provides less experienced players a chance of winning against more, formidable ,opponents. Players of all ages and both sexes compete on level terms. As of May
  42. Central and northern chains of the Rocky Mountains and coastal ranges are more, formidable ,animals than the more southern plains wolves, and resemble Russian and
  43. Would be defeated by the Persians. However, Amasis was later faced with a more, formidable ,enemy with the rise of Persia under Cyrus who ascended to the throne in 559 B.
  44. Commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, a wastage of the musculature. His once, formidable ,bass technique suffered, until he could no longer play the instrument. He
  45. Vice-Admiral François-Paul Areas D'Dalliers, believed established a, formidable ,defensive position. When Nelson's fleet arrived off Egypt on 1 August and
  46. State. Fourth Crusade Soon Alexios was threatened by a new and yet more, formidable ,danger. In 1202,soldiers assembled at Venice launched the Fourth Crusade.
  47. With the greatest skill, a vivid activity which made him for long the most, formidable ,opponent of Napoleon. On the battlefield, it is probably fair to say, Charles
  48. Their sheathsand the soft" velvety" paw becomes suddenly converted into a, formidable ,weapon. The habitual retraction of the claws preserves their points from wear.
  49. 3 −5 =16),in favor of Kasparov. Rivalry with Kasparov Karol remained a, formidable ,opponent (and the world #2) until the early 1990s. He fought Kasparov in
  50. Up in the battles of Shakespeare's earlier play, Henry VI, Part 3,as a ", formidable ,swordsman and a courageous military leader"—in contrast to the dastardly means

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