Examples of the the word, overthrow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overthrow ), is the 7643 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Power by the PDP and did not support the military coup that resulted in the, overthrow ,of Daoud's government. Westland, one of the founding members of PDP
  2. This was a match to raise money for the rebuilding of Romania following the, overthrow ,of Nicolas Ceausescu in December 1989. The team's logo was that used by the
  3. He established the consistent use of the chemical balance, used oxygen to, overthrow ,the florist theory, and developed a new system of chemical nomenclature
  4. Frag. 129) indicate that the poet, his brothers and Pittances made plans to, overthrow ,him and that Pittances subsequently betrayed them; Antaeus and his brothers fled
  5. Attempts to increase his standing with his father and his eventual quest to, overthrow ,him. Conceived while Atkinson and Curtis were working on Not the Nine O'Clock
  6. Socialist sections of the International, who advocated the revolutionary, overthrow ,of the state and the collectivization of property. At first, the collectivists
  7. Trying to turn the anti-Collor campaign into a wider revolutionary fight to, overthrow ,the regime. Tamar finally granted full powers to his Minister of Economy
  8. He established the consistent use of the chemical balance, used oxygen to, overthrow ,the florist theory, and developed a new system of chemical nomenclature and
  9. To the ambitions and traditions of the newly conquered Persian aristocracy to, overthrow ,the Umayyads. The Abbasid's sought to combine the hegemony of the Arabic tribes
  10. As a matter of fact, a member of the Communist party, nor am I dedicated to the, overthrow ,of the U. S. government or any government by violence. ... I must say that I
  11. Idris Debt dominates the Chadian political system. Following his military, overthrow ,of Dissent Hare in December 1990,Debt won presidential elections in 1996 and
  12. I had been executed in 1649. He viewed the French Revolution as the violent, overthrow ,of a legitimate government. In Reflections, he argues that citizens do not have
  13. Portraying the king's ancestor as a murderer and conspirator in the plot to, overthrow ,a rightful king, as well as the author's desire to flatter a powerful patron.
  14. Abdel-Rahman helped them to take back Zamora (959) and Oviedo (960) and to, overthrow ,Gordon IV. In 950 ABD Brahman received in Córdoba an embassy from count
  15. Soon strained relations with France. On 13 May 1978,Bob Lenard returned to, overthrow ,President Soil and reinstate Abdallah with the support of the French and
  16. As.; Snowball: Napoleon's rival and original head of the farm after Jones ', overthrow , He is mainly based on Leon Trotsky, He wins over most animals and gains their
  17. The Protestantsand was among the princes who banded and plotted together to, overthrow ,Charles V after the issue of the Augsburg Interim in May 1548. For various
  18. SSR *1984 – Members of Cameroon's Republican Guard unsuccessfully attempt to, overthrow ,the government headed by Paul BIA. *1994 – The Rwandan Genocide begins when
  19. Mind take power in Hanoi, Vietnam. *1953 – Cold War: The CIA and MI6 help to, overthrow ,the government of Mohammed Mossad in Iran and reinstate the Shah Mohammad
  20. Decided to respond militarily, and began to prepare its armed forces to, overthrow ,the Taliban regime it believed was harboring al-Qaeda. Before the U. S.
