Examples of the the word, alcoholism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alcoholism ), is the 9465 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Times since then. The American Medical Association currently uses the word, alcoholism ,to refer to a particular chronic primary disease. Signs and symptoms Long-term
  2. Of the social stigma associated with the disease that causes people with, alcoholism ,to avoid diagnosis and treatment for fear of shame or social consequences. A
  3. Novels. In seeking to present the truth in literature,Anne's depiction of, alcoholism ,and debauchery were profoundly disturbing to nineteenth century readers. Helen
  4. Alcoholism. Native Americans however, have a significantly higher rate of, alcoholism ,than average; it is unclear why this is the case. Other risk factors such as
  5. Separate heart ailments or combinations of them. It is something like that with, alcoholism , Therefore, we did not wish to get in wrong with the medical profession by
  6. And Native Americans with this allele have a reduced risk of developing, alcoholism , Native Americans however, have a significantly higher rate of alcoholism than
  7. Genes that influence the metabolism of alcohol also influence the risk of, alcoholism , and may be indicated by a family history of alcoholism . One paper has found
  8. To those showing a particular natural history. The modern medical definition of, alcoholism ,has been revised numerous times since then. The American Medical Association
  9. Effects e.g. trauma have been proposed to explain the higher rates of, alcoholism ,among Native Americans compared to alcoholism levels in Caucasians.
  10. AA is regarded as a proponent and popularizer of the disease theory of, alcoholism , The American Psychiatric Association has recommended sustained treatment in
  11. Days of Wine and Roses – a 1962 film about a married couple struggling with, alcoholism , Jack Lemmon's character attends an AA meeting in the film. *The Morning After
  12. Then not,AA's membership has helped popularize the disease concept of, alcoholism , though AA officially has had no part in the development of such postulates
  13. Inherent in the term, there have been attempts to define how the word ", alcoholism ," should be interpreted when encountered. In 1992,it was defined by the CADD
  14. The term" alcoholism " is commonly used, but poorly defined. The WHO calls, alcoholism ," a term of long-standing use and variable meaning ", and use of the term was
  15. Of behavioral change for AA, it is not the only method used. Disease concept of, alcoholism ,More informally than not,AA's membership has helped popularize the disease
  16. Of genetic and environmental factors influences the risk of the development of, alcoholism , Genes that influence the metabolism of alcohol also influence the risk of
  17. Mental control ". Jellinek's definition restricted the use of the word ", alcoholism ," to those showing a particular natural history. The modern medical definition
  18. Why AA had refrained from using the term" disease ": We AA's have never called, alcoholism ,a disease because, technically speaking, it is not a disease entity. For
  19. Of long-term alcohol misuse. The co-occurrence of major depressive disorder and, alcoholism ,is well documented. Among those with comorbid occurrences, a distinction is
  20. More rapidly than do men. Additionally, women have a higher mortality rate from, alcoholism ,than men. Psychiatric Long-term misuse of alcohol can cause a wide range of
  21. Bill W., co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA),said:: We have never called, alcoholism ,a disease because, technically speaking, it is not a disease entity. For
  22. For fear of shame or social consequences. A common method for diagnosing, alcoholism ,is evaluating responses to a group of standardized questions. These can be used
  23. Question of plagiarism. In 1909,Plaster and Rose divorced, largely due to her, alcoholism , She was subsequently admitted to an asylum suffering from alcoholic dementia.
  24. For" alcoholism " since 1999,and references the 1992 definition. AA describes, alcoholism ,as an illness that involves a physical allergy (where" allergy" has a
  25. Studies unequivocally demonstrated the effectiveness of AA" in treating, alcoholism , based on a meta-analysis of the results of eight trials involving a total of
  26. a million people with alcoholism worldwide. The biological mechanisms that cause, alcoholism ,are not well understood. Social environment, stress,mental health, family
  27. Had died of typhoid in Rangoon and that his wife had begun suffering from, alcoholism , Heartbroken, his health began to suffer, and he underwent a series of surgical
  28. Far safer term for us to use. In professional and research contexts, the term ", alcoholism ," sometimes encompasses both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. And
  29. In February 1908,Crowley was reunited with his wife as she had overcome her, alcoholism , and together the couple travelled to Eastbound for a holiday. Rose however
  30. Of official positions, from AA's inception most members have believed, alcoholism ,to be a disease. Wilson explained in 1960 why AA had refrained from using the
  31. As tolerance and physical dependence. These changes maintain the person with, alcoholism ,'s compulsive inability to stop drinking and result in alcohol withdrawal
  32. Is considered equivalent to alcohol dependence. Talbot (1989) tells us, alcoholism ,in the classical disease model will follow a progressive course: if a person
  33. The risk of alcohol dependence. Individuals who have a genetic disposition to, alcoholism ,are also more likely to begin drinking at an earlier age than average. Also, a
  34. More than 600 ml of alcohol per day during a heavy drinking period. The term ", alcoholism ," is commonly used, but poorly defined. The WHO calls alcoholism " a term of
  35. To explain the higher rates of alcoholism among Native Americans compared to, alcoholism ,levels in Caucasians. Pathophysiology Alcohol's primary effect is the increase
  36. And result in alcohol withdrawal syndrome if the person stops. Identifying, alcoholism ,is difficult because of the social stigma associated with the disease that
  37. Influence the risk of alcoholism , and may be indicated by a family history of, alcoholism , One paper has found that alcohol use at an early age may influence the
  38. In 1909,when doctors stated that Rose required institutionalization for her, alcoholism , Crowley finally decided that it was time to get a divorce, but because he did
  39. Wilson's place less stress on religion and on more on" the science" of treating, alcoholism , Wilson's first success came during a business trip to Akron, Ohio,where he
  40. Heart ailments, or combinations of them. It is something like that with, alcoholism , Therefore, we did not wish to get in wrong with the medical profession by
  41. Of onset of drinking is associated with an increased risk of the development of, alcoholism , A high testosterone concentration during pregnancy may be a risk factor for
  42. Literature categorically stated that" we had the disease of, alcoholism , " Regardless of official positions, from AA's inception most members have
  43. Primary purposes. AA generally avoids discussing the medical nature of, alcoholism , nonetheless AA is regarded as a proponent and popularizer of the disease
  44. We did not wish to get in wrong with the medical profession by pronouncing, alcoholism ,a disease entity. Hence, we have always called it an illness or a malady – a
  45. Program, AA is free of charge. This contrasts with treatments for, alcoholism ,such as inpatient treatment, drug therapy, psychotherapy and cognitive-based
  46. The World Health Organization estimates that there are 140 million people with, alcoholism ,worldwide. The biological mechanisms that cause alcoholism are not well
  47. We did not wish to get in wrong with the medical profession by pronouncing, alcoholism ,a disease entity. Therefore, we always called it an illness, or a malady—a far
  48. Dependence" which have more specific definitions. People suffering from, alcoholism ,are often called" alcoholics ". Many other terms, some of them insulting or
  49. Questions. These can be used to identify harmful drinking patterns, including, alcoholism , After detoxification, other support such as group therapy or self-help groups
  50. Consequences, and distortions in thinking. " Mesh has had an entry for ", alcoholism ," since 1999,and references the 1992 definition. AA describes alcoholism as an

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