Examples of the the word, flying , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flying ), is the 8468 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He was actually the victim of the first skyjacking in December 1929. He was, flying ,a postal route for the Mexican company Transported Areas Transcontinentales
  2. Hijack took place on February 21, 1931,in Arequipa, Peru. Byron Richards, flying ,a Ford Trimotor, was approached on the ground by armed revolutionaries. He
  3. John Ashcroft. Ted Olson asked her location and she reported the plane was, flying ,over a residential area. He then informed her of the attacks on the World Trade
  4. And Slaves had two young children and Fatso, who was also afraid of, flying , was very reluctant to leave her children for such a long time. ABBA's manager
  5. Need rather than civil airliner development. Military aircraft had become, flying ,sensor platforms, and making large amounts of electronic equipment work
  6. With the name Apollo 1. The design's center depicts a Command/Service Module, flying ,over the southeastern United States with Florida (the launch point) prominent
  7. Tampa, Florida,passing some above Tampa Bay in Janus' Benoit XIV biplane, flying ,boat. Chalk's International Airlines began service between Miami and Bimini in
  8. The soul" ). The main thesis of these tracts is represented in his so-called ", flying ,man" argument, which resonates with what was centuries later entailed by
  9. The smallest towns and villages must rely on scheduled or chartered bush, flying ,services using general aviation aircraft such as the Cessna Caravan, the most
  10. Azores. *2004 – Eighty-nine passengers die after two airliners explode after, flying ,out of Domodedovo International Airport, near Moscow. The explosions are caused
  11. For forward flight. Other methods of lift *A lifting body is the opposite of a, flying ,wing. In this configuration the aircraft body is shaped to produce lift. If
  12. Army Air Corps and Navy submariners. The U. S. Lend-Lease program involved the, flying ,of American warplanes through Canada to Fairbanks and thence Nome; Soviet
  13. Is a letter from Charles Lindbergh. The Apollo 13 crew patch featured three, flying ,horses as Apollo's 'chariot' across space. Given Lovell's Navy background
  14. Case of the rarity of an astronaut who had flown as commander subsequently, flying ,as a non-commander, as Lovell had previously commanded Gemini XII. Backup crew
  15. Is that of the gliding tree frog Rhacophorus nigropalmatus, known as Wallace's, flying ,frog. While he was exploring the archipelago, he refined his thoughts about
  16. The United States Supreme Court in 2005. The defendant argued that as a vessel, flying ,the flag of a foreign nation was exempt from the requirements of the ADA. This
  17. Pressure, and most have withered away. By the 1980s,almost half of the total, flying ,in the world took place in the U. S., and today the domestic industry operates
  18. Thirty-two of them were part of the Apollo program, with the rest not, flying ,until the subsequent Skylab and Apollo-Soyuz programs. Twenty-four of the
  19. Mission insignia The circular patch features stylized red, white and blue birds, flying ,over the Hadley Rifle section of the moon. Immediately behind the birds, a line
  20. Is allowed. Due to the length of these routes and the small number of airlines, flying ,to the islands, fares have traditionally been relatively expensive, although
  21. Relatively little risk, and Young and Duke (who were already undocked, and, flying , LM Orion when the problem occurred) were permitted to land on the Moon. Young
  22. Carbon fiber arrows became popular in the 1990s and are very light, flying ,even faster and flatter than aluminum arrows. Today, arrows made up of
  23. Launched unmanned on AS-208. At the time, NASA was studying the possibility of, flying ,the first Apollo mission as a joint space rendezvous with the final Project
  24. This came about to avoid confusion when dealing with two separate craft, flying ,at the same time. The crew dubbed the lunar module Spider for its buglike
  25. Keeper (d. 1999) *1921 – Lydia Literal, Soviet pilot, one of only two female, flying ,aces (d. 1943) * 1921 – Zdzisław Żygulski, Jr., Polish art historian *1922 –
  26. A box of instrumentation worn on the head during light flash count sequences), flying , on Apollo 16 and 17. Depiction in popular culture Portions of the Apollo 15
  27. Area visible at a distance. The observant visitor will notice green birds, flying ,around amongst the pigeons and sparrows. These are monk parakeets that have
  28. Service in the United States Air Force can exempt this. * At least 1,000 hours, flying ,time as pilot-in-command in jet aircraft. Experience as a test pilot is
  29. The spacecraft to take some photographs of the spent stage and then practiced, flying ,in formation with it. As the crew rotated the spacecraft, they had their first
  30. Nor Commander Conrad immediately recognized it. Lunar module pilot Alan Bean, flying ,in the right seat as the CSM systems engineer, remembered the SHE switch from a
  31. A variable geometry aircraft can change its wing configuration during flight. A, flying ,wing has no fuselage, though it may have small blisters or pods. The opposite
  32. Up development costs. The major change has been the recent boom in consumer, flying , As more people begin to use planes as their primary method of transportation
  33. Creating a smoke trail seconds before smashing into the Pentagon. Flight 77, flying , at crashed into the western side of the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia
  34. Only because they are so under powered — in theory, the airframe is capable of, flying ,much higher. Rotorcraft, or rotary-wing aircraft, use a spinning
  35. 708 on commercial aircraft) and lightning detectors are important for aircraft, flying ,at night or in instrument meteorological conditions, where it is not possible
  36. In Germany Gary fisher Aquila bicycle Organizations * Aquila Airways, a British, flying ,boat operator (1948–1958) * Aquila, Inc., a former electric and gas utility
  37. Gregory, Australian cricketer (b. 1870) *1943 – Lydia Literal, Soviet female, flying ,ace (b. 1921) *1944 – Manuel L. Quezon, First President of the Philippine
  38. Computational model for computer simulation * Air Battle Manager, a rated, flying ,position in the US Air Force * Anti-ballistic missile, missile systems designed
  39. By the player's fire. Once the screen has been cleared of all asteroids and, flying ,saucers, a new set of large asteroids appears. The number of asteroids
  40. This goal through his airline, Pan American World Airways, with a fleet of, flying ,boats that linked Los Angeles to Shanghai and Boston to London. Pan Am and
  41. Controls a spaceship in an asteroid field which is periodically traversed by, flying ,saucers. The object of the game is to shoot and destroy asteroids and saucers
  42. Of its hundred photos of the century. Then, after talking about what they were, flying ,over, Anders said that the crew had a message for all those on Earth. Each man
  43. Flyer loyalty programs and receiving free flights and other benefits from their, flying , New services and higher frequencies meant that business fliers could fly to
  44. Simple designs cannot work when stationary, so the aircraft must be launched to, flying ,speed by some other method. Other variants have also been used, including the
  45. Difficult to hit. Smaller asteroids also score higher points. Periodically,a, flying ,saucer appears on one side of the screen and moves across to the other before
  46. Of Asteroids is to score as many points as possible by destroying asteroids and, flying ,saucers. The player controls a triangular-shaped ship that can rotate left and
  47. Airport in Los Angeles, California. On September 11, 2001,the aircraft, flying ,this route—a Boeing 757-223—was hijacked by five al-Qaeda terrorists and
  48. N't want to see it. " In October 1973,Speer made his first trip to Britain, flying ,to London under an assumed name While in London eight years later to
  49. Kolkata and Chennai. The airport is under control of the Indian Navy. Daytime, flying ,is allowed. Due to the length of these routes and the small number of airlines
  50. Of thousands, with some waiting in line as much as a day before the opening or, flying ,in from other countries for the event. The New York City Fifth Avenue" Cube "

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