  21. Years later the king died, giving Audion the opportunity to crown himself and, overthrow ,the reigning Lettings. Albion was probably born in the 530s in Antonia, the
  22. And Eritrea had sent a force to support the cities of Ionic in their attempt to, overthrow ,Persian rule. The Athenians and Retrials had succeeded in capturing and
  23. Without bloodshed. Mahmud Shah (first reign,1801-1803) Began Shah's, overthrow ,in 1801 was not the end of civil strife in Afghanistan, but the beginning of
  24. 1998 election, one year after the CPP staged a bloody coup in Phnom Penh to, overthrow ,elected Prime Minister Prince Boredom Ranariddh, president of the FUNCINPEC
  25. S staunch royalism and hence refused to take oaths to any government after the, overthrow ,of Charles X. He was an equally staunch Catholic and a member of the Society of
  26. To power After Messaging was executed in 48 for conspiring with Gains Sirius to, overthrow ,her husband, Claudius considered remarrying for the fourth time. Around this
  27. In organizing a party in a centralized and disciplined fashion that sought to, overthrow ,the Tsar through a mass worker' revolution. They believed and succeeded in
  28. Movement, in which revolutionary groups were dominant. Armed attempts to, overthrow ,the British Raj reached a climax when Subhash Chandra Bose led the Indian
  29. Accomplished, when Heaven raises up Henry VIII of England and his son for their, overthrow , The conception bears a remarkable resemblance to that of Paradise Lost; and it
  30. Video later regretted his choice of successors, but his supporters failed to, overthrow ,BIA in a 1984 coup. BIA won single-candidate elections in 1983 and 1984 when
  31. And the God of the universe (46:9). Cyrus is named as the messiah who will, overthrow ,Babylon and allow the return of Israel (chapter 45:1). The remaining chapters
  32. In 31 on the orders of Tiberius. Tiberius suspected Sedans of plotting to, overthrow ,the emperor. After the death of Agrippina, Tiberius wickedly slandered her
  33. The Persians marked the 5th century BC, but Egypt was never able to permanently, overthrow ,the Persians. Following its annexation by Persia, Egypt was joined with Cyprus
  34. Seemed to want an event similar to the French Revolution to come to America to, overthrow ,the Federalists. When Democratic-Republicans in some states refused to enforce
  35. Before it could start. However, the campaign was made redundant by Burebista's, overthrow ,and death in the same year, after which his GEPAN empire fragmented into 4
  36. Maurice of Saxony, deserted Charles, and joined the league which proposed to, overthrow ,the Emperor by an alliance with King Henry II of France. He took part in the
  37. That among the" natural rights" of man was the right of the people to, overthrow ,their leaders, should those leaders betray the historic rights of Englishmen.
  38. Led by elected judges. When citizens referred to as" king-men" attempted to, overthrow ,a democratically elected government and establish an unrighteous king, the book
  39. Times in history. The Republic of China (ROC),founded in 1912 after the, overthrow ,of the Qing, ruled the Chinese mainland until 1949. In the 1946-1949 phase of
  40. Or expelled from the country. Lukashenko accused Poland of an attempt to, overthrow ,his government by stirring up a peaceful revolution in Belarus comparable to
  41. From the rest of the Islamic Empire, which had been usurped by the Abbasid, overthrow ,of the Umayyads from Damascus in 750. He was also known by appellations
  42. Subjects. However, he " bore prime, perhaps sole, responsibility for his own, overthrow , " After the death of his two sons, Pedro believed that" the imperial regime
  43. A semi-comic-semi-tragic account of the Catiline conspiracy that attempted to, overthrow ,the Roman Republic during the consulship of Cicero. These operas were composed
  44. Adheres to a version of republicanism that includes a belief in the eventual, overthrow ,of all titles, including the monarchy. She also briefly suggests that all men
  45. Of them recent immigrants from the U. S. — would welcome the chance to, overthrow ,their British rulers. However, the American invasions were incompetent and were
  46. Ypsilanti's is declared leader of Filing Eternal, a secret organization to, overthrow ,Ottoman rule over Greece. *1831 – Soldiers marching on the Brought on Suspension
  47. Scroll 4Q390 was written by an adversary of Antaeus seeking popular support to, overthrow ,the Tasmanian King. The author called for an end to the dispute between
  48. Rebellions. The Brazilian military has also four times intervened militarily to, overthrow ,the Brazilian government. It has built a tradition of participating in UN
  49. A distinguished and wealthy citizen. He was twice banished for attempting to, overthrow ,the oligarchical party in Syracuse. In 317 BC he returned with an army of
  50. Shakers and some types of nationalists. Marxists have advocated a revolutionary, overthrow ,of capitalism that would lead to socialism, before eventually transforming into

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