Examples of the the word, sporting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sporting ), is the 8262 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Directly supported by Apple). It introduced two completely new graphic modes, sporting ,higher resolutions and a palette of 4,096 colors; however, only 4 (at 640×200
  2. A component of composite materials, as well as limited production consumer and, sporting ,goods such as golf clubs and fishing rods. The fibers can be produced by
  3. Has established a high-profile reputation as a host city of international, sporting ,events. Berlin hosted the 1936 Olympics and was the host city for the 2006 FIFA
  4. Of the song increased greatly following the September 11, 2001 attacks; at some, sporting ,events it was sung in addition to the traditional singing of the national
  5. Before Bosnia and Herzegovina's independence. The most important international, sporting ,event in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina was the hosting of the 14th
  6. Terrain Baku, Lokomotiv Baku, Igtisadchi Baku and Nagliyatchi VC. First class, sporting ,facilities were built for the indoor games, including the Palace of Hand Games
  7. Sent Joan Desi, in Barcelona's metropolitan area. Sports Barcelona has a long, sporting ,tradition and hosted the highly successful 1992 Summer Olympics as well as
  8. A strong culture of attracting crowds to major sporting events. Most large, sporting ,events take place at either JAMI Stadium or the historic Adelaide Oval, home of
  9. Societies to keep the memory of the team alive; it is not uncommon to see, sporting ,goods stores in the St. Louis area stock Browns shirts and hats. The club was
  10. Fair that is now regularly played for Australian victories at international, sporting ,medal ceremonies, and at the openings of major domestic sporting , cultural and
  11. Leader, Vargus Pike. Pike was arrested, and was later released when Ginsberg, sporting ,a black eye, refused to press charges. Relationship to Communism Ginsberg
  12. Energy of electrons in a Cooper pair. Biathlon is a term used to describe any, sporting ,event made up of two disciplines. However, biathlon usually refers specifically
  13. With it in the 1970s). Charles' recording is very commonly played at major, sporting ,and entertainment events, such as the Super Bowl, and WrestleMania; Charles
  14. Where none exist in real-life. This technique is especially used in televised, sporting ,events. Virtual product placement is also possible.;.; Radio advertising: Radio
  15. Named Romania Station. The square often becomes the focus for celebration of, sporting ,victories, as seen after the country's winning of the Euro 2004 and the
  16. Aspect of the Baltimore an accent. The tradition is often carried out at other, sporting ,events, both professional or amateur, and even sometimes at non- sporting events
  17. The Citadel. Today, the fortress is a museum and Monastic is home to several, sporting ,and cultural venues, as well as Barcelona's biggest park and gardens. The city
  18. The Wearable Technologies Show at IPO 2010,the world’s largest trade show for, sporting ,goods. The award includes a cash prize of €5,000 and a Bluetooth Qualification
  19. For the occasion has been completely restored and is now used for cultural and, sporting ,events, such as the Amsterdam Marathon. The city itself played host to the road
  20. International sporting medal ceremonies, and at the openings of major domestic, sporting , cultural and community events, is by Tommy Tycho, an immigrant from Hungary.
  21. Was a professional baseball player, manager and co-founder of A. G. Spalding, sporting ,goods company. Biography Having played baseball throughout his youth, Spalding
  22. Which runs from late July to early August and features musical events, shows, sporting , events and children's events. Aberdeen was a 2005 finalist in the prestigious
  23. In 1896,the city had an approximate population of 123,000 Some of the finest, sporting ,venues in the world were created in the city, all of which were fully ready for
  24. Group of Major League players around the world to promote baseball and Spalding, sporting ,goods. Playing across the western U. S., the tour made stops in Hawaii (
  25. Adelaide. Adelaide has developed a strong culture of attracting crowds to major, sporting ,events. Most large sporting events take place at either JAMI Stadium or the
  26. Stampede, outdoor festivals, professional athletic events, international, sporting , competitions such as the Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games, as well as more
  27. Are known in contemporary times for being awarded to the second-runner up in, sporting ,competitions and other events. The later usage was in part attributed to the
  28. In addition to some national programming such as AM, PM,The World Today, sporting ,events and Nightlife. ABC Radio National broadcasts more than 60 special
  29. Completed in 1924. *Rapids Parish Coliseum – a multipurpose arena used for, sporting ,events, conventions,and other events Military Louisiana National Guard
  30. Angling and carrot. The Bangladesh Sports Control Board regulates 29 different, sporting ,federations. Barbados (or) is an island country in the Lesser Antilles. It is
  31. Of sports conditioning, changes in the marketing and television broadcasting of, sporting ,events, and the push by brand-name products for greater visibility. These
  32. Boosted by the sale of Alberto Aquila; 22 million as a group) despite, sporting ,success (the second in 2009–10 Serie A). Moreover, despite a positive equity
  33. Arsenal founded a community scheme," Arsenal in the Community ", which offered, sporting , social inclusion, educational and charitable projects. The club support a
  34. Saints. In 1997 the Ravens opted for a more classic NFL look with white pants, sporting ,stripes in purple and black. The white pants were worn with both home and road
  35. Planetaria in the world. Sports Athens has a long tradition in sports and, sporting ,events, being home of the most important clubs in Greek sports and having a
  36. Olympics; neither has ever succeeded in its candidature. Other sports Other, sporting ,events in Andalusia include surfing, kitesurfing and windsurfing competitions
  37. To its roots. The racetrack is the perfect place to demonstrate the impressive, sporting ,characteristics of our vehicles against our core competitors in a high-powered
  38. High-Speed part of the specification is not mandatory, and hence only devices, sporting ,the" +HS" will actually support the Bluetooth over 802.11 high-speed data
  39. Associations around the country. Meanwhile, Spalding and his brother began a, sporting ,goods store in Chicago. In 1877,Spalding began to use a glove to protect his
  40. He improvised on this observation and added thrill by sowing the idea of a, sporting ,event in the difficult terrain of western highways, which were then poorly
  41. An 18-hole golf course, and several tennis courts. The following major, sporting ,events have been held in Algiers (not-exhaustive list): Football clubs
  42. Rating, age,and gender. Action-packed and thrilling, this most interesting, sporting ,event allows for the participation of tourists and visitors alike from all over
  43. As well as 4680 cc and 5720 cc models. These cars were successful even in, sporting ,events. The first six cylinder model,4655 cc appeared in 1924. August Porch
  44. Aim to solve Algiers current housing shortage. Sports Algiers is the largest, sporting ,center of Algeria. The city has a number of professional clubs in the variety
  45. Lose his hair in the early 1960s and for a while refused to go bald gracefully, sporting ,a style of stranded, isolated hairs which would often flop around when he was
  46. Stars during the NAP BBP years: pitcher Al Spalding (founder of Spalding, sporting ,goods) and second baseman Ross Barnes. Led by the Wright brothers, Barnes,and
  47. Titles. Among the sports facilities within the city, there is an enormous, sporting ,complex – Complex of OCO – Mohamed Boudin. This includes the State 5 Bullet
  48. Championship eight times. Brazil has hosted several high-profile international, sporting ,events, including UFC 134,the 1950 FIFA World Cup and has been chosen to host
  49. Incorporated where a construction company can use magic to rig up stands at a, sporting ,event and Paul Anderson's Operation Chaos and its sequel Operation Luna, where
  50. Like briefs. Suits less than 1.5 inches wide at the hips are less common for, sporting ,purposes and are most often worn for recreation, fashion,and sun tanning. An

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