Examples of the the word, foe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( foe ), is the 9467 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is no longer from intolerance, but from Atheism; a foul, unnatural vice, foe ,to all the dignity and consolation of mankind; which seems in France, for a
  2. Facilitated the transfer of troops across his front far more easily than his, foe , a tactical advantage that would grow in importance as the events of the
  3. Whole, Landis conducted the trial with restraint, despite his reputation as a, foe ,of all radical groups. " Lands dismissed charges against an elderly defendant
  4. His leadership responsibilities of the united teams. In a battle with his old, foe , the Shadow King, in the" Muir Island Saga ",Xavier's spine is shattered
  5. To win. Never will I fail my country's trust. Always I fight on: through the, foe , to the objective, to triumph over all. If necessary, I fight to my death.
  6. Be used to great effect. Let us say a gunslinger from the Old West is facing a, foe ,; he can use the Combat Reflexes ability to react before his enemy, the
  7. Speak at the same moment, each naming the other" GED ". So GED embraces his, foe ,and the two become one. By doing this he has accepted his own 'shadow side' and
  8. Piecemeal. After using this infantry force by itself at Tours, he studied the, foe ,'s forces and further adapted to them, initially using stirrups and saddles
  9. Strains then let us sing: Advance Australia fair.; Verse 4: Should foreign, foe ,e'er sight our coast, : Or dare a foot to land, : We'll rouse to arms like sires
  10. Force overextending its supply lines, and can be defeated by a determined, foe ,who is willing and able to sacrifice territory for time in which to regroup and
  11. And position of things about him - hinders him from distinguishing friend from, foe ,- and gives him up to the impulse of his own distempered fancy. The phrase "
  12. And acting on strengths and weaknesses of both a manager's organization and a, foe ,'s. Machiavelli recommended that leaders use fear—but not hatred—to maintain
  13. Broke ranks to loot the abandoned French wagons instead of pursuing the beaten, foe , This gross abandonment of discipline caused an enraged Wellington to write in
  14. Specific reference to mutilation of a corpse, or a humiliation of a defeated, foe , or irreverent" outrageous treatment" in general. It often resulted in fatal
  15. Number of points per six-sided-die (or" d6" ) of damage inflicted upon a, foe , Powers can have both advantages and limitations. Both are modifiers applied at
  16. And his ability to inspire his men to excel in battle against a dangerous, foe , After a brief terror-raid into Ottoman held Bosnia, culminating in the sack of
  17. The first appearance of both Judge Death, perhaps the Mega-Cities' deadliest, foe , and Psi-Judge Anderson. ) *The Judge Child (frogs 156–181; epilogue in 182)
  18. He used ground, time,place, and fierce loyalty of his troops to offset his, foe ,'s superior weaponry and tactics; third, he adapted, again and again, to the
  19. The dexterity of their forepaws is used in both punching and grappling with the, foe , but the real danger lies in a serious kick with the hind-leg. The sharpened
  20. June that a bad peace would be better than being 'ruined equally by friend and, foe ,'. With Austrian finances exhausted and the German states reluctant to continue
  21. Hackman's Author appears to view Superman as a respectable and challenging, foe ,rather than a subject of intense hatred. Author, as portrayed by Hickman, is
  22. Help from President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the U. S., another implacable, foe ,of Hitler. Hitler's emphasis on maintaining high living standards postponed
  23. Will ever trouble the islanders. Then, with no idea how to deal with his other, foe , GED tries to return to the safety of Role, but the magical, protective
  24. Down the Joker, who has become obsessed with Vicki, and soon realizes that his, foe ,is the very mugger who murdered his parents. Meanwhile,Bruce's butler and
  25. Together and proved quite capable of dealing with the massive armies of their, foe , By the fourth century BC Persia had fallen into decline. The campaigns of
  26. As his panegyric declared:" It is a stupid clemency that spares the conquered, foe , " Mauritius' rebellion Following Galleries' recognition of Constantine as
  27. Mounted, tactical electronic-warfare system, identification,friend or, foe ,(IFF) system, electronic countermeasures suite and a central digital computer
  28. His racial prejudice during 25 years in office" and" remained a steadfast, foe ,of integration ". Negro League historian John Holiday termed Lands" the
  29. King Louis XIV to make peace, but the plan had been thwarted by both friend and, foe ,alike. The reluctance of his Dutch allies to see their frontiers denuded of
  30. We are talking about an earthquake, a submarine using sonar to locate its, foe , or a band playing in a rock concert. The central stage in the acoustical
  31. Cleveland except Democrat John P. Alt geld of Illinois, who became his bitter, foe ,in 1896. Leading newspapers of both parties applauded Cleveland's actions, but
  32. By microtonal enzymes, which include the cytochrome P450 enzymes. An enemy or, foe ,is a being that is seen as forcefully adverse or threatening. The term is
  33. And control was shelved indefinitely. President John F. Kennedy, an ardent, foe ,of nuclear proliferation, considered sales of such weapons moot since" in the
  34. And relations with his British commanders had become strained. Like his, foe ,Rommel (and his predecessor Cavell and successor Montgomery),Auchinleck was
  35. Medea had previously warned Jason of this and told him how to defeat this, foe , Before they attacked him, he threw a rock into the crowd. Unable to discover
  36. Specific reference to mutilation of a corpse, or a humiliation of a defeated, foe , or irreverent," outrageous treatment ", in general. The meaning was
  37. In 1120,the young prince took the side of the archbishop of Bragg, a political, foe ,of Teresa, and both were exiled by her orders. In 1122 Alfonso became fourteen
  38. Series Crisis on Infinite Earths, Luthor allies himself with fellow Superman, foe ,Brainier to recruit an army of super villains spanning the DC multiverse
  39. Replacement. Following Waid's run, Dan Jürgen took over and introduced new, foe ,Provide, a failed recipient of the Super Soldier serum prior to the
  40. According to Moorish accounts: Andalusian Knights found El Cid their, foe ,ill, thirsty and exiled from the court of Alfonso, he was presented before the
  41. One theory is that Novak mistook Author for the Ultra-Humanite, a frequent, foe ,of Superman who, in his Golden Age incarnation, resembled a balding, elderly
  42. Caught the French in a tactical vice. The battle proved decisive. With their, foe ,broken and routed, the Allies were able to fully exploit their victory. Town
  43. Adapted to them, initially using stirrups and saddles recovered from the, foe ,'s dead horses, and armor from the dead horsemen. The defeats Martel inflicted
  44. Is a separate character from Arthur, or Sartorius, who appears much later than a, foe ,of Cedric. In Stephen R. Lawhead's Pen dragon Cycle, Aurelianus (most often
  45. That Charles attached more value to ground than to the annihilation of the, foe , In his tactical writings the same spirit is conspicuous. His reserve in battle
  46. Disguising as civilians to cause enemy troops to fail in telling friend from, foe , However, this is a not primary feature of a guerrilla war. This type of war
  47. And their pride.: The judgement is the Lord's.: When by falsification: The, foe ,makes accusation, : It's His to make awards. Expulsions Expulsion of Jews from
  48. Commander par excellence, able in the heat of battle to adapt his plans to his, foe ,'s forces and movement — and amazingly, to defeat them repeatedly, especially
  49. Savage animal that feared no other animal and in prime condition could best any, foe , The rutting, or mating, season lasts from June through
  50. Fight on for CSU Fight for the Blue and Gold! We're our to beat the, foe ,; Fight on brave and bold! Fight on for victory,Don't stop until we're

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