Examples of the the word, peach , in a Sentence Context

The word ( peach ), is the 12472 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nun chai, or salt tea, which is pink (known as chine posh rang or, peach ,flower color) and popular with locals; and Yahweh, a tea for festive
  2. Often represents immortality. A Taoist story tells of a tree that produces a, peach ,every three thousand years. The one who eats the fruit receives immortality. *
  3. Green apple, passion fruit, mango,lemon, watermelon,grape, lychee, peach , pineapple, cantaloupe,honeydew, banana,avocado, coconut,kiwi, and jack fruit
  4. Of the game around the 1950s,as manufacturing improved the ball shape. The, peach ,baskets were used until 1906 when they were finally replaced by metal hoops
  5. Players, using an association football ball that was thrown into closed-end, peach ,baskets. Naismith's game spread quickly across the United States and
  6. Steamer. Whereas a hyponym is one of the items included in the generic, such as, peach ,and oak are included in tree, and cruiser and steamer in ship," brother" and
  7. Of various fruits and nuts such as coconuts, chestnuts,horse-chestnuts, and, peach , stones performed much better than wood charcoal. These waste materials were
  8. It was crossed with to produce interesting color variations of white, cream, peach , magenta and nearly red hues. The hybrids were crossed back onto the original
  9. About a crush Ballet used to have on a girl. According to him, she had a, peach ,tree in the front of her yard, and when he finally summoned the courage to go
  10. Stands for a class or group of equally-ranked items such as tree does for, peach ,and oak; or ship for cruiser and steamer. Whereas a hyponym is one of the items
  11. Of peach " that was introduced in 1983 and named in her honor. Lee considered, peach ,to be her favorite color. Bibliography; Autobiography *Peggy Lee, Miss Peggy
  12. And the larch. There is also the yew, the hazel, juniper,walnut, wild, peach , and almond. Growing under the shade of these are several varieties of rose
  13. For attacking a rogue deputy. The remaining Roads work as strikebreakers on a, peach ,orchard where Case is involved in a strike that eventually turns violent. Tom
  14. Alabama red-bellied turtle, Red Hills salamander, camellia,oak-leaf hydrangea, peach , pecan, and blackberry are Alabama's state symbols. Climate and soil The
  15. Of plants have other modifications, the so-called stone fruits (such as the, peach ,) have a hardened fruit layer (the endear) fused to and surrounding the
  16. Seed of this tree. Within the genus Prunes, it is classified with the, peach ,in the subgenus Amygdala, distinguished from the other subgenera by the
  17. 3.05 m) elevated track. In contrast with modern basketball nets, this, peach , basket retained its bottom, and balls had to be retrieved manually after each "
  18. Their parent. Uses Many hundreds of fruits, including fleshy fruits like apple, peach , pear, kiwifruit,watermelon and mango are commercially valuable as human food
  19. And a dessert that could be a pie (sweet potato, chess,shoo fly, pecan,and, peach ,are traditional southern pies),or a cobbler ( peach , blackberry or mixed
  20. Forms the upper layer. These palm trees provide shade for smaller trees like, peach ,trees, which form the middle layer. By growing plants in different layers, the
  21. Hull. Inside the hull is a reticulated hard woody shell (like the outside of a, peach ,pit) called the endear. Inside the shell is the edible seed, commonly called
  22. In the United Kingdom Other * The single seed in the center of a cherry, peach , plum, olive,avocado or other fruit * Core, San Diego, California,a
  23. And was traditionally used in old Argentina for any brandy, but especially, peach ,brandy, caña de Duran. ) A folkloric note about can Nevada: until June 21
  24. Small amounts, in certain seeds and fruit stones, e. g., those of apple, mango, peach , and bitter almonds. In plants, cyanides are usually bound to sugar molecules
  25. A" fruit brandy" or" fruit spirit" or using the name of a fruit, such as ", peach ,brandy ", rather than just generically as" brandy ". If pomade is the raw
  26. To tint parchment a variety of colors including purple, indigo,green, red and, peach , " The Early medieval Codex Argenteuil and Codex Vercellensis, the Stockholm
  27. The plants include the Colorado potato beetle, the potato tuber moth, the green, peach ,aphid (Minus Persian),the potato aphid, beetleafhoppers, thrips, and mites.
