Examples of the the word, persuasion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persuasion ), is the 8467 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The capital were Mexico City and Querétaro. However, due in large part to the, persuasion ,of representative Servant Teresa de Mier, Mexico City was chosen because it
  2. Numerous Church of England parishes, primarily affecting those of evangelical, persuasion , These churches now adopt a contemporary worship form of service, with minimal
  3. Procedure" deprogramming. " * Deprogramming is essentially a content-oriented, persuasion ,approach that sometimes involves abduction and typically involves forced
  4. Of failure, observing the failure of social models, a lack of social, persuasion ,that they can succeed, and their own somatic and emotional states including
  5. Over the" study of man" took place between those of an" anthropological ", persuasion ,(relying on anthropometric techniques) and those of an" ethnological "
  6. Necessity of government rule based on Shariah law implemented gradually and by, persuasion , and of eliminating all non-Muslim imperialist influence in the Muslim world.
  7. Of public opinion. And while there he was learning the arts of argument and of, persuasion ,that would serve him all his political life. Legal prominence,1837–1843 All
  8. Were" voluntary" ( voluntary does not necessarily mean free from, persuasion ,or exhortation). The Swedish government inquiry found that about 30,000 of the
  9. Turned his attention to analyzing and commenting on numerous examples of, persuasion ,in contemporary popular culture. This followed naturally from his earlier work
  10. Now worldwide, to achieve the abolition of cigarette smoking by education and, persuasion , Under her leadership, the World Health Organization was one of the first major
  11. Relying on anthropometric techniques) and those of an" ethnological ", persuasion ,(looking at cultures and traditions),and these distinctions became part of
  12. Not policy,” and that Islamic law is the desired standard" but we believe in, persuasion , ” There are also cases where aid to Gains is blocked by Israel such as the
  13. In the Communion, these international bodies are a vehicle for consultation and, persuasion , In recent years, persuasion has tipped over into debates over conformity in
  14. Put forth on the side of my most solemn convictions. However positive anyone's, persuasion ,may be, not only of the faculty but of the pernicious consequences, but (to
  15. To English ideas and on English principles. The people are Protestants ... a, persuasion ,not only favorable to liberty, but built upon it .... My hold of the colonies
  16. Literature includes: the work of social impact theory, which discusses, persuasion ,in part through the number of persons engaging in influence; as well as studies
  17. Wash brain" ) was originally used to describe methodologies of coercive, persuasion ,used under the Maoist regime in China, which aimed to transform individuals
  18. Of Peripatetic Philosophy. He completed these studies about 1649,where at the, persuasion ,of his mother Frances Natalie he began to study physics. When his parents and
  19. Repository. Alternatives Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive, persuasion , mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which
  20. To divine providence or just luck - was left with one other man .... he used, persuasion , they made a pact, and both remained alive. " Other unique passages in the Old
  21. Male) likely to adopt the usage. This group was also younger, of more radical, persuasion , and less connected to a Mexican cultural heritage. In his essay" Chicano "
  22. Hurt by someone whom the victim loves or respects. Another example is coercive, persuasion , Government agencies may use highly intimidating methods during investigations
  23. State security was managed through the use of a mixture of force and political, persuasion , Lieutenant Colonel Maung drew up defense doctrine based on conventional
  24. Wesleyan thought. The holiness revival was primarily among people of Methodist, persuasion , who felt that the church had once again become apathetic, losing the Wesleyan
  25. The same time, many environmentalists have been turning toward other means of, persuasion , such as working with business, community,and other partners to promote
  26. Submission. Eventually persistent opponents of the regime, many of the leftist, persuasion , were subjected to long staged trials and harsh sentences, or detained in camps
  27. Of the philosophy of mathematics, and many theories of artificial intelligence, persuasion ,and coercion. It has made its presence firmly known in the philosophy of
  28. Josefa kept his faith even in the face of his father's anger and, persuasion , Eventually Banner converted, turned over his throne to Josefa, and retired
  29. Of the Muslim faith in the first centuries of the Islamic rule was mainly by, persuasion ,and inducement. Many Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians converted to Islam
  30. Bodies are a vehicle for consultation and persuasion . In recent years, persuasion ,has tipped over into debates over conformity in certain areas of doctrine
  31. Influence others within an organization. These common tactics include: rational, persuasion , inspirational appeal, consultation,ingratiation, exchange,personal appeal
  32. Highly centralized, however,so the two archbishops can often lead only through, persuasion , The Archbishop of Canterbury plays a central part in national ceremonies such
  33. Not policy,” and that Islamic law is the desired standard" but we believe in, persuasion , ” In the West Bank In 2005,the human rights organization Free muse released a
  34. Is concerned with combatting the devil and in the attempt to escape his, persuasion ,to evil. This type of Jihad was regarded as the greater jihad (jihad
  35. As mission agencies and educational institutions than do those of independent, persuasion , However, they adhere to a very similar ecclesiology, refusing to permit
  36. To be cults, such as mind control, brainwashing,thought reform, or coercive, persuasion , They describe it as a last resort for families who feel that their loved ones
  37. Only ones that formed were social hierarchies. People acquired power through, persuasion , exerted both publicly and privately, public debate, force of will (often via
  38. A person can about what he or she sees, fortified by insight and an" honest, persuasion ," that with personal struggle, things could be improved. A human being observes
  39. For the betterment of the league. His efforts in mediation, negotiation, persuasion , marketing, and leadership assisted in football's rise to become the most
  40. As a turning point in missionary history, when forcible conversion gave way to, persuasion , Bishop of London Exactly when Mellitus and his party arrived in England is
  41. Stafford defected to royal service in 1628 (due in part to Buckingham's, persuasion ,), and had since emerged as the most capable of Charles' ministers. Having
  42. On the relative influence of communicator credibility in different kinds of, persuasion ,; and examinations of the trustworthiness of the speaker. The" custom" view of
  43. BCE Process' commentary on Plato's Republic describes Hermes as the god of, persuasion , Other Neoplatonists viewed Hermes Logos more mystically as origin of a "
  44. And governmental agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of, persuasion , such as a public service announcement (PSA). Modern advertising developed
  45. Enough strength to trust her baby to Many before she disappears. After much, persuasion ,by the sloth, they decide to return Roshan (nicknamed" Pinky" ) but when
  46. Earlier work as both dialectic and rhetoric in the classical trivium aimed at, persuasion , At this point his focus shifted dramatically, turning inward to study the
  47. To denote these elements and intentions. Further, some writers of the latter, persuasion ,introduce terms with more concrete connotations, like " relational structure "
  48. Which is used to describe OCS that are done under the influence of coercive, persuasion ,or peer pressure rather than out of good will. This theory stems from debates
  49. From this insight. Dominic's desire of winning the Albigensian's over by, persuasion ,did not succeed, and the population of Alba was devastated in the Albigensian
  50. Theory, representation theory, imagined community, public sphere, theories of, persuasion , attention, and control, etc. Most production and journalism courses

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