Examples of the the word, flux , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flux ), is the 9463 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Region is greater than or equal to the sum of that supplied to \Omega (as a, flux ,or from internal sources) and the change of the internal entropy density due
  2. By the Ordovician. Its subdivisionsand indeed its base, are somewhat in, flux , The period was established by Adam Sedgwick, who named it after Cambria, the
  3. Omega. Let \rho be the density of matter in the region, \bar be the entropy, flux ,at the surface, and r be the entropy source per unit mass. Then the entropy
  4. Bridge tournaments were becoming popular, but the rules were somewhat in, flux , and several organizing bodies were involved in tournament
  5. Interest in this case is the entropy. Thus, we assume that there is an entropy, flux , an entropy source, and an internal entropy density per unit mass (\eta) in
  6. Germany, other parts of Europe, and North America. However, the migration, flux ,is slowly decreasing, as more and more opportunities are emerging in Albania
  7. Intensity Iv (in candelas) in a well-defined cone, the total luminous, flux ,UV in lumens is given by: UV = Iv ⋅ 2π ⋅ (1 - cos (A/2) ), where A is the
  8. F): m_= -2.5 \log_ \left (\franc \right)\, where F_x\! \, is the observed, flux ,in the band x, and F_x^0 is a reference flux in the same band x, such as the
  9. Like any other taxonomy based on phylogenetic research is in a state of, flux , Recent morphological and molecular data has shown that several of these
  10. Of the 1905 Revolution (1903–1905) The two factions were in a state of, flux ,in 1903–1904 with many members changing sides. The founder of Russian Marxism
  11. Like in the balance laws in the previous section, we assume that there is a, flux ,of a quantity, a source of the quantity, and an internal density of the
  12. The candela is the preferred nomenclature for the SI unit. Luminance Luminous, flux ,Illuminance Radiation - source activity Please note that although becquerel (
  13. To differentiate from black bear scat, as diet is in a constant state of, flux ,depending on the availability of seasonal food items. If a bear is killed near
  14. As soon as they were complete, and that naval tactics were in a state of, flux , Many ironclads were built to make use of the ram or the torpedo, which a
  15. Atomic number greater than 96). These facilities have similar power and, flux ,levels, and are expected to have comparable production capacities for
  16. Set up equipment that took measurements of the Moon's basicity, solar wind, flux ,and magnetic field, and relayed the measurements to Earth. The instruments were
  17. Plutonium-239 is further irradiated by a source that has a high neutron, flux , several times higher than a conventional nuclear reactor, such as the
  18. Reactor technology In 1951 he invented and tested the first explosively pumped, flux ,compression generators, compressing magnetic fields by explosives. He called
  19. Potential difference Electrical resistance Capacitance Magnetic flux Magnetic, flux ,density Inductance Temperature Information entropy Often, information entropy
  20. Of a hydrogen bomb. Instantaneous exposure of uranium-238 to a large neutron, flux ,resulting from the explosion produced heavy isotopes of uranium, including
  21. Other clearing houses employ automation equipment that relies on the magnetic, flux ,from these specially printed characters to function properly. Modern print
  22. Are thus static descriptions—snapshots, perhaps—of an illness in continual, flux , with a great diversity of symptoms and varying degrees of severity.
  23. Some common lamps. If the source emits light uniformly in all directions,the, flux ,can be found by multiplying the intensity by 4π: a uniform 1 candela source
  24. Tendency for the particles to migrate to regions of lower concentration. The, flux ,is given by Fick's law, : J=-D\franc, where J=\rho v. Introducing the formula
  25. Cost out of our current energy" budget" ( essentially, the net incoming solar, flux ,), had cost nature" over a million dollars" per U. S. gallon (US$300,000 per
  26. Int_ \bar~\text + \int_ \rho~r~\text. The scalar entropy, flux ,can be related to the vector flux at the surface by the relation \bar =
  27. Cantones),which handle local affairs, although the status of cantons is in, flux ,following their exclusion from the 2009 Constitution. Indigenous territories
  28. The relative importance of different pathways and regulatory networks to carbon, flux ,in particular environments and for particular compounds, and they will certainly
  29. In part because classification systems for many types of animals were in, flux ,at the time. He resumed the work in earnest in 1874 after the publication of a
  30. Drew to a close,Lincoln's presidential Reconstruction for the South was in, flux ,; having believed the federal government had limited responsibility to the
  31. Where F_x\! \, is the observed flux in the band x, and F_x^0 is a reference, flux ,in the same band x, such as the Vega star's for example. See Allen et al. 1982
  32. Rebuilding the foundations of algebraic geometry, which were then in a state of, flux ,and under discussion in Claude Chevalley's seminar; he outlined his program
  33. With photographs by Moreish. It depicts the Chinese society in the state of, flux ,which followed the end of the Cultural Revolution. Miller discusses the
  34. HAIR) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, USA. The higher, flux ,promotes fusion reactions involving not one but several neutrons, converting
  35. Instead in a process where 239Pu captures four neutrons under high neutron, flux ,:: \math rm Metal generation Most synthesis routines yield a mixture of different
  36. SI photometric light units Relationship between luminous intensity and luminous, flux ,If a source emits a known luminous intensity Iv (in candelas) in a
  37. These nuclides vary slightly with short-term variations in solar cosmic ray, flux , but is considered practically constant over long scales of thousands to
  38. Synthesis process was that of Carroll Chatham. The other large producer of, flux ,emeralds was Pierre Gílson Sr., which has been on the market since 1964. Gílson
  39. Pm),which gives the technique its elemental selectivity. The radiation, flux ,without a sample and with a sample in the atomizer is measured using a detector
  40. That is narrower than that of the absorbing transition; and # The incident, flux ,must not influence the atoms or molecules; it should only act as a non-invasive
  41. Sea waters, Si levels were also significantly reduced, due to a decrease in the, flux ,of Si associated with advection across isopycnal surfaces. This phenomenon
  42. Permanent magnets in magnetic pickups produce small variations in the magnetic, flux ,threading the coils of the pickups. This in turn produces small electrical
  43. Dot is the material time derivative of e, \math bf (\math bf, t ) is the heat, flux ,vector, and s (\math bf, t ) is an energy source per unit mass. With respect to
  44. Are not monophyletic. As a result vertebrate classification is in a state of, flux , Definition Chordates form a phylum of creatures that are based on a bilateral
  45. To termination of inflation. Inflation and string cosmology The discovery of, flux ,compactifications have opened the way for reconciling inflation and string
  46. Force, electric potential difference Electrical resistance Capacitance Magnetic, flux ,Magnetic flux density Inductance Temperature Information entropy Often
  47. Solar wind during periods of high solar magnetic activity in turn decreases the, flux ,of galactic cosmic rays that reach the Earth. Nuclear explosions also form 10Be
  48. Sodium tetra borate dehydrate (Na2B4O7•10 H2O) *Sodium borates are used as a, flux ,for soldering silver and gold and with ammonium chloride for welding ferrous
  49. At a temperature of about 1000 °C, when the mineral cryolite is added as a, flux , Next, this molten substance can yield metallic aluminum by passing an
  50. Italy in the 13th century. Agricola, around 1600,reports the use of borax as a, flux ,in metallurgy. In 1777,boric acid was recognized in the hot springs (coffin

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