  28. Almonds may cause allergy or intolerance. Cross-reactivity is common with, peach ,allergens (lipid transfer proteins) and tree nut allergens. Symptoms range
  29. Many fruits are available in this region, including bananas, tree grapes, and, peach , palms. This region is a lead producer of bananas, cacao beans (to make
  30. Culture *The Peggy Lee Rose is a light pink hybrid tea rose with a" touch of, peach ," that was introduced in 1983 and named in her honor. Lee considered peach to
  31. Animals. In addition, seeds containing amygdala—apple, apricot,bitter almond, peach , plum, cherry,quince, and others—when consumed in sufficient amounts, may
  32. Put amen" is also a botanical term for the stone in a fruit, such as a, peach , The put amen is a round structure located at the base of the forebrain (
  33. Macaque peach (獼猴桃 Pinyin: thou Tao): the most common name * Sunny, peach ,(陽桃 Yang Tao),a name originally referring to the kiwifruit, but often refers
  34. Is from the French, a diminutive of submerge, variant of Albert ‘ a kind of, peach ,’ or from the Spanish Alberio, alverchiga, ‘ an apricot’ ( Minster 1623)
  35. Was the star. New York Times critic Brooks Atkinson said of the play,“ a, peach ,... a roaring Western melodrama ... Humphrey Bogart does the best work of his
  36. A decade, three new flavors, chocolate (discontinued in 1927),cherry and, peach , were added, and the brand was launched in Canada. Celebrity testimonials and
  37. With a clarifying description of the type of brandy production (e.g.,", peach ,brandy "," fruit brandy "," dried fruit brandy ", or " pomade brandy" ), and
  38. Aspirated and aspirated consonants. Take for example, Chinese aspirated ", peach ,". Some systems, like Wade–Giles Tao 道 and t'AO 桃, introduce a special symbol
  39. As kiwifruit, and therefore had many other older names. In Chinese: * Macaque, peach ,(獼猴桃 Pinyin: thou Tao): the most common name * Sunny peach (陽桃 Yang Tao)
  40. Or poorly suited to walled-in gymnasiums, he wrote the basic rules and nailed a, peach ,basket onto a 10-foot (3.05 m) elevated track. In contrast with modern
  41. Protection (a solid tissue of hard scleral cells form the pit wall in a, peach ,and many other fruits). Functions of fibers include provision of load-bearing
  42. The Dodo Tree is valued for its timber. Tambalacoque is analogous to the, peach , Both have a hard endear surrounding the seed, with the endear naturally
  43. Prior to the development of the campus, most of the site was cultivated with, peach ,orchards, market gardens and poultry farms. The university’s first
  44. Shoofly, pecan,and peach are traditional southern pies),or a cobbler (, peach , blackberry or mixed berry are traditional cobblers). Some other foods
  45. Gooseberry, tomato,cranberry) *stone fruit or drupe (plum, cherry, peach , apricot, olive ) An aggregate fruit, or etheric, develops from a single flower
  46. Provides qualitative organic feed. Such substance may be banana, pineapple, peach , or even tomato purée or coconut milk. After the" cooking" of the agar-agar (
  47. Convinces him he did. In the film, his name is Joe. * George – A guard at the, peach ,orchard. He kills Case, and is then killed by Tom. Development Themes The novel
  48. And nuts including pine nuts, dried chestnuts, acorns,jujube, pomegranate, peach , apricot, persimmon and citrus. The meal would be ended with sake. Katakana
  49. Are always bitter as are the kernels from other Prunes species like apricot, peach ,and cherry (to a lesser extent). The bitter almond is slightly broader and
  50. And Iran. They are often available with added flavors (apple, strawberry,and, peach ,). How low-alcohol beer is made Low-alcohol beer starts out as regular

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